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Cyber Solidaity (started in the NY/Wash. thread)

23:34 / 14.09.01
my best suggestions:
website based
Section for dissemination of fact
Section for theorizing and/or message forum
media watch/media collation area (for reading between the lines)
"advertisements"- with the maxim that nothing is being sold but considered opinion.

the hell with a "formal" name... it's almost unnecessary; just an URL with information.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:10 / 15.09.01
There's too much noise at the moment to get anything out there which is generic...this needs a definitive, unique point, which ought to provide the appropriate medium and structure as well...
20:55 / 17.09.01

I came across this thread several days ago, and thought it was a great idea. I'm not sure it is now dead in the water or people are already beavering away on it, but one idea I have was to focus on viewpoints.

Why not create a site which is focused on offering viewpoints from as wide a range as possible. Take all the reported viewpoints from the likes of Grant Morrison, Jerry Falwell, Noam Chomsky, Dalai Lama and so on and combine them on one site, alongside viewpoints from the media like the Afghan-American on Salon, and also the viewpoints of readers of the site.

By offering alternate viewpoints, perhaps we can derail those who have second thoughts, and at least get people thinking outside the square that CNN and other agencies seem almost bent on putting people in.


Mr Tricks
06:10 / 18.09.01
WOW... this seems to be bubbling... C O O L.

To date one of the most inspiring concepts that's come into view is the idea of a World Flag ... visualise it for a second.

it could still be placed along-side there Red-white&blue & can stand alone...

Also the thougts of bumper-stickers & t-shirsts are floating around

Think CAREfully

B nice

And so forth...alot of the web-concepts are great...

so far I'm seeing a major theme in trying so shift the focus into a world view...pull it a bit away from the USA issue & remind people we're all concerned about making this world a better place...(with-out getting into specifics about how) yet mediating the rising ABSOLUTisms...

A "truth" I've been meditating upon was the spontanious flood of blood donations... People seeking to aid others with such a direct effort... the the media mediated patriotism that's being bandied about...

Um... more soon
Mr Tricks
06:15 / 18.09.01
some ???'s....
can we begin the ground-work on the hows & with whats this "site" could work on?

Additional "domain names " can be resolved to the same URL later, if I'm not mistaken...?

There when some folks who where down to write ... perhaps some intro aspects...?

What's the feesability of eventually being able to collect donations to releaf aid... & the like?
12:23 / 18.09.01
Hello all, checking back in... I am working on an essay called "Ground Zero." The rough idea is that every person has a personal "ground zero" where one now must sift through the wreckage of former sense of safety, tumbled thoughts & feelings, rumors & false reports mixed with facts and some truth... how critical it is to have your wits about you now. Might work as an intro to the site.

Please don't judge this now if you think it sounds horrible, I have to write it & if no one likes it, then you don't have to use it. I write so slowly, but I wanted to check in & do my part to keep up the momentum on this project.

I think the idea of posting alternate viewpoints is great. Many people are saying great things, and I think the more voices the better & it will help quell the panic that "everyone" is for war and revenge.

I also heard a cool piece on NPR this morning, about the meanings of "jihad," how in Islam the ultimate jihad is internal jihad, a Muslim cleric is calling on all Muslims to also look inside and admit that Islam does harbor extremists and then do the work (jihad) necessary to make the religion less hospitable to hate. He said it better than I am saying it now. It might be available to listen to on NPR's website.
17:51 / 18.09.01
Okay, here it is:

Terror was brought home to America on September 11. Up to that day, my own sense of safety was such that I disbelieved that any serious damage had been done by the plane that struck the World Trade Center. For a morning I held the notion that the plane had simply grazed the tower, loosening a few bricks and shaking up some of the passengers. Then one tower collapsed, and then the other. And took my sense of safety down with them. And my sense of the world that I thought I knew. I watched in horror as my president effectively declared war on an unknown and unseen enemy, the mass media callously --or worse, cynically-- punched all the hot buttons within their reach, and the people roiled and lashed out in grief and confusion.

What does one do after the world does not end? At the site of the fallen towers now named Ground Zero, rescue workers are literally picking up the pieces. Recovering the dead. Hoping to find survivors. They do this with a sense of urgency but also with a keen sense of caution, knowing that they are on dangerous ground.

And every person now stands in a personal ground zero, where one must now sift through the wreckage of one's former sense of safety, tumbled thoughts and feelings, rumors and false reports, facts and --one hopes-- some truth that survives. After the government and the media and the so-called "people" have had their say, the irreducible constant remains that every person makes up his own mind.

Examine everything. Many "facts" reported have turned out not to be what they seemed. Do not assume that "public" opinion is monolithic. It never has been, and it is not now. Listen carefully and you will hear other voices. Challenge your own assumptions about yourself, your country, your supposed enemies.

If it has been lost over these past few days, reclaim your own individuality and humanity. Understand that terrorists of all stripes blind themselves to the individuality and humanity of their victims, and therein evil lies. And it lies in all of us. Islamic extremists may see America as the Great Satan, and it goes without saying that Americans who indiscriminately lash out at Arab-Americans are no better. But the same goes for activists who demonize "big business interests," liberals who deride "Republicans," or elites who sniff at “the masses.” It may also be helpful to remember that "the government" and "the media" are not faceless organizations, but persons. Persons who are experiencing the same events at the same time as everyone else, and who are only human in their capacity to process information and emotion.

Do not expect to have every question answered. Resist the temptation of false answers. Respect the blanks as you would the dead. “I don’t know” is an honorable statement, if it happens to be true.
Mr Tricks
18:09 / 18.09.01
Great Job Persephone,

Um... gotta catch up on stuff but could hopfully come up with some stuff myself...

Been recieving lots of e-mail type of stuff from different directions...

we'll keep at it!!!
autopilot disengaged
18:23 / 18.09.01
persephone: i like.

there's a whole stockpile of voices i've gathered over at the chomsky thread. and i'm sure if we continue to scour the radical/left sites, more will turn up.

i'm slowly formulating my own response to all this. so count me in.

now concentrate: it's eye of the hurricane time.
Mr Tricks
19:08 / 18.09.01
Totally agree with the eye of the storm vision...

here's another article I just recieved...

we'll have to, at some point, collect as many links to as many varried articles as possible...

Anyone interested in this sort of thing?

Ideally it would be cool if an overview could be created... pointing out the similarities & differences as well as some potential speculation of the Why's & Where's of these view-points...
autopilot disengaged
20:00 / 25.09.01
PAT: we're on the same wavelength.

my suggestion for a practical web action can be found over at 'level 1 completed...' in Switchboard.

also: if anyone's interested in attending our next chatroom intervention, volunteers are vee vee welcome.

let's do this - before it's too late.
06:54 / 26.09.01
Yeah, Persephone, that was top. Anyone else got stuff of that quality?
I'll be up for doing stuff in a couple days or so... just as soon as my shift finishes or I get too pissed off to care about going into work on zero sleep (probably not long now).
I'll get scouting for links, also.
And as regards another "peacenik action"- unless I'm actually physically at work at the time, count me SO in.
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