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Surrealist Games: Exquisite Sports Corpse

11:09 / 31.07.01
Create a new and exciting sport by conflambulating two existing ones with nothing in common!


a) Take ONE from each of the lists below (eg Motor Racing from list 1 and Tetris from list 2), rub them together till a baby comes out and describe how it works (eg geometrically shaped cars which not only have to race each other but have to slot neatly together at the finish - poor example, but you get the idea)


b) as above but with two from one list (eg cock fighting and horse racing - you could probably do something about horse fighting, summat like that)

Note also the two jokers which you can chuck in if you feel hard.

IMPORTANT RULE: List 2 contains non-sporty, limp wristed games for delicate ladies and effete gentlemen. The sport you invent, however, must be a real life running about action type thing, rather than a computer or board game. Don't just make up something that happens on a screen, yeah? Cos I figure 'screen-to-real-life' will be more interesting than the other way round.

Motor Racing
Horse Racing / Jumping
Cock Fighting
Bare Knuckle Boxing
Synchronised Swimming
Football (soccer or American)
Crown Green Bowling
Mountain/rock climbing
Any Other Proper Sport of Your Choice

Donkey Kong
Super Mario Cart
Any Other 'Non-Sport' Game of Your Choice

Jury Service

Make it sportacular!
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:28 / 31.07.01
Donkey Cock Service

It's just as bad as it sounds.
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:42 / 31.07.01
Bare Knuckle Chess.

Held in an 'abandoned' barn in somerset, two men, naked as the day they were squeezed into this continuum, manhandle giant chesspieces around a board strewn with straw, razor blades and 20 amphetimine crazed pigs.
After their turn, each player has to slam a giant clock with a croquet mallet. Checkmate is only confirmed after one punches the other in the epiglottis and performs a sexual act on his hair. Then everyone has sex with the pigs, or, if they prefer, the chess pieces.
Sportacular enough?
12:02 / 31.07.01
Damn that's good! I want more. Anyone want to do something with Crown Green Asteroids? I think I want a description of Donkey Cock Service too, but I'm not sure...
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:54 / 31.07.01
It's very simple: every citizen, barring criminals and the mentally ill, is called up once every few years to Service the Donkey Cock.
13:16 / 31.07.01
Quake Baiting.

Teams of bespectacled geologists and brawny explosives experts begin recklessly setting off thermo-nuclear devices on fault lines while audiences laughingly scream insults and ridicule at the earth.
Ethan Hawke
13:59 / 31.07.01
Asteroid Tennis

A blimp overhead empties a bucket of rocks, ranging from golf ball to fist size, on a tennis court where the two participants must dodge the falling rocks while simultaneously trying to bat them across the court to nail their opponent.
14:05 / 31.07.01
Synchronized Jury Service.

Used as a replacement for the 'voir dire' juror selection process: instead of responding to questions about personal opinions and life history offered by the attorneys, upon a prearranged signal the pool of jurors separates spontaneously into teams of nine or eleven (depending on the size of the jury required, plus alternates). One team performs while the other members of the pool remain seated. It is considered more sporting for the seated members to adopt an aquatic demeanor, occasionally rippling the body gracefully or waving gently as if moved by a current.
Performers rise from their seats and glide as gracefully as possible through the jury selection room, while answering all questions posed by the lawyers as completely as possible. Answers will be delivered as a team, with each member judged on ability to construct the team reply logically and speedily.
Performers will be further judged on poise, equilibrium, flexibility, synchronized teamwork and ability to use the environment in novel ways; for instance, performing a handstand pyramid perched on the chairs or swinging from the flagpole will earn more points than one simply executed on the floor. The element of cooperation is also key; maneuvers which use the strengths of every team member are granted higher scores than those which showcase exceptionally talented individual members.
The winning team, of course, is granted the right to sit on the trial.
mondo a-go-go
12:58 / 01.08.01
bizarro. i was just about to post a similar thread -- olympic sports you wished existed but were never likely to see.

my two suggestions? alpine croquet and naked jousting. oh yes.
13:23 / 01.08.01
quake darts sounds like a very obviously good way for someone to loose an eye. the question is if the targets have to remain static like a dart-board or if everyone runs around.

if they remain static perhaps some people will pick up on the good 'ol dart-acupuncture game.
rizla mission
12:00 / 03.08.01

In which two players are set loose on a randonly chosen mountain with only their natural bargaining power and a lot of fake money. The first one to gain ownership/trust of every single snow drift, log cabin, goat, tree, reclusive monastic order, cave, majestic eagle and yeti on the mountain is declared the winner.

Or possibly not.
12:57 / 03.08.01
Freestyle Banqueting.

