BARBELITH underground

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Show me the tunes!

The Mad Hatter
17:18 / 06.09.01
Way back when I was an Oleae and the collaborative music project was first concieved, I mentioned that my brother has is a music technology student dj type, with producer tendancies, sound engineer mates and studio & cd burner access for the purpose of remixing, or just plain mixing some tunes born of the collective Barbelith womb. He's agreed to have a listen and play around if he thinks its interesting. I'm fresh back here from a long computer break (hey, it was sunny!) Any one go any thing to hand over yet? zip disks? cd? zip files they can send me? Not being of a musical persuasion, but making a guess, if it a finished track , rather than samplable noises, then hand it over for a final polish, and the cottage industry Barb collective label will be born!
06:08 / 07.09.01
That sounds ****ing fantastic, Hatter! We'll see what we can do, stay tuned....
Rollo Kim, on location
13:31 / 08.09.01
YaY! We are in thee process of examining what we actually have by way of 'finished tracks'. Sav, the 'package' is on its way to you...
Gypsy Christ
14:27 / 22.09.01
hmm i have some wav files i have some cool clips from ghost in the shell and just plain weird shit brak on coffe..i can send them to you if you whant them
13:22 / 29.09.01
how about little things we've just put together as songs or whatever else, individualy ... i've got lots of just misc stuff i could throw in and if other people could do the same so the sound man could pick and choose what he wanted to make the final recording out of . . . ?
Rollo Kim, on location
11:36 / 08.10.01
Are we are saying that anything we say is a 'finished product' has got to be' touched by the hands' of at least two of us?
11:58 / 08.10.01
Nah, I say make it a big free for all. I'll send a copy of my disks to Mad Hatter.
Rollo Kim, on location
16:02 / 08.10.01
Me will also then!
15:39 / 09.10.01
On the CD you're mailing in, are you guys including that thing I posted up to the Chewing Gum for the Ears yahoogroups site?

06:33 / 10.10.01
Yep. I'll bung it on mine, yeah? No - hang on, I can't get it onto my PC at home (not online there) and it's too big for a floppy, so I can't actually get it onto a CD. Bugger! Rollo, are you okay to do it?

Generally wise - I'm trying to clear my (many) taping obligations at the moment, but will be back on the collaboration thingy in the next couple of days. Need to check out tag's stuff and finish working on Rollo and grant's bits...
Rollo Kim, on location
07:42 / 10.10.01
I cannie burn off the mac - and I can't get online for longer than four seconds on the PC so I can't do it either. Arses. This also I can't play around with stuff off the chewy site either. Arses. Where is this stuff being mailed to anyways? If Sav's gonna add to my contributions then I don't really need to post anything off to the Hatter?

So send me some more toooons people!
09:10 / 11.10.01
Hatter - can you dl it yourself?
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