M. Gypt: well, once you buy the game, you can use the tools (either provided with-game, or on the net) to make whatever your little heart desires. caveat: upon installation of the game, you agree to the dreaded EULA (End-User License Agreement), which pretty much states that you can do whatever you like with it, so long as you don't play with anyone's copyright and/or attempt to make any money off what you make.
There's a guy by the name of BadKarma (yep, he's askin for it) who creates BEAUTIFUL Star-Wars themed levels, in his spare time, and releases them for free. IMHO, his stuff is better than anything LucasArts has put out over the last 4 years; as such, they're serving him cease and desists. he is attempting to fight them with reason and his fanbase. his URL : http://www.planetunreal.com/utbuilder/
if you want to sell your stuff, look to Mr. Honkey's previous post. Counter-strike seems the exception and not the rule. |