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Mordant Carnival
19:40 / 31.08.01
Not the stuff you'd like to have known at 16, but the stuff you'd like the people you didn't get on with to know.

Here's mine:

Kerrangg! is not, and never will be, cool. Similarly, your girlfreind is not, and never will be, Pandora Peroxide. Oh yah- and she's pregnant.

Kiss are Jewish.

Yes, all of them.

And they fire the Aryan drummer.

And Clive Barker is GAY.
Tom Coates
20:24 / 31.08.01
I wish someone would have told me that every single person in the entire fucking world is gay and that it's neither a big deal NOR a particularly interesting or clever thing to be.
20:29 / 31.08.01
I wish someone had told me that life would turn out ok in the end.

Mordant Carnival
20:55 / 31.08.01
quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:
I wish someone would have told me that every single person in the entire fucking world is gay and that it's neither a big deal NOR a particularly interesting or clever thing to be.

....And I'd like to have seen them try, around the ppl I'm talking about. And what might have been left of them afterwards.
Mordant Carnival
20:56 / 31.08.01
If only so I could make a collage.
Jack The Bodiless
01:27 / 02.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:
I wish someone would have told me that every single person in the entire fucking world is gay and that it's neither a big deal NOR a particularly interesting or clever thing to be.

No more so than being anything else, I guess. I wish someone had told me that:

i/ it's OK to be unfashionable, so that I hadn't felt it to be a 'cause celebre' to big up the underdog all these years

ii/ if you're going to get into all this horrible debt, at least use some of the cash to get the tattoos you've wanted for so long, rather than being £16K in debt and STILL having to save up for them...

iii/ that I will never, no matter how I dress or how cool I look, be one of The Lost Boys.

That last would have saved some time back in the mid nineties, I can tell you that for nothing...
09:05 / 03.09.01
I wish someone would have told me that it's natrual for teenagers to go through constant phases. Would have saved me from a lot of "I'm gonna be like this forever" crap.
09:05 / 03.09.01
I wish someone would have told my teachers that my underachieving in their classes was not just laziness, it was laziness and me trying to irritate them. I wish someone had told me to knock it off and do my damned homework and then I might actually have been as smart as everybody said I thought I was. It may not have been the best way to learn, but hell, I really should've paid attention in history.

Oh, and I'd like someone to go back and tell the little bitchy twig girls that I was going to turn out way hotter than them. Cause goddamned if I didn't.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:05 / 03.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Jack The Bodiless:
iii/ that I will never, no matter how I dress or how cool I look, be one of The Lost Boys.
Turn that frown upside-down, son! All that means is that you'll never be known as Kiefer. And that is something to be truly thankful for.

I just wish someone had told me about the credit cards. Oh, those credit cards. Sigh.
rizla mission
09:05 / 03.09.01
I'm too young to do this - I'll have to go forward a few years, then go back..
Jack The Bodiless
15:57 / 03.09.01
What the hell's a gigawatt?!
We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:05 / 03.09.01
I wish someone had told me about the hat and the sex.
Mordant Carnival
09:02 / 04.09.01
Watt: Unit of power.
Giga-: Prefix. 10 raised to the power of 9. (the G is soft, BTW, as in "giant.")

In other words, a fuck of a lot of lightbulbs.

And this thread was supposed to be about stuff you'd like people you didn't like to have known back when you were a teen. Therefore the above is irrelevant. Unless there was this bloke in your class who flunked out of science and took it out on you, of course.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:29 / 04.09.01
How could I have been so careless? One point twenty-one gigawatts. Tom, how am I gonna generate that kind of power? It can't be done! It can't!
Robot Man Reformed
09:50 / 04.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Tom Coates:
I wish someone would have told me that every single person in the entire fucking world is gay and that it's neither a big deal NOR a particularly interesting or clever thing to be.

Perhaps not alone, Tom, but don't tell me the friction between two gay people is all that and more, unless.... You're an eunuc!!!!
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