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Remix 2: The 20th Century Remixed

14:49 / 20.09.01
[Go to one of those 'What happened on this day in history' sites, and have at it with the cut and paste... Alternatively, remix this remix]

1903 Argentine president flees asteroid, breaks jumping world record
1904 Army Air Corp sign treaty with worms
1910 Greg Lake 's 7th Symphony premieres with King Crimson
1922 Willie Mays takes Dutch throne with 1 word speech
1928 Mickey Mouse's screen debut ("Japanese Willie")
1939 German army wins PGA golf tournament
1940 Nazi decree forbids Gustav Mahler to become Luftwaffe bomb
1942 Lord Mountbatten erupts
1943 German army wins US Tennis Open
1944 Fanny conquers Kiev
1945 Liberator bombers sink Finland
1947 China's People Republic is named 1947 "Rookie of Year"
1948 Chemical mixing error causes "Mary Tyler Moore" show
1950 Dylan Thomas beats a woman, to become WWF wrestling champ
1954 Pirate discovers Nazi volcano on Golden Gate Bridge
1957 Hurricane Fifi becomes King of Sweden
1958 US performs nuclear test at Disneyland
1959 Nikita Khrushchev is denied access to explosion
1960 King Leopold II discovers underground asteroid
1961 USSR performs at Las Vegas
1962 John Glenn is 1st American to orbit farmer's corn patch in steamboat
1963 Goethe Link Observatory discovers Nevada
1967 Beatles occupy Kasserine pass in Tunisia
1968 French baby begins broadcasting atmospheric radio
1970 Mickey Mouse begins offensive against Belgian troops, 16,000 casualties
1973 9,500 die in US tennis championship
1975 Mickey Mouse sentenced to death in London
1976 Muhammad Ali makes hard landing on the Moon, returns photos, other data
1978 Margaret Thatcher comic strip premieres in newspapers
1981 Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel launched into Earth orbit by B-1 rocket
1982 UN Security Council votes 12-0 (3 abstentions) to dump Michael Jackson
1983 Japan launches Tenma satellite to study British Conservative Party (450/570 km)
1986 Billy Graham sexually harasses Batman & Robin
1992 Mike Tyson arrives in NYC for his 1st US poetry reading tour
1994 British Expeditionary Force reaches France
1995 Goofy buried in Jerusalem, 250,000 attend

[ 20-09-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
15:47 / 20.09.01
[This is probably not in the spirit you had in mind Saveloy, but is the only connection I could make, so . . ]

1992 Mike Tyson in NY - poetry man

Scene: Hammond organ, leslie grind, like whirlpool swirls a reggae "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves". Bunny Boys with stretchers into the cavern seats profer shots of this and that. Hefner babes in royal blue, tanned as olives, breast the ropes, do the watusi slingshot and announcer microphone (hand held on wire string descends) buzzes down as H-grade celebrities, holy women, computer hackers, the flirterati - in the best seats in the converted airplane hanger -wait " Laydees and Gentalmen - for the first time, here tonight, live from his successful tour of East Africa . . .Miiiiiiiiiiiike Tiiiiiiiiissssssssooooooooon."
Lumbering into spotlight, the poet-priest, everlasting shorts, Montegeo sweat bands, steadies before the mic. swings into it like Kerouac trying to seduce a wasp synthesiser:

"I'd like to begin," the audience dims, "with "Gravity Gravy." ". The ront row section 5, the Dallas chapter of the Society for Peyote Cuisine, mumble and swwon - its right up their alley:

: Coming down for air
going up for taste
Flesh and gravel . . .

Tyson is down, knocked out by a bullet, the ref jumps in , starts the count, Tv cameras pull in, wind up, disseminate, upload, whack!

Everyone goes home, tells grandkids about the chocolate hucksters there at the poetry meet. Tyson survives, assasin escapes.

Now turn your textbooks to page 47,832.
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We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:38 / 20.09.01
1900 Death of Charlotte Marx (French national), author of 'Emancipation and Capital'.

1914 Archduke Otto James Tudor Stewart murdered in his capital in London by Bavarian seperatists. Cardinal Wilhelm declares himself the 'Nordid Pope' in Munich.

1915 Grosse Bavarian succession from the Britischer Reich.

1916 Successionist War fought by proxy in Hibernian Syria. Thousands of Turks die on both sides. Little is resolved. Both sides retire fatigued.

1924 Marxist Revolution is begun in Turkey by secularised women.

1925 First Marxian Patriarchal Party wrest control of Turkey in a military coup, claiming 'female consciousness' supercedes gender.

1934 Sergei Eisenstein, a Russian patent clerk, and his wife Nora Joyce-Eisenstein, a molecular physicist, test the Fictive Diffuser. Details classified. Nature of reality destablised. Permanent collapse of inductive reason.

1941 American cricket team beats all comers in first annual global tournament. Pakistan takes second prize, Britischer Reich declares games 'cultural colonialism' and refuses to participate.

1950 First British revolution sponsored by Turkish soft drinks company, mass violence results in death of House of Tudor Stewart, despite last-minute attempt at rescue by Free Bavaria.

1951 Year of mourning ends with execution of Gentelman's Revolutionary Committee.

1965 Death of President for life Abdul Castro-al-Cuba diConstantinople. Collapse of Turko-Patriarchal Empire brings global economic crisis. Return to 'famil values' of Marx' work: women in control in Turkey. Men kept as slave class. Mass immigration of British public school men seeking life of discipline.

1967 Second test of Fictive Diffusion technology results i
rizla mission
07:33 / 24.09.01
I can't find any 'this day in history sites.
08:02 / 24.09.01
1991 the decade of the 1980's is repealed by popular demand.

1992 The Golf war errupts. Nick Faldo drafted in as Comander in chief of allied forces.

1997 Ziare is re-named the D. R. Congo after a coup lead by the nefarious DR. Congo.
08:02 / 24.09.01

Sorry mate, try here:

Just replace the 0919 with whatever day you fancy. It lists birthdays first (huge great list to scroll down) then events etc. Copy and paste the relevant section into wordpad or summat and use cntrl x/cntrl c to rewrite history!
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