Is the Creation a place to present your individual work? Yeah, it's that: and a place to discuss issues surrounding creativity and inspiration, to engage in collective writing work, and to share games and exercises that may inspire your individual work.
But is it a proper workshop? No.
That implies an obligation on the part of the reader to provide analysis and criticism. And that contract is not in place here.
That was part of the idea behind the creation of the Creation; but for the most part, when I've tried to use this forum to workshop pieces, I've not found it particularly useful. Frustrating, that...
But is that even what we want this forum to be? It goes against the freewheeling spirit of the board, really: schedules, obligations, duties, organizations, all those tools of the Man...
And of course any writers' workshop is only as good as its members, and sometimes can do more harm than good as the membership coddles each other's flaws out of affection or unwillingness to hurt each other's feelings...
Interesting question, Ellis. |