"Feel story, aincha?" he asked, turning his collar up against the rain.
"Similar ones. you need chunk together."
What was he saying? I couldn't figure it out, so I leaned closer.
"Substitute or through and make about you're add your way... Substitute randomly the phrases it randomly.
"Add about plus a with steam".
Across the street, an old woman trundled out through the doors of her delicatessen, holding aloft two immense garbage bags. She dropped them next to the trash can on the sidewalk, turned and went back in. I imagined I could hear her grumbling over the early morning traffic.
The man wheezed and started again.
"And make the completely can use Work about what enough of text. randomly you can use only get could mean.
"Steam it through. Actually you'll have a
there, faced with you if it the phrases trees epic wasn't or aincha?
"You'll only, you'll only text. Only chosen words or of text. through, you'll epic have sentences, what this crap it it through similar ones."
I began to feel a chill. Could he possibly know about the text? It seemed impossible, but still. I stopped watching for the bus and focussed all my attention on this little, stubbly man.
"And some together. Substitute what you need words together. Substitute If run phonetically steam."
He gasped, hawked and spat a brown splash across the rain wet asphalt.
"Work through actually mean anything, story, aincha? a lot If of text. Take out some phrases trees epic faced a chunk really want to, you it only get plus about what this crap a with steam".
What was this about steam? And why did saying the word make him cough?
"Soon to. On ones. feel story, aincha?
were similar ones."
It was a disgusting observation, but true. We were more similar than I'd like to admit. The smell, the ratty raincoats, the stubble. Denise wouldn't recognize me, now.
Which was probably just as well.
"And make if only together. Substitute randomly mean, if only together. Substitute your way... a thought it a story, to, you want a...."
He trailed off, eyes searching the sky as if watching distant, invisible birds, circling far above the clouds.
"Were something completely can post. feel your way...."
He startled me by looking straight into my eyes, his voice suddenly rising to a hoarse shout.
"Soon! Now read it which chosen words or were If, if it randomly." |