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Jack Fear
12:04 / 17.09.01
Being Phase 1 of a Surrealist exercise. At the end of this week, remarkable truths will be revealed.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What is the nature of Time?

Where does God go on vacation?

By what can Man be justified?

Of what do fishes dream?

What is the odour of sex?

[ 17-09-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
13:02 / 17.09.01
Why would angels dance on the head of a pin?

Why are there so many housing developments being built?

Is there any hope for the future?

What really happens in the heart of a black hole?

Why can't we all just get along?

How can I improve my sex life?
Doctor Sax
13:11 / 17.09.01
- What time is love?

- Who do you think you are?

- Could it be magic?

- Do ya think I'm sexy?

- Are we not men?
Ethan Hawke
13:43 / 17.09.01
- How do I get to Cinncinnati?

- Who invented stuffed animals?

- Is this toxic?

- Should I put it in my mouth?

- Are you comfortable?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:43 / 17.09.01
Has anyone seen the little screw from my specs?

Why on Earth does anyone watch soap operas?

Who decides on the wording of electronics manuals?

Why do people insist on researching the obvious?

Can you really turn lead into gold without fusion-level technology?
Mourne Kransky
09:54 / 18.09.01
Is this love that I'm feeling?

Where have you been?

A handbag?

What beast is this?

Would you like a ham shank with your Curly Wurly, Lieutenant?
A baboon in scary leather pants
09:54 / 18.09.01
Where are my pants?
Why is that Clown smiling?
What are you doing to that fish?
Why do some republicans appear to bloat up in size and appear to look like some human/deep one hybrid from Innsmouth?
Why does god want to break all his toys, when he's done with them?

a baboon
Lurker in the corner
09:54 / 18.09.01





Why not?

Perfect Tommy
09:54 / 18.09.01
Is the sky falling?

Does Freud have buddha-nature?

Does Buddha have freud-nature?
09:54 / 18.09.01
If I'm lucky enough to have my life flash before my eyes as I'm dying, will it be interrupted by an advertisment brought to me by some Afterlife conglomerate?

When and how will computers achieve orgasm?

How do you tell when "your ship has come in"?

What's the best addiction to have?

If there is a Generation X, what are the characteristics of Generation W?

Which side is the best to be on, when you're giving yourself a good talking to?

[ 18-09-2001: Message edited by: agapanthus ]
The Puck
10:37 / 18.09.01
how sticky is a stick?

why is the sky green?

and the grass blue?

who am you?

why not?

if a train leaves a station 30 miles away travalling at 60 miles per hour and passes another train tralling at 75 miles per hour what is the black stuff under my finger nails?
bio k9
11:09 / 18.09.01
Do you really want to hurt me?

Do you really want to make me cry?
rizla mission
12:30 / 18.09.01
1.What do cats do all day? they realize they spend their whole lives doing nothing of value?

3.or are they content in their belief that doing nothing results in a whole lot more good and a whole lot less bad?

4.or do they not think of such things at all and just follow their basic flight or fight instincts which, when there's nothing around to fight or take flight from, compel them to sit on their backsides all day?

5.Is film always a collaborative artform, or can it reasonably be thought of as the work of a single artist?

6.Ditto, but with reality.

7.What percentage of Christian ministers are honest and genuine in their beliefs?

8. What happened on the Mary Celeste?

9.Do octopuses have orgasms?

10. During his visit to China, Richard M. Nixon said; "This is indeed, a great wall".
What did he mean by that?

11. What was Odin's favorite James Bond movie?

12.What happened to Rick after the end of Casablanca?

13.How many people, in any given 24 hour period, dream about Star Wars?

14.Can extreme obsession with pop culture damage one's health?

15."In 1914, Europe fell over the brim into the smouldering couldren of war" - Lloyd George. Discuss.

16. Who was responsible for the Great Fire of London?

17.Why did the Great Fire of London happen when it did?

18.Was James Joyce full of shit?

19.Do you know the way to San Jose?

12:35 / 18.09.01
How do you make a Shepherd's Pie?

Who was the best Doctor Who?

What is Satan's saving grace?

Where do babies come from?

What is jealousy?

How do astronauts eat?

What is the leaning tower of Piza made of?

When is the best time to split up?

Why can't I sit on your lap?

What were Napoleon's last words?

Why do birds suddenly appear?

What are suitable topics of conversation during tea with the Queen?

Whatever happened to Gary Numan?
13:30 / 18.09.01
1. What was buried in the Quaker Graveyard at Nantucket?

2. David Frost or David Dimbleby?

3. What is the value of three?

4. Name the most annexed country of the 20th Century.

4. Why Slade?

5. Who is the man who sneaks into your house and puts Oasis into your CD collection?

6. Does my bum look big in this?

7. What is favorite subversive organisation still active today?

8. Where is the George Bush Centre for Intelligence?
14:27 / 18.09.01
This is fun, can we have two goes?

What is the sexiest chat-up line ever?

