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Barbelith Writers Workshop

13:54 / 27.07.01
Good idea bad idea? Anyone interested?

Could it be done on the board or through a Yahoo groups type thing?

[Actually isnt The Creation just a big workshop anyway?]

[ 27-07-2001: Message edited by: Ellis ]
Jack Fear
14:20 / 27.07.01
Is the Creation a place to present your individual work? Yeah, it's that: and a place to discuss issues surrounding creativity and inspiration, to engage in collective writing work, and to share games and exercises that may inspire your individual work.

But is it a proper workshop? No.

That implies an obligation on the part of the reader to provide analysis and criticism. And that contract is not in place here.

That was part of the idea behind the creation of the Creation; but for the most part, when I've tried to use this forum to workshop pieces, I've not found it particularly useful. Frustrating, that...

But is that even what we want this forum to be? It goes against the freewheeling spirit of the board, really: schedules, obligations, duties, organizations, all those tools of the Man...

And of course any writers' workshop is only as good as its members, and sometimes can do more harm than good as the membership coddles each other's flaws out of affection or unwillingness to hurt each other's feelings...

Interesting question, Ellis.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:27 / 27.07.01
I think it might work, and could be a way to try and get the Creation to be a bit more active...

As Jack says, though, it's not that reliable. One problem is that people probably would have to work hard to read things closely and try to offer some kind of constructuve critique even if the style/subject of pieces offered doesn't grab them immediately. In a proper writers' workshop someone has to say something and you can talk things out: here, a thread can just die...

But I'd be interested in giving it a shot, in an informal sense at first maybe.
rizla mission
14:57 / 27.07.01
Can we define 'workshop'?

Are we talking about, like, a face-to-face thing where we get together, pool ideas and emerge with - presumably - some writing, or a more long term, online thing where we'd post writing and give cionstructive criticism and generally help each other out?

Either would be quite nice I think.
Jack Fear
15:30 / 27.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Rizla Year Zero:
Are we talking about, like, a face-to-face thing where we get together, pool ideas and emerge with - presumably - some writing, or a more long term, online thing where we'd post writing and give constructive criticism and generally help each other out?
Presumably the latter. Can be done in a message-board format, or by e-mail--send out the piece to be critiqued to your mailing list, they send comments back.

Friend of mine recommends trAce, an "online writer's community"; I've only done a bit of lurking, but 'snot for me, thinks I. Your mileage may vary, though.
Dee Vapr
23:16 / 27.07.01
The last time I posted a piece of writing on BU somebody, in a brand new fictionsuit, said it was "crap" and then nobody else posted anything, ever, praise, critcism, whatever. Just to make you aware.

That felt nice. Not that I hold a grudge or anything.
Dee Vapr
23:46 / 27.07.01
Barring that, a workshop is a fantastic idea.
07:19 / 28.07.01
Count me in. I think that something like an email group or equivalent would be a better idea than just posting here, we could give it a shot anyway and see how it works. I would prefer that to just posting on the board, that way it's more personal and it would require that people be interested enough to at least sign up.
Rollo Kim, on location
10:29 / 28.07.01
I'd be up for sharing tips, resources, discussing work generally. I'm really taking writing very seriously at the moment.

I don't know why but I've never been drawn to the idea of collaborative writing - although I'm actually working on something at the moment that's just that - so what the hell am I saying?! Doooooowwwwwh!
13:37 / 29.07.01
I think the idea of a workshop is a fine idea. I'd suggest an email mailing list as the best way to set it up.

I think it would work best if you insist that everyone has to produce a piece of work at least once a month. If there are people there not generating any work, but offering up plenty of advice, then that can be a bit wearing.

What would be useful would be to set exercises - for example, writing a short piece on a set topic - regularly to keep people writing. Sharing resources, etc. as well as advice is very useful.

I was just thinking about looking around for a writer's workshop so this is a happy coincidence.
19:06 / 29.07.01
An email mailing list sounds dandy.

Who wants to set it up?

(if no one offers I am more than willing to do it me self)

Who wants in?

I agree with Wyrd about:

quote: I think it would work best if you insist that everyone has to produce a piece of work at least once a month. If there are people there not generating any work, but offering up plenty of advice, then that can be a bit wearing.

