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Writer's Bloc Rezurektion!

rizla mission
15:57 / 21.07.01
So what do you say we get some good ol' fashionned honest to god collaborative fiction going on?

Vague guidelines to aid general goodness:

1.To avoid being blatantly silly and injokey and avoid being deadly serious - try for a happy medium?

2.At least slightly understandable narrative stuff please - Byronic purple prose, freaky shamanic drug psychosis and far out stream of consciousness experiments are probably best dealt with elsewhere..

3.NO STUPID POST-MODERN ENDING SHIT! None of that waking up from the dream/putting down the book/taking off the VR helmet nonsense.
It's rubbish.

(God, I feel like some kind of Outer Church commandant after that)

So, er, aside from the above, do what you please..

I'll set the scene:

Johnny Coca-Cola awoke, and memories of the night before flooded back immediately. New Years Eve. He always went crazy on New Years Eve. He remembered the drugs – far too many of them. He remembered playing the big show – he remembered it being brilliant, which probably meant it was shit. He remembered Eddie pulling him off the stage just before he started on about the eighth encore – he could hardly stand up. He remembered .. surely not .. racing through the streets of the city in his shiny new car. The streets of the city which were supposed to be closed off for the street party. Oh please say that didn’t happen.
He hoped to god that the memory he had of the fat woman bouncing off the bonnet and cracking the windscreen wasn’t real. Or driving through the parade float. Or side-swiping the ambulance. That kind of thing would be hilarious if you saw it on TV. But not quite so amusing if you actually did it in a drug fuelled frenzy.

He’d been determined to get to Westminster for some reason. He had no recollection of why. He just had a mad idea that something was going on there. He remembered that Eddie and Mia were in the car with him. He remembered he’d locked the doors. He actually remembered being sick on the steering wheel, which was pretty horrible.

The last moments he remembered clearly. The bright red light shining directly onto his face like one of those things doctors use to look into your eyes. The weird little man standing in front of them, getting closer every second. The thing he was carrying, Scarcely being able to believe it was a .. The impact. The big bang.

Nothing could describe the headache he felt, but there was also something uncomfortable cutting into the back of his neck. A gentle breeze was blowing across his face. His hands were cold. He decided it was time to open his eyes, and then maybe think about moving.
The first thing he saw was the pigeons, circling overhead in a manner traditionally reserved for vultures, and then the sunshine. Looking around in his near horizontal position, he realised where he was. Trafalgar Square. Lying awkwardly on the steps. He’d obviously failed to get anywhere near Westminster. Near him was the burnt out wreck that used to be his car. Not burned out in any minor way either – it was completely torn apart, in pieces, the ground was blackened six feet around it in every direction.. Johnny didn’t even want to think about how he’d survived, or about what had happened to the others in the car.

Recovering his balance – his back and his legs ached as badly as his head – he began to take a hesitant stroll around the square. Looking at his watch he saw that, assuming it was correct, the time was 2:37 pm and the date was January the 3rd. He’d been unconscious for three days? In the middle of Trafalgar Square?
That was another thing – the square was completely deserted. Not a living soul in site. In fact, the city was in silence. Early afternoon in central London and the noisiest thing was the pigeons.
Something was clearly up.

The pavement was buried under a scattering of seemingly identical leaflets.
Johnny picked some of them up, half expecting to see government directives about bomb shelters and radiation sickness. Either that or ‘SURRENDER ENGLISHERS, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!’
Instead, they seemed to be part of some activist stunt or situationist prank. Of the half dozen he’d picked up, three of them were the same, reading ‘ALL THE MONEY’S GONE. NOW WHAT?’. The other three featured meaningless joke slogans – ‘Benjamin Disreali says: There is so much sand in the world, why don’t we utilise it?’, ‘Stalin’s paranoia was a self fulfilling prophesy. So was Bucky Fuller’s optimism’ (he was sure he’d seen that one somewhere before), ‘If you don’t know what a funnel is, get mummy to show you one’. Nonsense, basically.
On a whim, he checked his pockets. His wallet was still there, but all his paper money had indeed gone. Hardly that surprising seeing as how he’d been unconscious for three days.

