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Remarkable Truths Revealed!

Jack Fear
00:35 / 21.09.01
Being Phase 2 of a Surrealist exercise: one from Column A, one from Column B...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What is the nature of Time?
It's based on the principle that if you rotate a funnel fast enough, the molecules inside will get sick.

Should I put it in my mouth?
Well, it's satisfyingly broad, but a bit stubby.

Why does god want to break all his toys, when he's done with them?
Because the Incredible Hulk won't take "nooooo!" for an answer.

How sticky is a stick?
Nobody knows; they were sold to a foreign power before anyone realised what they were.

What is Satan's saving grace?
I think that's his butt.

What is the sexiest chat-up line ever?
History will never be rid of dates.

What do toads taste like?
The souls of dead sailors.

When is Spain?
Before the moon falls.

Trilby or Fedora?
Thurston Moore's bunny hat.

What is the spiritual secret of water?
A green glass bottle on the shore, frosted by time and tide.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now you sing it, modern lovers...

[ 21-09-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
01:58 / 21.09.01
Is there any hope for the future?
Some cats, a parrot and a chimp.

Why is that Clown smiling?
They can smell fear

What would it take to reaffirm your faith in human nature?
A Mexican with a limp.

Why did I say that it is grey when it is green?
It's about optical networks and it's pretty high level geeky, but if you sit down I'll explain

If you eat sherbert, drink cola and jump up and down, what'll happen?
If you don't know, you never will.
rizla mission
01:58 / 21.09.01
What did Ozzy Ozbourne famously piss against in 1976, to the disgust of every patriotic american?

All our hopes and fears.

Would you like a ham shank with your Curly Wurly, Lieutenant?


What are suitable topics of conversation during tea with the Queen?

Copy editing, although I've never seen it happen that way.

Is surrealism really all it's cracked up to be?

Check the tread on your tires.
12:19 / 21.09.01
What is the nature of Time?
It's sort of a cross between rugby and accountancy.

Where does God go on vacation?

By what can Man be justified?
He was gay, mourning the death of his mentor and lover.

Of what do fishes dream?

What is the odour of sex?
It was banned in the 19th century, and the last castrato in the Western World died in 1922.

Why would angels dance on the head of a pin?
Because they couldn't find a needle in a haystack

Why are there so many housing developments being built? Because you didn't finish your homework

Is there any hope for the future?
Only on a friday afternoon.

What really happens in the heart of a black hole?
They're just hungry, and they know you're a soft touch.

Why can't we all just get along?
Because I seem to be the only man who ever washes their hands
after taking a piss.

How can I improve my sex life?
Bicycle clips should be available from your friendly local drugstore.
12:50 / 21.09.01
An exchange recorded earlier today...

What time is love?
Just before the 15th orgasm.

Who do you think you are?
Look it up dear.

Could it be magic?
Not for less than 60 dollars.

Do ya think I'm sexy?
Yes, follow me up this ladder and I'll show you.

Are we not men?
When you have police everything looks queer.
13:26 / 21.09.01
[Guys, this is fun, hurry up and submit something before I do them all! Notice how "Not for less than 60 dollars" fits everything?]

How do I get to Cinncinnati?
I have it on tape.

Who invented stuffed animals?
Ask the Owl

Is this toxic?
Yes, let's hope it cures your acne.

Another vaguely saucy exchange:

Should I put it in my mouth?
Not that way (see below).

Are you comfortable?
That's for me to know and you to find out.

[ 21-09-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
13:58 / 21.09.01
Why am I not surprised that there are far more questions being posted than answers?
I'm not telling.

are there spiders in heaven?

if there were, would it really be heaven?
Because its powerful stuff.

What does Tony Blair keep in the jar on his desk?

The future has been performing better this term. Some assessment tasks were late (better late than never), some unfortunately were never submitted. Could do better. I have spoken with Ms Lobe de Fuller, the form mistress, and we have decided to separate your little one from a couple of bad influences, namely past and present. We expect better results due to this separation, but overall a hopeful outlook.

What does George W Bush walk on a lead round the grounds of the White House?

Six inches below your navel.

What would it take to reaffirm your faith in human nature?
Lee Van Cleef

What happens if you masturbate too much?

What is the worst job in the world?
Hamfisted, glamorous melodrama in serial form, in the comfort of your kitchen/living room/ jacuzzi is more engaging than knitting cardigans and helicopter pilots.