A 20ft diving board and a giant Banquet laid out below.. the diver can choose whether to land in soup, Mash Potato, Peas and a variety of other foods..... points are scored on technique, acrobatics and how much they eat.
14:44 / 03.08.01
Super Mario Darts

(forgive me a moment - a video game where Mario, Luigi, Toad, Koopa, Wario, and Peach play lawndarts, with impendeing consequences.)

The real thing though, is much more fun.

Participants must race their Dodge Darts through ridiculous terrain using only plumbing tools to get them out of jams. Oh, and lots of apes running around to make it a bit dangerous.
Perfect Tommy
18:41 / 03.08.01
Bare Knuckle Bridge: "Trump this!"
rizla mission
15:12 / 04.08.01
quote:Originally posted by Teela - O - MLY [NH]:
Oh, and lots of apes running around to make it a bit dangerous.

A vital element of any good sport.
09:23 / 05.08.01
synchronized vandalism. "go for the gold, tag-teams"
11:52 / 06.08.01
quote:Originally posted by doubting thomas:
Bare Knuckle Bridge: "Trump this!"

Hardly Marquess of Queensbury, is it....
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:26 / 06.08.01
White-Water Scrabble. In which a large raft full of wordsmiths attempt to manufacture the highest-scoring letter-combinations while avoiding a watery death. Bonus points awarded for triple-word-scoring whilst plunging over waterfalls, though this is discounted if the words involved are of an aquatic bent.

and, following that - though it's not _entirely_ a sport,

BASE knitting. Thrillseekers jump off large objects, illegally, with the dual aims of staying alive and attempting to knit a pair of argyle socks. Points awarded for choice of venue, acrobatic display and tightness of knit.

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Rothkoid ]
12:32 / 06.08.01
Rock climbing tetris.
50 Climbers in 5 different colours climb up a route. They can only get on to the next pitch when 5 of them wearing the same colours touch.
Needs excellent rope work and wide belay points.
foolish fat finger
20:53 / 05.04.06
downhill I-spy

2 skiers go downhill as fast as they can, while shouting out what they spy beginning with the appropriate letter. points deducted for spotting "something beginning with 's'" ie. snow...
22:31 / 05.04.06
I heard of a sport played in those big posh private education institutions. I think it's called Quidicks or something. Apparently it involves chasing balls while straddling jolly hockey sticks. Whatever that means!?
Perhaps the winner gets a pound...
16:42 / 07.04.06
Mountain chess,

in which vast tracts of land are shifted across countires and continents and tactically re-positioned in order to satisfy the whims of cackling billionaires.
Whisky Priestess
07:57 / 11.04.06
Crown Green Bricklaying

Elderly gentlemen and women in startling knitwear throw bricks on a green in an attempt to either
a) get one of their bricks nearer to the special target brick than any of their opponents' bricks and thus garner points leading to eventual victory or
b) accidentally build a wall

The game ends when one of the female players is persuaded to make highly sugared bright orange tea for the others and they all sit around on the half-finished wall, showing their arse-cracks and reading The Sun.
11:01 / 11.04.06
Pictionary Darts

Player one has 45 darts which he throws at a wire-less dart board. Player two must then remove the darts and join the dots. Player three must guess what the picture is.
Whisky Priestess
13:01 / 11.04.06
Horse Defender

A game for two players and two horses, a bit like bullfighting but harder.

Two horses are enraged with spikes, sticks and insults to their mothers. They are then let loose to have a horse fight (whatever this involves - lost of rearing I expect. They may be given sharpened shoes).

But oh! What's this? In come the Horse Defenders - two human players armed with big shields whose task it is to stop "their" horse getting hurt by the other horse (humans aren't allowed to have a go at the horses except in the initial enragement stage of the game).

Least damaged horse wins the game for its Defender. It is possible - even common - to win Horse Defender posthumously.
17:52 / 11.04.06
Maybe a little obvious, but how about Snooker Asteroids?

The re are two white balls; the first is 'fired' at the other snooker balls, which break into smaller and smaller pieces each time they're hit. However, there the second white ball loses the game for the player if touched by any other ball.

Tension ensues in the latter stages of the game, as there are no pockets - but the red/colour red/colour pattern continues until the table is littered with hundreds of tiny balls and if any touch the control ball, well, it's goodnight, Gracie...
11:32 / 12.04.06
*wild applause for recent posts*

Genius, all! (Genieese, maybe? As in geese?)
10:01 / 04.11.08
Blimey! Bizunth scores maximum pre-cog points:

Chess Boxing

(See third post in this thread)
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:15 / 04.11.08
Ah, but my idea was a delicious bouillon of the two, whereas this is clearly just Boxing soup with Chess croutons. Thanks for spotting it though!
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