quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:
I wish someone would have told me that every single person in the entire fucking world is gay and that it's neither a big deal NOR a particularly interesting or clever thing to be.
No more so than being anything else, I guess. I wish someone had told me that:
i/ it's OK to be unfashionable, so that I hadn't felt it to be a 'cause celebre' to big up the underdog all these years
ii/ if you're going to get into all this horrible debt, at least use some of the cash to get the tattoos you've wanted for so long, rather than being £16K in debt and STILL having to save up for them...
iii/ that I will never, no matter how I dress or how cool I look, be one of The Lost Boys.
That last would have saved some time back in the mid nineties, I can tell you that for nothing... |