Post 7
"Puh-puh-please sir", you stammer weakly at a passing orderly, "May I have some more puh-puh-paper, puh-puh-please?"
As the orderly spins around you see to your mild horror that "sir" was not the correct honorific for you to have used.
"Do I look like a felching man to you, bitch?" snarls the lumpenly ugly and yet undeniably female creature.
"It's confusing these days", you answer with a gulp.
The medical malcontent grabs you by the scruff of the neck and drags you roughly out of the hospital and into the street, where she proceeds to administer a severe kicking. The damage to your internal organs is considerable and as you lie twitching in a rapidly expanding pool of your own blood, fading from consciousness, you realise this is probably the end of your mortal days. You close your eyes, feeling almost relieved.
You are in darkness. But what's that up ahead? Why, it looks like a brilliant white light, glowing far away but getting ever close! And you can just make out what sounds like a chorus of angelic voices, calling you towards the light...
If you go towards the light, go to POST 9 (strangely not mentioned thus far).
If you turn away from the light and instead follow the sound of a young boy's voice whispering your name in the darkness, go to POST 14. |