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A formal call for Cyber-Solidarity?

Mr Tricks
23:13 / 13.09.01
Well... today was the most depressing day for me as I rose to news of random violences and race hatred amidst the propagist's cry for blood & War...

Distressing... In the lite of this all I find myself wondering what is there to do.
I don't have the resources to buy commercial air time to tell people to chill out, so what now.

Well I guess I'm proposing my latest thought here for refinement & perhaps momentuem...So:

What if "we" as the barbelith collective put out or even hosted a call for peace,solidarity, common sence... something to counter act the media cry for war.

Maybe an open letter that we could all sign & invite others to sign...

Perhaps a linked page where other organisations could connect to... etc.

I think the overall views expressed here are worth allowing others to see & link too.

I've recieved various SPAMS forwards from Micheal More... or Global Exchange, calling for reason or even skeptisism. Does anyone else see this as an opportunity Barbelith can step up too?

Barbelith aside this is still a concept I'm interested in persueing in the face of the media mess... does it interest anyone else? On any level?
the Fool
00:45 / 14.09.01
I think also some counter-propoganda might help. Find in the Koran statement which condemn the actions of terrorists. Show that this is not a religious crime, or a crime tolerated or suggested by religion. By a crime perpetrated by ignorant hateful people.

Remind people of Araffat's effort to get the palestinians behind the relief effort for NY and Washington. If you have seen footage of Araffat giving blood you get the sense that he too is shocked and horrified probably scared as well (I mean he is human after all).

Remind people that nearly everyone on the planet has been made to feel afraid by this. No matter what colour your skin, or shape of church you attend (or don't attend).

Give in to the anger and hate being generated by this event and you will find that this is just the beginning of the horror. And the mountain of bodies can grow much higher.
Have compassion, extend some love, show kindness and maybe we can slow or stop this murderous juggenaught before it takes flight.
the Fool
01:25 / 14.09.01
"Who so ever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and who so ever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind," (Al-Ma'dah:32).
01:49 / 14.09.01
I think this is a wonderful idea, and I'll help in any way I can, but...

I'm thinking it would be best if this was somewhat covert. On the one hand I almost have this naive belief that people who come here will magically be receptive to new ideas. On the other, attaching the name to this will not only flood the board with hate mail, but also cause Tom's costs to skyrocket.

just trying to map out the consequences. Hell, we could create an alternate board, or direct people to Indymedia or something. I hope I'm not coming off elitist, just that this kind of message will spark a whole lot of people off.
02:20 / 14.09.01
Totally interests me. I was going to write something this weekend... I was going to email it to everyone whose address I have & post it here for anyone to borrow. Then just hope that it would spread.
04:32 / 14.09.01
quote:Originally posted by the Fool you though you knew:
I think also some counter-propoganda might help. Find in the Koran statement which condemn the actions of terrorists. Show that this is not a religious crime, or a crime tolerated or suggested by religion. By a crime perpetrated by ignorant hateful people.

I apologize if this is a bit long, but I was sent this information in a weblist I belong to.

quote:Per the rules of War & Islam, the following has been prohibited by Prophet Muhammad more than 1400 years ago:

1. Killing traders, merchants, contractors and the like, they are to be spared if they do not take part in actual fighting
(kharaj of Yahya p 34, Kharaj of Abu Yusufp 122)

2. Killing non Combatants (Mabsit of Sarakhisiy, X, 64);

3. Combatants are only those who are physically capable of fighting
(Sharhj al siyar al kabir, IV,78).

4. Killing women (Idem, I, 59, 34), minors, servants, and slaves who accompany their masters yet do not take part in actual fighting (Sharhj al siyar al kabir, IV, 79-80), the blind (Mabsit of Sarakhsiy, X, 69), monks (Sharhj al siyar al kabir, I, 33), hermits (Idem, III, 190), the very old (Mabsut of Sarakhsiy, X, 6), those physically incapable of fighting (Idem, p69), the insane or delirious (Mabsut of Sarakhsiy p 69)

