Give yourself a word limit/target per day or week and make sure you hit it. A time limit is useful but you may get nothing done in teh half-hour - or you may just be getting started and want to go on. It's a question of discipline. Reward yourself at milestone lengths: 10,000 words, first chapter, 10th chapter, halfway through, whatever fits.
Also it helps to have a fairly detailed (2-3 page) plot outline before you start. You don;t have to stick to it by any means - go with the flow - but it'll give you ideas when you're stuck if you know where you're going. It also gives you the freedom to write different bits at different times and work out difficulties/blocks that way. Reread whatever you wrote the day before to edit it and take inspiration from it. And get absolutely blitzed when you finish, then put it in a drawer for at least a month, reread and cut. |