It was only then that Johnny saw something that made his blood run cold…
the Fool
05:09 / 23.07.01
At the edges of the square, he saw movement. Not the movement of man hiding in the shadows, something else. Johnny started to feel sick, stumbling on his feat. There it was again. 'what the fuck is that!' he thought to himself. He couldn't really explain to himself what he was seeing in those brief moments. Like a bunch of arms or legs flailing wildly and then vanishing.

It seemed to be all around him. He felt a cold, dark empty feeling creep slowly up from the pit of his stomach. He started to shake. His legs buckled. He collapsed to the ground, vomitting as he fell.

The vomit was red.

He saw a human finger in his vomit.

[ 23-07-2001: Message edited by: better the Fool you know ]
12:08 / 23.07.01
Empty beer bottles. Sodden tissue hats. Crushed cardboard noisemakers. A few stray nitrous canisters and tattered balloons.
And the finger.
On the sidewalk. Unmistakable.
Right in front of him.

His first reaction, once the disbelief started to settle, was to look around him for a cop. He wanted to be able to explain before anyone started asking questions.

No cops. That's good. No one at all, in fact. Just a handful of pigeons pecking among the mounds of party debris and idly strutting around the improbable hulk of a totalled Cadillac, which rested on its side and leaned against a lamp post like a sleeping dinosaur.

The Cadillac looked familiar.

Oh shit, he thought. That's my car.

[ 23-07-2001: Message edited by: grant ]
14:52 / 23.07.01
He automatically reached for the keys in his back pocket. Getting into the car, the first thing he noticed was a pair of green eyes staring at him in the rearviewmirror. He turned to look, and saw a beautiful, yet somehow malignant sculpture of anthropomorph configuration lying in his car's backseat. The statue, made out of what seemed to be soap-stone, had no recognizable face; its "head" was merely a triangle. And there were things moving inside the triangle, which he could not discern, but that gave him a sense of latent possibility, of resigned and patient self-awareness.
He started to feel sick again - something was finding its way through his throat. With a spasm as if drowning, he coughed and spat out something that hit the windshield with a metallic sound. On the car panel, now was laying a wedding ring. Horrified, he took the ring with him without even knowing why, then stormed out of the car and started to run.
He headed for a subway entrance, where he could buy some some time to think, hiding himself from inquiring eyes at the same time.
His mind was blank and his lungs ached, and the taste of aged blood in his mouth was driving him to tears of insanity. But the worse was the way he felt stuffed, like someone feels after a great feast. It could not be. It just could not be.
He finally made it to the subway entrance, where he saw a drunk old woman lying next to the ticket booth. A cop was trying to lift her and take her out of there, but she screamed and scratched his face. As he passed by the beggar, suddenly slowing his pace, he heard her yelling something at him. And what she yelled was something like:
"Good morning, master. I hope you find your host comfortable, and the meal appropriate."
11:43 / 30.07.01
He stopped and turned his face to her and decided he didn't want to speak to a policeman after all, not that one. It wasn't the way he was standing over the drunk woman, undoing his belt, and it wasn't the way he ignored Johnny, the only other person moving around Trafalgar Square. It was what he wore on his sleeve - a badge with the same green triangular head Johnny Coca-Cola had just seen in his car. Keep walking, he told himself. Try to find a bathroom, a mirror.

