1.What do cats do all day?
2.do they realize they spend their whole lives doing nothing of value?
3.or are they content in their belief that doing nothing results in a whole lot more good and a whole lot less bad?
4.or do they not think of such things at all and just follow their basic flight or fight instincts which, when there's nothing around to fight or take flight from, compel them to sit on their backsides all day?
5.Is film always a collaborative artform, or can it reasonably be thought of as the work of a single artist?
6.Ditto, but with reality.
7.What percentage of Christian ministers are honest and genuine in their beliefs?
8. What happened on the Mary Celeste?
9.Do octopuses have orgasms?
10. During his visit to China, Richard M. Nixon said; "This is indeed, a great wall".
What did he mean by that?
11. What was Odin's favorite James Bond movie?
12.What happened to Rick after the end of Casablanca?
13.How many people, in any given 24 hour period, dream about Star Wars?
14.Can extreme obsession with pop culture damage one's health?
15."In 1914, Europe fell over the brim into the smouldering couldren of war" - Lloyd George. Discuss.
16. Who was responsible for the Great Fire of London?
17.Why did the Great Fire of London happen when it did?
18.Was James Joyce full of shit?
19.Do you know the way to San Jose?