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Video Game Ideas

17:58 / 24.08.01
Sumo Fighter!
A 3D fighting game where you battle agianst the giants of the sports to become Yokozuna. Special moves include the belly slap, throat hold and screaming "Oof!".

What's yours?
Molly Shortcake
20:31 / 24.08.01
Super Battle Golf RPG.

action/adventure game with arcadey sports golf, experience points/stats/level ups and a robust fighting game engine ala VF4, Soul Calibur.
Molly Shortcake
20:32 / 24.08.01
Tekken Bowl.

The NFL with Tekken characters and legal roundhouse kicks.
Lazlo Woodbine [some call me Laz]
12:44 / 25.08.01
Resident bowling.

New pin shaped Umbrella Zombies are storking the streets of Racoon City in gangs of ten, use all your cunning and a bowling ball to STIKE at the terror and SPARE the town.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
19:29 / 25.08.01
Virtual On Dating Service

A japanese date sim where you are a giant fast moving robot trying to find love, get dates but crushing building and destroying other suiters
20:22 / 25.08.01
meatseeker - an immersive 3d massively multiplayer RPG, wherein characters hunt love with automatic weapons and friendly eccentricities, then move on the the social minefield of the "Courting" phase. The game would have endless stages, mixing various strategy/plot iterations online, alltime. Keep the geeks indoors. Forever.

Ice Honkey: strangely enough, a game was released about 3-4 years ago : "Deathmatch Links Pro", i think it was called. exploding golf balls. I like your idea better. Super Ninja Birdy! = 300 points
23:11 / 25.08.01
Phantasy Bar Online

Get together when you can't afford to go out with your buds by hopping online and using Meseta to by alcohol and stripteases...
04:42 / 26.08.01
quote:Originally posted by Ice Honkey/Grim Rapper:
Tekken Bowl.

The NFL with Tekken characters and legal roundhouse kicks.

Jesus, we agree on something! I actually used to play this RL... well, without the spiky hair.
Molly Shortcake
22:38 / 26.08.01
Stranger things have happened.

I forgot to mention the timed exploding ball and safety/defuse zones.
23:30 / 26.08.01
Ever play Speedball II for the Genesis? No Exploding Ball, but by opting to increase his players' Rage with the bonus from every win, my friend managed to kill 5 of my players. I had to finish 2 players down.
Molly Shortcake
05:19 / 29.08.01
I remember wanting to play that game. never got the chance. Sports games not my thing, can't grasp the complexities. Although I can play the most frentic shooter with ten million things flying around the screen at once, with relative ease, go figure.

Against my friends I end up capitalizing on one or two exploited patterns over and over. The rest of the time I pound buttons and choose plays at random. Annoys the hell out of them when I win.

[ 29-08-2001: Message edited by: Ice Honkey/Grim Rapper ]
20:27 / 29.08.01
I had a rather strang idea about......he
Who say you won´t just steal the idea and make a bestselling videogame/film/comicbook out of it.
00:10 / 30.08.01
CopyRighter: You lead a team of lawyers, frantically attempting to prove your own relevance by serving "Cease-and-desist" notices to minors writing "The Adventures of Chewbacca on the Enterprise"-style comics. Later stages involve complex moral issues, behavioral psychologists (Ritalin-wielding maniacs, intent on proving just how screwed up children are in comparison to your fantasy family), and of course, scapegoats. lots of scapegoats.
Molly Shortcake
01:54 / 30.08.01
Mr. State, you should check out an old NES game called The Wall Street Kid.

And, in light of rectent events, definitely check out the most post-ironic 'game' (?!) ever Sega gaga.
bio k9
07:50 / 01.09.01
Bug Eyed Bill's Mascot Mania-

10 year old boy "Bug Eyed" Bill is trying to find a mascot willing to sell his newest video game creation, The $ Box. The problem is all of the legendary video game mascots (Sonic, Mario, Zelda, ect.) are out to cock block his new money making scheme. Armed with a Cash Blaster and Micro pills that make him even smaller than he already is, Bill must combat the other mascots as he searches for the mysterious PacMan who will tell him how he can transform from a little boy into a cartoon video game mascot able to move millions of units.
autopilot disengaged
15:58 / 01.09.01
playing a video game -

in which yr character sits almost motionless for long portions of the day before a fuzzy-looking blur of colours and sounds. every now and again, we up the excitement with an urge to scratch some often obscure and rarely-visited part of your body - occasionally you will be forced to lumber doltishly to the toilet to relieve yrself in as short a time as possible - fearing a power cut maybe, or that the little people on the screen might conspire against you. then: face up to the challenge of sunshine beaming in from outside yr darkened cave of pleasure, meaning you will have to navigate yr way around the filth-encrusted furniture and close the curtains. in an amazingly innovative twist, the designers have incorporated all-new lookatyrself technology to ensure yr character ages - and literally physically decays - in real time. and the electricity bills he or she receives will be EXACTLY the same as yopur own.

playing a video game:
it's as close as you can get - to the real thing.
02:53 / 04.09.01
Just another Sims expansion then?
Molly Shortcake
04:48 / 04.09.01
And I thought I was post ironic.

Or is that post sarcasm?

Anyway, this is a post post.

[ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Ice Honkey/Grim Rapper ]
15:08 / 04.09.01
The Computer is the only object they'll fight over, y'know.

What about a agme based on Zecharia Sitchin's stuff? You're one of the 12 anunaki overlords with certain dominions and territories. You demand tribute, hand out precious technologies to the faithful. You restrict others, make up a code of laws. You rain sulfer on the baddies or nuke Lot. All the while you jockey for position, warring with other overlords and engaging them diplomatically. Think Black&White/Civilization or something.
Molly Shortcake
06:28 / 05.09.01
All your subservants are forming multiple secret alliances, improving on their technology, while attempting to overthrow you.

Then there's the uncommon/rare invasion from an incomprehensible higher power structure, where all the warlords have to band together or perish.
Molly Shortcake
06:36 / 05.09.01
Whatdayaknow, I just described White Wolfs vampire society/Blade 2 script in a single post.
22:53 / 06.09.01
a game where you play a sincere member of a small hierarchal religious or political movement. rise to the top without encurring wrath of higher-ups and eventually depose the leader. along the way experience factional splits, scheming and plotting and harassment by authorities.
23:10 / 06.09.01
Oooh... you are a law student... the goal... reach the supreme court... your decisions make allies and enemies...
02:13 / 10.09.01
Well I have an idea for an RPG called "Life".

Ultima Online, except that the setting is New York City in 2001. Or the UK. Or San Francisco. Or suburbia. Your choice.

Different classes to choose from too, all with different strengths and weaknesses. Bum, (subclasses: street musician, professional clown) Society Worker, Drug Dealer, (watch out for the Society Workers that are in the "cop" subclass!) Professional entertainer (subclasses: actor, rock star... remember you always start out unemployed or in a garage band if you pick this class) etc. etc. etc.
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:06 / 10.09.01
This innovative new game is essentially a Doom/Quake/Unreal clone, except every time you load it up it surfs online, finds the most sensationalist and sensitive news story du jour and adapts the game according. One week you're a paedophile running through a school, the next you're a bogus asylum seeker eluding the authorities! You never need to buy another game (to shock your parents) again!
Molly Shortcake
18:03 / 10.09.01
I have an idea for a video game based off the movie Blade.

The main character is a, white guy who's half, demon. He wears a, red trench coach, carries a mystical sword, various firearms and he's destined to be a hero. He fights against his own kind to be humanities savior.

WTF?!?! Capcom already made this game!? Check out some amazing Devil May Cry movies.
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