Moving again, he patted the right front pocket of his leather jeans, the same jeans hundreds of sweat-soaked, hysterical young girls had been clawing at three nights ago, while he pranced and prowled the stage above them. He pulled his phone out and flipped open its wire-sprung cover. He looked at his location and it didn't say Trafalgar Square. It didn't say what time it was. It didn't say hello. It was mute, dark, and fresh out of credit. Fuck it, he said, I knew I should have spent those few extra quid on the titanium battery. Three days of missed calls and…RING…RING…RING…he turned his eyes to the phone in the ticket sellers booth…RING…RING…RING…

[ 30-07-2001: Message edited by: milt-one ]
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:00 / 30.07.01
Walking carefully towards the phone as if approaching a violent feline predator he scooped up the handset.
"Hello" he rasped, hardly recognizing the sound of his voice.
"Sir! Its taken me quite some time to find you, you see, these idiots have been trying to get to you through us, as if they have any hope of stoping the inevitable. Anyway, where are you?"
"Near Trafalgar" Johnny replied. He didnt hear the callers reply as it was drowned out by the sound of many feet punding down the stairs to the station.
"What?" he yelled into the phone, "I cant hear you over all this..."
Turning Johnny saw a mob of 13 people stalking towards him brandishing varius religeous implements...
13:38 / 01.08.01
It was an impressive display, everything from Hindu hammers to Catholic catharscissors - big enough to cut a schoolboy in two, ker-SNIP! ker-SNAP!

Johnny gripped the phone very hard, he pressed it to his ear.

"Mr Coca-Cola? Sir? Are you still there?"

"Yes, but I can barely hear you; lots of clattery knife business going on, quite near by too. Uh, look, I think I'll be off now, bye!"

"Sir, no! I must insist that you stay right where you are. You'll be perfectly fine as long as you do one thing, and do it quickly."

"Okayokayokay - what is it?"

"Sir, you must vomit. Stick your fingers down your throat and vomit as if your life depended on it - for it does!"


"Oh for f*ck's sweet f*cking sake! Here, let me help...."

All at once Johnny felt a horrendous heaving motion in his stomach. A brief pause. On the phone, he heard a "HnnnG!" Something moved inside him. Johhny dropped the reciever, bent double, his throat opened up, he felt the bile rise and - HLUUURRGGH! - out onto the floor in front of him fell a finger. The mob, seeing this, stopped in their tracks and exchanged glances. Eyebrows were raised. More heavings, another HEEEEM! and there lay a couple of toes. More lumps followed in rapid succession, each bite-sized chunk attached to the next by a stretchy translucent chord of well lubricated gristle. Very soon Johnny found himself confronted by a man-sized pile of gore. The mob looked impressed.

The most difficult lump came last, it was bigger than the rest and inorganic. Johhny, exhausted from his exertions, pulled the object from his mouth and stared at it with incredulity. It was a mobile phone. As he stared, as the mob stared, the puke-mass started to move.

Look, to cut a long story short, it was the man on the phone, right? He'd been inside Johnny's stomach, he got puked out and then he formed himself back into a man shape, okay?

The man gave Johnny a mock salute.

"Hello, Sir. Now, to - hey, I seem to be missing a finger... ... and my wedding ring!"
Blank Faced Avatar
06:30 / 13.08.01
Johnny CC's eyes shone like glass, rolling skyward, and his face contorted into the leering grin which would have had his friends running for cover. He fixed the neat little beaurocratic figure before him with a wall-eyed stare, and when he spoke he the man flinched.
" I was usin' it for a toothpick back there ... sorry, pal. ".
But he cut short as he saw the sick man's eyes flick over his shoulder & widen, his mouth open to say " No.."..
Then there was just a blur where Johnny had stood, as the Sikh sword flashed past at head height while Johnny spun in a low sweep circle, cutting the legs from under his opponent. Johnny was on his feet & moving to intercept the next figure. He seemed to be enjoying himself.
" Oh stop, you must stop! ", squealed the puked man, " You must listen to me! ".
Johnny danced back out of the path of a viciously wielded druidic sickle. He laughed.
" Hey, I hear a lot of voices - I hear voices all the time. I just don't always listen to 'em.. ".
Chi energy spiked in Johnny's body and he skittled his attackers with a thousand-decibel roar.
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