This is basically a cry for help, of any description - advice, space, time, money, whatever youall have got.
I'm directing a play at the Union Theatre in Southwark from Aug 28th - Sep 15th. We have the venue and underwriting to the tune of 3 grand, but this doesn't mean I have
a) any money to spend
b) a cast
c) decent rehearsal space
d) technical types (lighting, sound, stage managers, press etc)
d) experience or proficiency in getting companies to cough up their hard-earned to sponsor/advertise with a Fringe production of a new play
If anyone can help me in any way, by offering their time, help or living room, that would be so bloody great. My email is still broken so there's no point emailing me, but if you could post suggestions/offers on this thread that would be great. I'll also be posting it in the Conversation to catch double the fun (hem hem). Seeing as that's a temporary home, though, I'll try and steer people towards replying here after a bit.
Here is my mobile number (no heavy breathers unless they're calling with sponsorship)
07808 939 535.
Cheers for reading, and all contributions gratefully accepted. |