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Submitting stuff- help!

Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:20 / 27.08.01
OK, I've finished writing THE great fantasy novel of the century and I've looked in the 'Writers and Artists Yearbook' for the pitiful number of agents that will dirty their hands with this kind of material. The only problem I've got is writing the letter to accompany a sample of my work.
I'm genuinely crap at this sort of thing, when it comes to interviews I tend to be okay, I can charm people with my senseless blather (maybe I appeal to maternal instincts or something) but find myself tongue-tied when I have to do that in a letter. So, any tips, hints, suggestions?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:03 / 28.08.01
Call them up first. Get a name. Ask for their help and advice.

As for the letter, keep it simple. 'I spoke to you/your assistant' blah. (Remember that if you're nice to the assistant, the manuscript will get read faster. Good assistants rule their bosses with a rod of iron.)

Then let the book speak for itself. And remember that it'll take 'em at least a month and a half to respond, so you'll want to have the book out to many agents (don't worry about having too many offers, that'll take care of itself later) and go on holiday and get drunk so you don't go mad.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:25 / 28.08.01
So you recommend sending it to a number of agents at once? Interesting, the 'W&AY' said this was a bad thing and you should do them one by one...
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:49 / 28.08.01
[shrug] Did it give a reason? I'll ask around, but I don't really see why it would be a bad idea. And it certainly takes less time. I mean, if you can only send it to one agent at a time, you're talking about a maximum of maybe ten a year. That's not really very many...
Rollo Kim, on location
13:38 / 08.09.01
Is it me or are there no agents at all interested in modern fiction? I mean stuff that's a bit adventurous, minimal, whatever? The one 'underground' agent in the Writer's Year Book wrote back to me to say they are swamped with material and can't take in any new submissions.
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