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Getting iT Published

Rollo Kim, on location
12:39 / 26.09.01
Jeeeesus... the more I read about publishers, and the more I visit their shitty websites, and the more I think about it, and the more I write, I become less and less enthused about the idea of trying to get my writing published.

But it's all I've ever wanted. I work hard at it. All the time. But they put me off the idea of writing at all. These people just seem like complete bastards who don't eve like writers and don't actually want you to send work. They don't want anything that hasn't already bee done [better]. Same with the fuggin agents. Exactly the same.

What's a guy to do?
14:22 / 26.09.01
Ever go to a class where the first day, the professor was a total hardass, bastarding headfucker, but by the second class, half the students had dropped out and the rest of the semester was really pretty cool?
Rollo Kim, on location
16:49 / 26.09.01
17:34 / 26.09.01
On the other hand I've had classes where the professor *stayed* a total hardass bastarding headfucker through the rest of the semester.

Talking too much today... terribly bored at my job. (I'm a technical writer.)

It used to be a major goal of mine to have a novel published by one of the big houses. Had an agent and everything. Got a walloping case of writer's block that you had to have been there to believe.

So I gave that up. Stopped writing cold for a few years. I got into producing theater & now I'm into that punk do-it-yourself ethic. I like the direct artist-audience connection. And I actually started writing my own work again.

Of course I can't quit my day job in the foreseeable future. My revolutionary idea seems to be that my tiny gift of writing isn't for making money, let alone a living. It's just for me to enjoy.

Not saying that this applies to everyone or anyone else, necessarily.

P.S. Rollo, I really liked your article Old is the new young.
Rollo Kim, on location
09:40 / 27.09.01
Cheers! Writing is the only thing I'm capable of doing. But I can't compromise. I can't deal with sardonic media types. I can't kiss arse. Well, not fakers anyway.

I'm steadily putting stuff on me homeypage but it doesn't feel like it's enough - it's too easy whe you don't need anyone's permission and it seems really self-indulgent. I've had a couple of rejections - only recetly started sending work out, but can't find anyone out there into 'newness'...

[ 27-09-2001: Message edited by: Rollo ]
09:40 / 27.09.01
I can't compromise. I can't deal with sardonic media types. I can't kiss arse.

Well, looks like you'll enjoy a life-time of starving artist syndrome, won'tcha?
Rollo Kim, on location
09:40 / 27.09.01
I'm there baby!
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