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Random Ramblings of a Rabid Racoon Rabbit Requisite

23:34 / 06.08.01
Happier than a fool all loaded up on 110140 and stumbling down the narrow alleyway lips all puckered up in imitation of Mick Jagger running cubes in his head one is one two is eight three is twenty seven and so on and go on. He stops stands straight silent listening to the wind and realized that listen is silent rearranged. A white pigeon a dove flutters beside him and he manages to catch a glimpse of the colonel's face in his bird eye. Mmmmm finger licking good. He recalls something important about the world and the five that run it. Wasn't the Colonel one of them before he went down legs up? The cool night air grips him and he runs back down the alley and back into the little shop filled with books. He walks up to a shelf and picks out a hardcover. Pages all glued up hollowed out center he opens the cover and there's a grenade waiting inside. He takes it out and pockets it and puts the book back on the shelf and then runs out again seeming suspicious to the store shop clerks. He runs and runs a few block down to the subway train entrance hops a turnstyle and jumps on the track turns and continues to run parallel to them. A hundred yards in he takes a side turn into an underground alley and runs keeps on running. Uphill now and he hears passerbyes above him feet and wooden heels clackering on the faux stone pavement. He stops in a chamber. The tunnel ends here but there is a door here. He opens it up and continues running pneumatic heart pumping thick blood through thin veins. Stairs stair leading downward in a spiral he runs down and down and down again until he's a hundred below and opens the next door. A secret church deep underground stone and wood carvings gold statues and stained glass the priests and procession and choir boys all packed into an area the size of a school yard. In front of him is a mechanical sphere with thin titanium spider daddy long legs like legs. It sees him with its one eye and lets out a mechanical shriek an alarm that reverberates throughout the structure. He only laughs and takes out the grenade and pulls the pin and presses down and releases the lever.

It's on the news the next day 2.5 rictor scale shakes up middle of town. Light quake no damage except for a store front with broken glass. The bookshop. A few watermains burst but that'll be taken care of and some underground flooding. Oh and the cross has washed up on Northern Shore with the letters "AOBTD" carved into it. Political and religious leaders ponder the significance of the find although a few random stoners have suggested the letters stand for Another One Bites The Dust. A possible reference to the crucifixion or stoner fancy? You decide.

I have no idea why I wrote all the above. I was bored. They made me do it. They killed Kenny. They killed Kennedy. I didn't do it man. So whatcha think? Can I sell it? Should I burn it? Should I sell it then burn it? What? Who? When? Where? Why? and let's not forget How?
the Fool
00:13 / 07.08.01
I took a breathe and my lungs exploded. I blamed everyone but myself, damn them all.

And in resentful silence, I bled to death.

I was reborn. I fell in love. The girl of my dreams. I fell beneath a car on the way to the wedding. I blamed everyone but myself, damn them all, even my girl.

And in resentful silence, my heart stopped.

I woke up again. Wondered if I was dreaming and began to fear my obviously impending tragic demise. I walked around in resentful silence, expecting the end at any second. I was doing it to myself, no one to blame but me.

And then even that was taken from me.

My heart stopped
My Lungs exploded

And the girl of dreams walked toward me.
13:28 / 08.08.01
I have looked into the mirror and the mirror saw me. I now live in fear.
09:57 / 12.08.01
I know I have to.
I hate to know.
Endlessly carefully calling me in the morning, in little twinkling pieces of sun, reflected in my window. It is calling me out to burn - I know I have to.
They all have left the planet; now only arthropodes with cheratinous exoskeletons crawl the charred rocks, being washed away by the waves but always returning.

When I thought I could not get lonelier, my arms detached themselves from my body and crawled away, stumbling, twitching, dragged by fingers that were arachnid in the way they now moved. Same with my legs. Two merciful gulls pecked my eyes.
I'm all alone inside my skull.
I'm all alone and so are you.
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