Yes, I do write a lot without showing it to other people. Many have asked, but to me it's a personal proses that does not need be shared with other people.
Then again, I don't write to see whether I can write a story. I write whatever pops into my head at the time the pen is touching the paper. Whether the sentence had anything to do with the one before is immaterial. It is a freeform method of getting to grips with the overwhelming chaos of my thoughts.
I prefer to spend at least a hour a day writing. It allows me to unwind. I rarely reread what I wrote once the flow has stopped. I leave it for a month or two and come back to it later. Reading through the notes, I recognise a pattern emerging of things that are important and which need to be dealt with.
It's a cathartic proses and I find that it helps me maintain equilibrium.
So by all means write .... whether you can string together a sentence or not. Write for the joy of being able to put your thoughts on paper. After a while, if you feel like it, start putting together a story for someone else to read ... but only if you want to 
Anyway ... if people ask you for it, they should be prepared to be inflicted with it 
[ 23-08-2001: Message edited by: ShadowRain ] |