quote: by PATricky What if "we" as the barbelith collective put out or even hosted a call for peace, solidarity, common sense... something to counter act the media cry for war.
What needs to be done is to get as many as possible people to think this way, and erase the weight of anger. If you can get 50% of the anger of the people you weaken the forces of the negative and thereby change what is now becoming our future if negative emotions keep on growing like this.
This idea is ABSOLUTE possible. Think it over carefully, once you start this it will soak all your energy, and the hate mails can wear you out. Don’t do it alone and be in contact with the people you do this with, safety messure.
quote:Perhaps a linked page where other organisations could connect to... etc.
What you would have to do is find mind like organisations and work together with them and get trough them as many people to do this. They will listen, the awareness is there all you need is to bring this awareness together, get one collective thought, its possible, the people are waking up.
I am talking the hopi, zeta talk, nibiruancouncil, Morgana, Max pages, educate yourself, Enterprisemission, Rense.com, David Icke, geocities, greatdream, Hermes, trufax, Way Way, nexus, paralumun members, wovoca etc trough websites like these you get so many other links and from them again new ones and on and on ..All you have to do is to contact them.
Get them/all these people to sign, with enough autographs/names/signs from around the world collected over the net you have a case. This is something even the censored media can not ignore. You can come up with a logo that people can draw themselves on a piece of paper or on an empty postcard and send it to their government or have kids make some gravity on walls around the world ( kids want to have future and if this goes the wrong direction they will have no future) get the right schools involved as well, get people from old peoples home, get to shelters and get them involved as well, make it a peoples movement. Call it No retaliations or something like that. Get people you know who have shops were they print their own t-shirts and print this logo on the T-shirt and sell it for a low price and donate the money to the victims and to victims of wrong doing by the USA. This way you demand peace without screaming,. Remind the people of Gandi, Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, John Lennon, Lady Di, Mother Theresa and the Dalai Lama, Bono, Sting Take famous quotes from them put them together with words of peace collected trough religious and writings by the indigenous people.
"Ask not what the people can do for you but what you can do for the people!"
"I have a dream, that one day we can live as one and be together as one" |