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help me out here...

19:57 / 26.06.01
OK, I dunno if anyone had this idea before, but it's like this: each of us contributes with a topic for a story. Something, anything. A sentence, a situation, a concept. Now, I don't mean a thread with a story, no. I mean you give me an ignition and I'll do a story around it. I'll let you read it later if you want. I'll email it to you.

I mean, I need it. I finally have time to get some serious writing done and I have writer's block. No, not block, it's like an aircraft carrier just landed on my head and I'm trying to push it away with my bare hands, so I'm asking: gimme an idea. In return, I'll make you a short story. Or something. And then if you want, I'll give you an idea too.And then you can make a story. Simple as that. I don't wanna publish. I just wanna get the engines rolin' know what I mean? I gotta get some brain lubricant.
Thanks in advance

We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:10 / 26.06.01
Run for your life. Get out of the house, out into the street. Do NOT stare at that blank screen any longer. Do NOT cudgel yourself about not writing. If you feel the need to write right now, get yourself in the mood.


Jeff Noon has my favourite method of beating the block, if you really feel it's there...

Take a chunk of text. If you really want to, you can use this post. Take out some letters randomly. Add some. Squash words together. Substitute randomly chosen words or phonetically similar ones.

Now read it through and make the phrases make sense. Alter what you need to. On the first run through, you'll only get about three which actually mean anything, plus a lot of junk like "hog trees epic and my annointed fish faced with steam". Work them until you have sentences, feel your way...

Soon enough you'll start cheating. You'll have a thought about what this crap could mean, if only that word wasn't there, or if it were something completely different. And then...well, you're telling a story, aincha?
Whisky Priestess
21:45 / 26.06.01
Or nick somebody else's plot and switch the sexes/relationships.

Eg - Andy Hall (Annie Hall, gender-reversed)
What if Oedipus was a girl?
Othello gender-reversed
A gay, over-60s Romeo and Juliet
The story of Theseus and the minotaur in modern-day New York, where instead of the woman Theseus has to rescue his brother/father/mother.

Give me something on any of those and I'd love to read 'em.

Sentence to include:
She burst out of the room, taking the window with her. Theye were hard to come by these days, and she had space in her flight bag.

Go Mercury Go!
13:00 / 27.06.01
"Feel story, aincha?" he asked, turning his collar up against the rain.
"Similar ones. you need chunk together."
What was he saying? I couldn't figure it out, so I leaned closer.
"Substitute or through and make about you're add your way... Substitute randomly the phrases it randomly.
"Add about plus a with steam".

Across the street, an old woman trundled out through the doors of her delicatessen, holding aloft two immense garbage bags. She dropped them next to the trash can on the sidewalk, turned and went back in. I imagined I could hear her grumbling over the early morning traffic.

The man wheezed and started again.

"And make the completely can use Work about what enough of text. randomly you can use only get could mean.
"Steam it through. Actually you'll have a
there, faced with you if it the phrases trees epic wasn't or aincha?
"You'll only, you'll only text. Only chosen words or of text. through, you'll epic have sentences, what this crap it it through similar ones."

I began to feel a chill. Could he possibly know about the text? It seemed impossible, but still. I stopped watching for the bus and focussed all my attention on this little, stubbly man.

"And some together. Substitute what you need words together. Substitute If run phonetically steam."

He gasped, hawked and spat a brown splash across the rain wet asphalt.

"Work through actually mean anything, story, aincha? a lot If of text. Take out some phrases trees epic faced a chunk really want to, you it only get plus about what this crap a with steam".

What was this about steam? And why did saying the word make him cough?

"Soon to. On ones. feel story, aincha?
were similar ones."

It was a disgusting observation, but true. We were more similar than I'd like to admit. The smell, the ratty raincoats, the stubble. Denise wouldn't recognize me, now.

Which was probably just as well.

"And make if only together. Substitute randomly mean, if only together. Substitute your way... a thought it a story, to, you want a...."

He trailed off, eyes searching the sky as if watching distant, invisible birds, circling far above the clouds.

"Were something completely can post. feel your way...."

He startled me by looking straight into my eyes, his voice suddenly rising to a hoarse shout.