What thing or things would most improve the quality of life?
Not as many as you'd think, reallly
Gypsy Christ
04:09 / 22.09.01
[ i decided to do Ariadne's questions..cuse yah]

How can I be bored when I'm so busy?
becuse you have Radisious of the lower jaw

Should I go to Boston or will my plane get hijacked, my hotel bombed and my passport stolen? yes if you don't mind you passport getting hijacked your plane spamed and your hotel redone by Kathy Lee.

Are you wearing that for a bet?
Yes i am very fond of being the last known relative of Waffle Woman

Do you know how to make mince and potatoes like my nana used to? if i told you i would have to kill you in horrible horrible ways.

Were you wafted in from paradise?
no i kinda ran out of cheese

Why can't people from Hong Kong replicate properly? it's becuse of Godzilla blame him

How many square feet is my flat?
2 dollers and fifteen cents! ..wait.. what was the question again?
What the hell is George Bush on?
what is he not on?

Will there be a 20 pound note inside this packet of crisps? well there was but it's mine now MWHAHAHA fear m and my waffle-ness!

Shouldn't you be doing some work?

*tilts head*
14:13 / 24.09.01
Has anyone seen the little screw from my specs?
Strutting around Ocho Rios in a military-style red beret.

Why on Earth does anyone watch soap operas?
Because their eyes are bigger than their testicles.

Who decides on the wording of electronics manuals?
Ming the Merciless.

Can you really turn lead into gold without fusion-level technology?
Place a blank sheet of paper in an unmarked envelope and post it the wrong way (ie out) through your own letter box. You'll be amazed.

Why do people insist on researching the obvious?
Look it up, dear.
14:30 / 24.09.01
Is this love that I'm feeling?
Chicken pox.

Where have you been?
Check the tread on your tires.

A handbag?
I've never been able to find a bra my size.

What beast is this?
It is the sound of a thousand kids with guitars

Would you like a ham shank with your Curly Wurly, Lieutenant?
15:03 / 24.09.01
[If I remember my history correctly, this really did happen...]

William Shatner

A fart

Behind the Sofa


It's purely hormonal.

Why not?
Smell, usually.

I think that's his butt
12:16 / 25.09.01
Where are my pants?
Sunnydale High

Why is that Clown smiling?
Because cable could cater to local tastes due to it's local nature. Also, it was almost always a better reception, which put it ahead of the broadcast networks so far as popularity.

Why do some republicans appear to bloat up in size and appear to look like some human/deep one hybrid from Innsmouth?
Evaporative cooling on the outside; pV=nRT, evaporation/condensation, and gravity on the inside.

What are you doing to that fish?
Whenever I find things organised, I disorganise them

Why does god want to break all his toys, when he's done with them?
Because I took a bullet for her.

[ 25-09-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:55 / 25.09.01
Why are strangers we meet in dreams, so familiar?

Life is ambiguous, get used to it.

Why would angels dance on the head of a pin?

Because they are greedy corporate scum.

What is the sexiest chat-up line ever?

Sexuality is to feminism what work is to marxism.

How can I improve my sex life?

Go for your life, tiger.

Do you really want to hurt me?

No. And sadly, you will die from the lack of it.

"In 1914, Europe fell over the brim into the smouldering couldren of war" - Lloyd George. Discuss.

Of course. Because you can't make an omlette without busting some ass! Right?

What does George W Bush walk on a lead round the grounds of the White House?


What does Tony Blair keep in the jar on his desk?

All our hopes and fears.

What is favorite subversive organisation still active today?

The Powerpuff Girls.

Who do you think you are?

The future.

By what can Man be justified?

Clea Duvall.
13:18 / 25.09.01
Would it be possible to manufacture a machine with no actual purpose, other than to go "spang" intermittently?

Yes, it was used to assassinate the King of Luxembourg.

And if so, who'd land the contract to build it?

A two-fisted bishop from Hellcat city

What do toads taste like?

A fart

What were the bathing facilities on board Abel Tasman's ships like?

A fart

If you eat sherbert, drink cola and jump up and down, what'll happen?

A fart

Why did I get dumped again?

Because I know exactly what you're doing and I don't like it
14:48 / 25.09.01
[Heh heh, geniuses, both!]

Is the sky falling?
Only if it manages one complete orbit of the Sun beforehand

Does Buddha have freud-nature?
No, it was stolen by amateur gynacologists.