What would be useful would be to set exercises - for example, writing a short piece on a set topic - regularly to keep people writing. Sharing resources, etc. as well as advice is very useful.

[ 29-07-2001: Message edited by: Ellis ]
22:10 / 29.07.01
I'm in. And also... why can't we have a proper workshop?
The Return Of Rothkoid
08:33 / 30.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Pin:
I'm in. And also... why can't we have a proper workshop?
I think occasional workshops (every 3/6 months or something?) might be cool. I'd hesitate to set up something a bit more frequent than that - have you seen how long it takes to organise a piss-up here, let alone anything else?
Whisky Priestess
10:20 / 30.07.01
I'd love to do it but I hope everyone agrees that one of the rules has to be honesty without malice, and no pampering - we get enough of that from our friends, I'm sure. There's no point doing it if it's going to be a mutual-appreciation society.

In aid of this, I suggest we do it in a pub in order to get more and more, ahem, honest as the evening progresses, until we are as honest as newts and fighting each other, just like proper writers.

[ 30-07-2001: Message edited by: Whisky Priestess ]
11:05 / 30.07.01
Agreed, but this now falls under "piis up" and will take forever to organize.

Oh yeah, and go here for problems with this plan.

That said, I'm still up for it if you all wanna go on a "Writters Holiday" to the island. Alan Moore started V For Vendetta here, ya know? Can't be that bad. Well, it can, and in terms of inspiration-giving abilities, I've had a block for fuckin' ages, but that's not the point!

Oh yeah, and I will soon have a base in London (my sis' house, when she moves into it) to make London meets easier, and to have an excusse for going. Soon, ya luckless fools, soon...
Whisky Priestess
21:48 / 30.07.01
Mmm . . . the Isle of Wight . . . I'm so damn desperate for a holiday it might just work. Anyone else? Wasn't it occupied by the Nazis for a bit? Cool. Old forts and stuff. Cool.

P.S. Writer's block is a damaging illusion. Like school food, it may not be any good, but you can always get something down . . .
22:00 / 31.07.01
Whisky: I can get stuff down, it's just shit. Not done anything good for a long while was my point. [misplaced optimisim]Maybe this'll get me goin' again... [/misplaced optimisim]
Jack The Bodiless
22:08 / 31.07.01
I had writer's block for eighteen months back at university. Worst time of my life (apart from, you know, last year, with the depression and facial scarring).

Up for the Isle of wight, but it does cost shitloads to get there. And obviously I'm up for doing the whole thing in a pub. Stunning idea, Whisky. Well, scotch is a stunning idea, anyway. Overflowing ashtrays... scratching out our poems/whatever across a beermat or two... and when we declare the point of grave creation... they sit there and ask us to tell them the story so far...

OK. Let's do this thing. Even if it's only a few of us at first. I'd vote for a Sunday, early afternoon to closing - pubs are generally quieter, and it's still the weekend.
22:20 / 31.07.01
Sunday is good, as it's my permenant day off. And the boy's got point, the island is stupidly expensive to commute to and from.
Jack The Bodiless
22:22 / 31.07.01
Who are you calling 'boy'? I'd have to sneak you into the pub under my coat, and feed you beer under the table...
22:50 / 04.08.01
Would this workshop allow foreigners? As in "not a resident in the bloody british isles"?

If so, count me in. I really need something like that. I'd miss the piss ups but maling list's fine for me.

- MErcury
Jack The Bodiless
02:04 / 27.08.01
So are we not doing the piss-up workshop thing, then? Shame...
20:27 / 27.08.01
Wouldn't know. Got paniced by the thought of spending time in your coat and had to have a stiff drink. I personally like the idea. Well, the alcohol and writting bits, anyway. Just not Jack's coat. *shudder*
20:33 / 27.08.01
We can do it Jack, name a time and a place.
20:40 / 27.08.01
By which obviously my esteemed friend means "pick a time and place near Pin". (*kicks Ellis. Hard*) Don't you? (*does it again*). Good, now we got that all sorted...
Jack The Bodiless
09:30 / 28.08.01
You're all welcome to do it in a gin joint in Southampton. It's... kind of central...
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