"Soon! Now read it which chosen words or were If, if it randomly."
13:56 / 27.06.01
A guy starts receiving videos through the post, one every day. Unmarked, local postcode. The first is shaky amateur video footage of the streets he habitually walks around (his job is, say, a door to door salesman or something like that - do they still exist? Maybe he's just unemployed). The second looks the same but the guy notices himself in the picture - some way off, but the camera seems to be following him. Subsequent videos show the same thing, the camera getting closer each day. Whenever he's out and about he starts turning around suddenly to catch his stalker out, but - of course - no luck.

He really freaks out when he gets a tape that seems to prove that the stalker was just 20 feet behind him. A couple of tapes on, and it appears the stalker is literally right behind him, he/she could reach out and touch the back of his head.

Obviously, the guy starts going crazy with paranoid fear (*knock knock* "Hello? Yes?" "Hi, I'm a door to door salesman. Tell me, is there anyone standing right behind me?") But he goes completely mental when he gets a tape that ends with his stalker pushing him under the wheels of a car (he only gets to see the stalker's hands, yeah?) And each tape thereafter shows the guy dying in ever more nasty, brutal ways - throttled, face sliced off etc. Everything up to the moment of his assault, though, is exactly as he remembers it happening.

He calls in sick, stays at home all day. The next video is 3 hrs of the front of his house. 2nd day at home: he holes up in his kitchen, occasionally peering through the net curtains to the garden. Next video = him cowering by the cooker, fag in shaky hand. It's filmed from right up by the window, you can see up his nostrils as he peers out.

Blah blah blah, make up yr own ending. How about new people move in, find parcel on doormat. It's a video - 3 hr footage of one of the cupboards upstairs (taken from outside the cupboard). From within comes constant whimpering / screaming.
14:01 / 27.06.01
You receive a package one day for your neighbour. She never shows up to retrieve it. It looks like something from a horror movie.
16:59 / 14.07.01
The video one sounds pretty derivative of Lost Highway, to be honest.
Jason 08
19:09 / 15.07.01
So? Rip off Lost Highway all ya want. Me for one thought the video idea was not fully realised anyway. Which is good. But no reason why it can't be twisted and re-used.
23:55 / 15.07.01
Well, most everything is derivative of something else, but my view is that creating something that at least I myself haven't seen/heard/whatever done before is much more satisfying. But if you do take the beaten path, you could do much worse than ripping off Lynch.
07:28 / 16.07.01
"The video one sounds pretty derivative of Lost Highway, to be honest."

Bugger, you're right! Would you believe me if I said I had that idea before Lost Highway came out, was shocked, pleased and slightly annoyed when I saw the film, and subsequently forgot about the similarity until now? Damn. Doesn't help you anyway, does it?

I tell you, they are out there scanning my brane, breaking into my flat and riffling through my notebooks, thieving ideas. Hmmm, how about that as a basis for a story?
08:23 / 16.07.01
"I started out of my window, and knew that life was good. I could smell perculating cofee in a not too far off room, the sun was shining, my girlfriend had big breasts and I was juggling three oranges in one hand. Unfortunatly, I'm lying."

Make if it what you will.
Whisky Priestess
08:23 / 16.07.01
ooh, the video thing gave me shivers. excellent thriller/horror a la Hitchcock. The noir that lurks beneath the surface . . . just off to rent Lost Highway . . .
The Return Of Rothkoid
10:50 / 16.07.01
We've met before, haven't we?
12:46 / 16.07.01
If I remember the film correctly, the first half is super chills-up-spine, hot-tears-at-back-of-eyes freaky weirdness, then it turns into an hour of Pat Arquette dispassionate shagging while things blow up, which sounds better than it is. See it, though, Whiskey.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:59 / 16.07.01
I think the genius of the film is that as convoluted as it seems - stock Lynch, really - the director's constantly stated that it's a really simple story if you squint and look at it from a particular angle. I think I've figured it out, and it's kinda neat - be interested to hear what you think. See it, definitely - it's one of my favourite Lynch flicks, in terms of creation of spooky atmosphere.
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