How do you make a Shepherd's Pie?
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Who was the best Doctor Who?
Your father, amnesic and wandering the pale blue-painted halls of an abandoned hospital. (doctor and who, do you see?)
What is Satan's saving grace?
It is the sound of a thousand kids with guitars.
Where do babies come from?
A volcano
What is jealousy?
A meteor
How do astronauts eat?
They weave gossamer webs of sticky silk between branches and in the corners of rooms to trap flies, which they paralyse, wrap in a silky cocoon and suck the goodness from.
What is the leaning tower of Piza made of?
Holes held together with spit.
When is the best time to split up?
When you get to the start screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start on your controller.
Why can't I sit on your lap? Because it's not mine.
What were Napoleon's last words? "It will fit sideways I'm sure of it."
Why do birds suddenly appear?
Because their faces look the same upside down
What are suitable topics of conversation during tea with the Queen?
Lee Van Cleef, bullshit, the glans, plastic explosives, Thin Lizzy, soil and "Yes, but why are you the Daddy?"
Whatever happened to Gary Numan? Check the tread on your tires. |