How old are the stars, really?

What would it take to reaffirm your faith in human nature?

What happens if you masturbate too much?

What is the worst job in the world?

What thing or things would most improve the quality of life?
Mordant Carnival
17:06 / 18.09.01
Where is that syrupy noise coming from?

What colour are your undies?

Where did I put my keys?

What do you think you're doing over there?
The One Eyed King
20:12 / 18.09.01
Why is my room grey?
Why did I say that it is grey when it is green?
Why does my head hurt?
Is it really possible to think too much?
If so have I done it?
Why is my leg moving without my command?
Is it possible for your body to revolt?
Lurker in the corner
20:27 / 18.09.01
How do you make a puppet on a string?

How do you manage to make him dance and sing?

What is that special magic you do?
Kobol Strom
20:31 / 18.09.01
Why are there only eleven Graemlins on Barbelith?

Why do dream entities know more about our emotions than we do?

Why were ten levels enough to explode the mannequin man?

Why are strangers we meet in dreams,so familiar?

Whats up with 23 and 37?

What is the spiritual secret of water?

Was the Big Bang,really just God exploding?
Mordant Carnival
20:47 / 18.09.01
Fifty-seven point one oh three?
Since when?
Are you?
Lurker in the corner
09:47 / 19.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Puck:

why not?

I already asked this.
Jack Fear
09:47 / 19.09.01
Why am I not surprised that there are far more questions being posted than answers?
09:47 / 19.09.01
are there spiders in heaven?

if there were, would it really be heaven?
Naked Flame
09:47 / 19.09.01
Do answers and questions arise together?

or do questions exist before answers do?

or vice versa?

Why did I get dumped again?
09:47 / 19.09.01
How can I be bored when I'm so busy?

Should I go to Boston or will my plane get hijacked, my hotel bombed and my passport stolen?

Are you wearing that for a bet?

Do you know how to make mince and potatoes like my nana used to?

Were you wafted in from paradise?

Why can't people from Hong Kong replicate properly?

How many square feet is my flat?

What the hell is George Bush on?

Will there be a 20 pound note inside this packet of crisps?

Shouldn't you be doing some work?
rizla mission
13:04 / 19.09.01
Why is Hitler?

When is Spain?

What's the difference between growing a beard and not shaving?

And furthermore, which one makes you look like less of a twat?
13:08 / 19.09.01
When will it end?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
23:11 / 19.09.01
Is surrealism really all it's cracked up to be?

Who was the fourth patriarch of Ch'an?

The Fifth?

When does the nightengale sing?

Which way is Mecca?

how true is the statement "Hitler only had one testicle"?

Did your ancestors come over on the Mayflower?

So what?
07:29 / 20.09.01
The Mayans worshipped it, Sir Francis Drake circled the globe on it, Queen Victoria had it sewn beneath the skin on her arm to calm her nerves, Winston Churchill fought 15 rounds against it in the ring and Lou Reed injected it directly into his chin - what is it?

What did Ozzy Ozbourne famously piss against in 1976, to the disgust of every patriotic american?

What did astronauts discover on the dark side of the moon?

What was the first thing the Russians sent into Space?

What did Neil Armstrong tread on when he left the landing craft?

What does Tony Blair keep in the jar on his desk?

What does George W Bush walk on a lead round the grounds of the White House?
rizla mission
11:31 / 20.09.01
Trilby or Fedora?
18:48 / 20.09.01
What is love, anyway?

What is this Earth thing called 'kissing'?

Where's Captain Kirk?

Why do I crucify myself?

Who put the bomp in the bomp-da-bomp-da-bomp?

Is there anybody out there?

Who can it be now?

How soon is now?

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:15 / 21.09.01
How does Lux Interior get into those pants?

If you eat sherbert, drink cola and jump up and down, what'll happen?

What were the bathing facilities on board Abel Tasman's ships like?

What do toads taste like?

Would it be possible to manufacture a machine with no actual purpose, other than to go "spang" intermittently? And if so, who'd land the contract to build it?

What's the laughing cavalier so fucking chirpy about?
Jack Fear
09:15 / 21.09.01
All right. That will suffice.

Nick—shut ‘em down.

All of yez—get ye hither for the emergence of remarkable truths.

[ 21-09-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
13:30 / 21.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Rothkoid:
How does Lux Interior get into those pants?

True fact: I saw him do this once. It was at a bizarre outdoor show in Tampa (it was a paved lot), and before the encore, he changed g-strings backstage. And I happened to be on the edge of the crowd and noticed what was going on.

His legs are like a spider's.

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