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21:35 / 22.08.01
Does anyone else here write and not show it to other people?

I can`t string together a coherent sentance.
My characters are zero dimensional. I have no talent at all.
But I need to write to get the stories out of my head. Inflicting my rubbish on the world would be a bad bad thing.

If you know you can`t write why bother other people with it?
10:56 / 23.08.01
Yes, I do write a lot without showing it to other people. Many have asked, but to me it's a personal proses that does not need be shared with other people.

Then again, I don't write to see whether I can write a story. I write whatever pops into my head at the time the pen is touching the paper. Whether the sentence had anything to do with the one before is immaterial. It is a freeform method of getting to grips with the overwhelming chaos of my thoughts.

I prefer to spend at least a hour a day writing. It allows me to unwind. I rarely reread what I wrote once the flow has stopped. I leave it for a month or two and come back to it later. Reading through the notes, I recognise a pattern emerging of things that are important and which need to be dealt with.

It's a cathartic proses and I find that it helps me maintain equilibrium.

So by all means write .... whether you can string together a sentence or not. Write for the joy of being able to put your thoughts on paper. After a while, if you feel like it, start putting together a story for someone else to read ... but only if you want to

Anyway ... if people ask you for it, they should be prepared to be inflicted with it

[ 23-08-2001: Message edited by: ShadowRain ]
10:56 / 23.08.01
Do you want to show other people, or are you happy just exorcising them? Because I would imagine ifyou have the ideas then you're most of the way there and it may just be a matter of learning some writing techniques.
11:21 / 23.08.01
I'm a big fan of unfinished things myself. Why not just tap out the basic ideas and leave it at that? From the reader's point of view it might be enough, I certainly enjoyed reading Doubting Thomas' little story ideas in the 'Stupid Plot Tricks' thread, down there somewhere. And look at Kurt Vonnegut - the best bits in all his books are the brief plot outlines for Kilgore Trout stories.

What kind of ideas are you talking about, Wombat?

[ 23-08-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
11:59 / 23.08.01
Not really interested in getting other people reading my stuff. It`s just that in the critically thread most people wrote for readers. Thought I might be a little strange for writing for my own sake.

Saveloy- recent stories are

A police officer who spends days questioning a murderer and has to resist killing himself.

A shared lanscape in the minds of dying people that slowly turns to winter.

(Hmmmm I`m not normally that grim...must have been in a strange mood...also both are very un-original)
Warrington Minge
07:15 / 26.08.01
quote: A shared lanscape in the minds of dying people that slowly turns to winter.

This one sounds great.

Do you listen to Nick Drake by any chance?
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