Does Freud have buddha-nature?
I think that's his butt.


If I'm lucky enough to have my life flash before my eyes as I'm dying, will it be interrupted by an advertisment brought to me by some Afterlife conglomerate?
No, it's all done by the BBC. However, you will have to watch a short documentary b-feature called 'Forbidden Love: the Royal Air Force, 1918 - 58' [you cheat! - a reader]

When and how will computers achieve orgasm?
Well, I'll go down to the lab and you can call me and we'll talk.

How do you tell when "your ship has come in"?
Just before the 15th orgasm.

What's the best addiction to have?
The Powerpuff Girls

If there is a Generation X, what are the characteristics of Generation W?
Most went under, consolidated, or were sold to European and Japanese companies.

Which side is the best to be on, when you're giving yourself a good talking to?
That's for you to know, and for you to find out.
21:15 / 25.09.01
how sticky is a stick?


why is the sky green?

Because she sleeps during the day

and the grass blue?

Because he can't see at night

who am you?

I'm not telling.

why not?

Because you're not wearing a tie - smarten yourself up!

if a train leaves a station 30 miles away travelling at 60 miles per hour and passes another train tralling at 75 miles per hour what is the black stuff under my finger nails?

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
12:47 / 26.09.01
Why is Hitler?

Because Rommel was too dangerous.

Why did I get dumped again?

Because if I didn't, I'd end up sleeping with your mother.

what is the sexiest chat-up line ever?

"Because if I don't, I'll die within four days".

[ 26-09-2001: Message edited by: Johnny O'Clock ]
15:51 / 27.09.01
Why are there only eleven Graemlins on Barbelith?
It's about optical networks and it's pretty high level geeky, but if you sit down I'll explain

Why were ten levels enough to explode the mannequin man?
-It is still possible for the disease to be transmitted under these conditions.

Why are strangers we meet in dreams,so familiar?
The souls of dead sailors.

Whats up with 23 and 37?
-Nobody has gotten more than 19 in a season.

Why do dream entities know more about our emotions than we do?
They're just hungry, and they know you're a soft touch.

What is the spiritual secret of water?
Evaporative cooling on the outside; pV=nRT, evaporation/condensation, and gravity on the inside.

Was the Big Bang,really just God exploding?
When enough neurons fire simultaneously, the system overloads and produces empirically erroneous data. This phenomenon is better known as 'love.'
14:08 / 28.09.01
Do you really want to hurt me?
Well, it's satisfyingly broad, but a bit stubby.

Do you really want to make me cry?
It will fit sideways I'm sure of it.

What do cats do all day?

Do they realize they spend their whole lives doing nothing of value?
It certainly beats being skewered on an enormous stalactite of piss

Or are they content in their belief that doing nothing results in a whole lot more good and a whole lot less bad?
Well, you can’t trust politicians.

Or do they not think of such things at all and just follow their basic flight or fight instincts which, when there's nothing around to fight or take flight from, compel them to sit on their backsides all day?
Go see Evan Dando, he'll sort you out.

Is film always a collaborative artform...
No, it hurts too much.

...or can it reasonably be thought of as the work of a single artist?
Mickey Mouse

Is reality always a collaborative artform...
No, it tickled and we fell off from laughing so much.

...or can it reasonably be thought of as the work of a single artist?
Yes, but why are you the Daddy?

What percentage of Christian ministers are honest and genuine in their beliefs?
Nobody knows; they were sold to a foreign power before anyone realised what they were.

What happened on the Mary Celeste?
It got frightened and ran off into the woods where it built a nest in the trees and had sixteen babies, all out of one egg.

Do octopuses have orgasms?
No, your mother wouldn't allow it.

During his visit to China, Richard M. Nixon said; "This is indeed, a great wall". What did he mean by that?
"Alright luv, got any nuts?"

What was Odin's favorite James Bond movie?
"Alright luv, got any nuts?"

What happened to Rick after the end of Casablanca?
A huge great f***-off gorrilla with a bazooka

How many people, in any given 24 hour period, dream about Star Wars?
William Shatner

Can extreme obsession with pop culture damage one's health?
No, though Dolly Parton came close with 'Stand By Your Man'.

"In 1914, Europe fell over the brim into the smouldering couldren of war" - Lloyd George. Discuss.
Because the Flyboy is in Portugal.

Who was responsible for the Great Fire of London?
It was the cat's idea.