5. Killing peasants when they do not fight and the result of war is indifferent on them (Idem, IV, 79; for order and practice of Abu Bakr
see Tabari 2026, 2031; for Umar see Ibn Rush Bidayah alk Masjtihad I 311)

And Allah the Almighty states in the Quran: "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do NOT transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors"
[Surah al Baqara (2): 190]

the Prophet said: "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well and that if they do wrong you will do wrong; but accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil."
[Tirmidhi 5129]
05:19 / 14.09.01
I can offer webspace, ready to go as I type this. And my skills as a video editor and web designer, if that's the direction. Direction seems to be the problem, doesn't it?
mondo a-go-go
08:27 / 14.09.01
i think this is a good idea, but i don't know that random mass emailing is the way to go about it. good intentions or not, it's still spam, and may seem insensitive at a time like this. (i know i find spam insensitive at the best of times, and won't read it)

i also think moriarty is right about not using the barbelith meme....
13:33 / 14.09.01
..would be glad to help...also have some design skills open to exploit. Would be nice to know that the collective might in some way be able to penetrate the media and allow others to consider different viewpoints that they weren't handed.

I mean this board does sit a little on the "left:" in my opinion but it's a viewpoint that's been dying for some attention.

Who could we far as design goes...putting it up on surfstation, design is kinky, etc. may be at least a good start for those looking to involve other media professionals in spreading the word.

More sugg's..?
14:48 / 14.09.01
I don't think it's important that this should come from Barbelith soi-meme. It's good enough that Barbelith has provided a gathering place for like-minded individuals to conceive of and collaborate on a project like this.

I think a separate "peace site" would be great. If solid state can provide the site and the design, I can write content & invite others to do so. Also when the time comes, I can write press releases (I do them for my theater company all the time) to publicize the site to other media outlets, because you never know who might like to pick up on this story. So at some point we would have to collect addresses, email or otherwise, for newspapers, radio, TV, etc. We can also brainstorm other sites who would link to us--two I think would go for it would be usr/bin/girl and, and many others.

As for spamming for peace, I don't expect that everyone will open, read, or agree with whatever message I send. But that stupid Nostradamus story is spreading like wildfire. I have pretty much resolved not to just wring my hands this time at what the media and "the people" have wrought. I'm going to speak my peace, as it were... raise my little voice. Enough little voices might turn the tide, or not. What I am is an eternal optimist, I always buy a lottery ticket --just one-- because one chance in 800 million is better than zero, because you gotta play to win. I guess what I'm saying is I'm in the game, here's my little voice & if you like what I say feel free to pass it on.

[ 14-09-2001: Message edited by: Persephone ]
15:04 / 14.09.01
A few things. In the interests of the views of many on this board who would advocate war, I believe we should make clear that this is not necessarily a project by the whole of Barbelith. Therefore, for this and the reasons cited above, it would be nice if this was a side thing started by Barbelithers but independent of this board.

In addition, I think forwarded messages containing propaganda will not only be ignored, but may cause friction in the ranks of the people involved. Most people getting an email advocating peace will only open it if they're already among the converted.

The thing I think we can achieve the greatest effect with is to clear up misinformation. The Nostrodumbass thing, the Gordon Sinclair gaffe, the ways how the Taliban and others distort religion to their own purposes, how they don't represent the amount of people which the public seems to believe, how almost all Americans are in fact "foreigners", etc. Fairly obvious things that we take for granted but which I am finding are distorting people's opinions. I work in a bookstore, and I had at least twelve people ask for books on prophecy. We were already long sold out.
Cherry Bomb
16:05 / 14.09.01
I'd be happy to help. I can also do content writing, press releases, other essays, etc.

I'd like to do a bed-in a la John & Yoko.

War is over...
If you want it...
16:16 / 14.09.01
Right--not a Barbelith thing. But it's okay to talk about it here, isn't it? Maybe this thread should move to Creation?

Also whatever spam I send isn't part of this project, it's a thing that I was thinking of doing on my own & anyone else can take it or leave it. I understand that people have different opinions about whether that's a good idea or not; but I'd just as soon take that off the table, if it's getting in the way.
17:02 / 14.09.01
Wow.. this sounds really cool...

So I guess the things I'm seeing agreement on is...

1- a website devoted to this effort.
1a- there seems to be people who can do design as well as write content.

2- The content of the site should be oriented towards clearing up as much of the mis-information floating around as possible, debunking stuff like the Nostradomus thing, providing a forum for alternate viewpoints, perhaps starting a web-ring with other sites & orgs & spinning off into happenings that could possibly gain more media attention (a bed-in)

what comes to my mind is creating or finding an easily recognisable or reproducable image to associate this movement with. AIDS solidarity had the RED ribbon... I remember a blue ribbon going around,I thing it was about internet censorship... and on T.V. they used a red-white-blue ribbon. Perhaps something as simple as a Green ribbon to represent a peaceful, fertile earth?

Other websites could be invited to display this ribbon (image) on their site with a link to "the" site. Actual Ribbons could also be distrabuted at getherings & memorials...

It could be associated with something like "compassionate consciousness"

this seems like something very worth doing... the site could also link to this message board and others for the sake of info exchange...
18:31 / 14.09.01

Might want to reconsider that color... might not.
Mr Tricks
19:52 / 14.09.01
Hmmm... Ironic.

I was thinking green to be a pretty cool color myself... Though I didn't see any basis for Green in that Green Savior could've just as easily been the Purple Savior... unless there was something I missed...

Still I think the ribbon idea's great... what ever color.

Mr Tricks
19:56 / 14.09.01
Or even a logo like this?

ala the magik of FOOL...

20:30 / 14.09.01
this should be moved to creation. I'll start a thread there in an hour, assuming there's no objections. (it's a little disheartening to see how empty "Creation" is, considering that everyone i've seen here is HIGHLY creative.)
22:01 / 14.09.01
quote: by PATricky What if "we" as the barbelith collective put out or even hosted a call for peace, solidarity, common sense... something to counter act the media cry for war.
What needs to be done is to get as many as possible people to think this way, and erase the weight of anger. If you can get 50% of the anger of the people you weaken the forces of the negative and thereby change what is now becoming our future if negative emotions keep on growing like this.
This idea is ABSOLUTE possible. Think it over carefully, once you start this it will soak all your energy, and the hate mails can wear you out. Don’t do it alone and be in contact with the people you do this with, safety messure.
quote:Perhaps a linked page where other organisations could connect to... etc.
What you would have to do is find mind like organisations and work together with them and get trough them as many people to do this. They will listen, the awareness is there all you need is to bring this awareness together, get one collective thought, its possible, the people are waking up.
I am talking the hopi, zeta talk, nibiruancouncil, Morgana, Max pages, educate yourself, Enterprisemission,, David Icke, geocities, greatdream, Hermes, trufax, Way Way, nexus, paralumun members, wovoca etc trough websites like these you get so many other links and from them again new ones and on and on ..All you have to do is to contact them.
Get them/all these people to sign, with enough autographs/names/signs from around the world collected over the net you have a case. This is something even the censored media can not ignore. You can come up with a logo that people can draw themselves on a piece of paper or on an empty postcard and send it to their government or have kids make some gravity on walls around the world ( kids want to have future and if this goes the wrong direction they will have no future) get the right schools involved as well, get people from old peoples home, get to shelters and get them involved as well, make it a peoples movement. Call it No retaliations or something like that. Get people you know who have shops were they print their own t-shirts and print this logo on the T-shirt and sell it for a low price and donate the money to the victims and to victims of wrong doing by the USA. This way you demand peace without screaming,. Remind the people of Gandi, Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, John Lennon, Lady Di, Mother Theresa and the Dalai Lama, Bono, Sting Take famous quotes from them put them together with words of peace collected trough religious and writings by the indigenous people.
"Ask not what the people can do for you but what you can do for the people!"

"I have a dream, that one day we can live as one and be together as one"
autopilot disengaged
19:57 / 25.09.01
guys - if you're interested, i could really do with some practical help. see the 'level 1 complete...' thread over in Switchboard, and post there or PM me if anyone can help.
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