Why did the Great Fire of London happen when it did?
Because my alarm didn't go off

Was James Joyce full of shit?
He was best known for his many works of science fiction.

Do you know the way to San Jose?
Behind you

Trevor Brooking
14:38 / 28.09.01
If we add some more, will Jack Fear still include them?
a). bullshit

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
a). Know Thyself, Show Thyself

Who's that girl?
b). James K. Polk.

Am I only dreaming, or is this burning, an eternal flame?
d). All of the above.

Are you sure there's no ketamine in these pills?
c). methyl alcohol

Am I the only one who thought it went off at the end?
c). defenestration

Did anybody get the number of that truck?
e). St. Duggin's Crossing, 1915.
Perfect Tommy
17:50 / 29.09.01
Were you wafted in from paradise?
A fungus found in the folds of old umbrellas.

Who was the fourth patriarch of Ch'an?
Two thousand red ants marching in triangular formation through a silent forest.

When does the nightengale sing?
It's reserved for the end of next week, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The Mayans worshipped it, Sir Francis Drake circled the globe on it, Queen Victoria had it sewn beneath the skin on her arm to calm her nerves, Winston Churchill fought 15 rounds against it in the ring and Lou Reed injected it directly into his chin - what is it?
A coffin full of wizards.

Is there anybody out there?
Orange, and silver, but there are assonances.

Who can it be now?
A sheet of pure white flaming terror.

What is that special magic you do?
I keep mine in a small clay pot with 'moorland Mead' written on it.

Why were ten levels enough to explode the mannequin man?
They were all the subject of an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical.

Why am I not surprised that there are far more questions being posted than answers?
Alan Moore wrote the mini-series apparently, but it never saw the light of day.

How can I be bored when I'm so busy?
Strutting around Ocho Rios in a military-style red beret.

Why can't people from Hong Kong replicate properly?
It is the sound of a thousand kids with guitars.

What did astronauts discover on the dark side of the moon?
Captain James Cook.

Who put the bomp in the bomp-da-bomp-da-bomp?
Chicken pox.

Which way is Mecca?
If you go south towards Te Awamutu and stop in the little shop at Mercer, they have it in there, with cumin seeds
08:16 / 02.10.01
How do you make a Shepherd's Pie?
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Who was the best Doctor Who?
Your father, amnesic and wandering the pale blue-painted halls of an abandoned hospital. (doctor and who, do you see?)

What is Satan's saving grace?
It is the sound of a thousand kids with guitars.

Where do babies come from?
A volcano

What is jealousy?
A meteor

How do astronauts eat?
They weave gossamer webs of sticky silk between branches and in the corners of rooms to trap flies, which they paralyse, wrap in a silky cocoon and suck the goodness from.

What is the leaning tower of Piza made of?
Holes held together with spit.

When is the best time to split up?
When you get to the start screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start on your controller.

Why can't I sit on your lap? Because it's not mine.

What were Napoleon's last words? "It will fit sideways I'm sure of it."

Why do birds suddenly appear?
Because their faces look the same upside down

What are suitable topics of conversation during tea with the Queen?
Lee Van Cleef, bullshit, the glans, plastic explosives, Thin Lizzy, soil and "Yes, but why are you the Daddy?"

Whatever happened to Gary Numan? Check the tread on your tires.
17:10 / 23.10.01
Do you remember the level we came in on?

you have to ride the elevator up to the top and jump on to the bricks and run to the right past the exit to get there

Sir, what will it take to keep you from walking on the grass?

Mostly plywood with a waterproof plastic coating.

Bags and boards?

Yes, or better still, a hair-piece.

What did Ozzy Ozbourne famously piss against in 1976, to the disgust of every patriotic american?

I bought it at Glastonbry and wear it when ever I get a hang over or am tired

What were the bathing facilities on board Abel Tasman's ships like?

Alan Moore wrote the mini-series apparently, but it never saw the light of day.

How do you manage to make him dance and sing?

Garlic seems to help most of the time, although some recommend fennel seeds and a dash of cayenne.

How can I improve my sex life?

Know Thyself, Show Thyself

Of what do fishes dream?

Human beings the size of amoebas!

What were Napoleon's last words?

"All right. That will suffice. Nick-shut ‘em down."

[ 23-10-2001: Message edited by: Gus ]
rizla mission
21:48 / 24.10.01
lord, this is funny.
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