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Cut Up Method

00:15 / 20.06.01
I have started a cut up method diary. I was wondering if anyone knew of any other writers other than Tzara and Burroughs who have dabbled with the cut up method. What is the Underground's thoughts on the cut up method?
00:40 / 20.06.01
I've used it and was pleasantly amused by it.
00:58 / 20.06.01
Burroughs and Gysin: The Third Mind
Kathy Acker

Online Generator

I did the "Third Mind" exercises on flights to and from Florida and Connecticut about five years ago. They were interesting and fun. I was also taking Hydrocodone following the removal of my wisdom teeth. I think that helped.

Burroughs stopped using them by the time he wrote Naked Lunch, claiming he'd learned everything they could teach him. You really see the development/evolution in The Place of Dead Roads and The Western Lands. I never did anything long-term. Let us know if your experiments yeild tangible results.
Perfect Tommy
01:48 / 20.06.01
My personal opinion is probably based on the line "If you write stoned, edit straight; if you write straight, edit stoned."

That is to say, I like the concept of using randomization to spur your creative process, but I prefer the final product to have some rationality in it, even if it's just rationalizing what you draw from the cut-up method.

But a cut-up diary? Bitchin'.
rizla mission
13:26 / 20.06.01
A thousand thank you's for finding me a new online cutup generator. That's made my day.

Other writers who use cut up?

Jeff Noon's Cobralingus process is kind of a more developed/organized form of cut-up, and I get the feeling that sections of all his books were created using similar processes..
Mister Zno
16:02 / 24.06.01
You can get a downloadable freeware cut-up prog here. PC only though, I think.

I've only just found it but first impressions are that it's really fast and you can use up to four seperate text files. There are also sliders for each file that let you control the 'volume' of that file in the finished processed version. It's also only about 650k...
rizla mission
17:45 / 24.06.01
Jason 08
19:06 / 24.06.01
I put something into the cut up generator you suggested [Your Name Here], thanks. Here are the results.
go! he says. The forensic psychiatrist now moans and throws her pelvis back and forth. Vaginal fluid and secretions from glands have made her womb glistening wet, like an open cave surrounded by a spring creek . - Oh! Please! Take me! she cries. Some of the people standing by giggle. takes seconds for her to come. - Oh my god! Yes! Yes! she cries. The first round is completed with success. But she has another two rounds to go before it´s over.
dildo vibrator. Together with the dildo vibrator electrical stimulation of the pudendal nerve is applied. In the first round the brush will be handled by her divorced husband falsely accused of assault by her in a custody case. The forensic psychiatrist is obese in stature and finding her clitoris is brush and use your hand! she begs. The deprogrammer has explained this is a good sign. But a premature ending would ruin the process. - We´re not through yet. There´s half an hour to go! he says. The forensic psychiatrist now moans and throws her pelvis back and forth. Vaginal fluid is a feature of the whole deprogramming. It all starts with stimulation of the clitoris with a brush. This will take at least one hour and by that time most women beg for the dildo vibrator. Together with the dildo vibrator electrical stimulation of the pudendal nerve is applied. In the
at least one hour and by that time most women beg for the dildo vibrator. Together with the dildo vibrator electrical stimulation of the pudendal nerve is applied. In the first round the brush will be handled by her divorced husband falsely accused of assault by her in a custody case. people standing by giggle. To see the woman who addressed them as creeps, abusers, and rapists beg for a man, that is really something! When the full hour has passed people standing by are relieved, because it almost started to look like torture. A helper to the deprogrammer brings out the The psychiatrist is infamous for making the diagnosis by simulating hallucinations and reference. All of the patients have been brought to insanity by beeing addressed as creeps, rapists and abusers. Her thighs are well separated to make the procedure easier. She will be humiliated by having orgasm after orgasm in He takes a seat by the bed and proceeds to brush her clitoris. She throws herself from side to side raging. After some fifteen minutes her face flushes, and the breathing gets more profound. After another fifteen minutes her labias are redishly swollen. And there is no need to hold
I'd like to point out that the original text is not mine.

[ 24-06-2001: Message edited by: Varis 08 ]
The Sinister Haiku Bureau
00:23 / 25.06.01
should i ask what the original source was? or would i regret knowing?
07:52 / 28.06.01
If you define "cut-up" as anything non-linear, then Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, Oates' Black Water and Tarantino's Pulp Fiction all qualify. There's nothing wrong with jarring a reader or viewer out of his preconceived notion of logic and order, but it can be taken to extremes. I tend to view genuine cut-ups, true randomness, as gimmicky attempts to distract the reader from the actual content by hyper-emphasizing the style. Case in point:

head was facing away ancient attic. Harsh then, too. sold. I reverse. A pallid man Eventually, my parents grew worried it face against the wood, inhale the dust, down between his press my fix, my lover, spill out from flickering screen from underneath a I entered, his house and finding hunch down between his a secret stairway parents grew ten inches away his shoulders, then he in reverse. was crushed; it open, from the camera; A pallid man with water in reverse. A water in along with muffled then, too.
television was sold. about ten inches yeah. I also remember to face me friend, my preteen heroin Oh, yeah. sold. I was crushed; I had lost my a drop of water stupid then, too. earliest inhale the best friend, my preteen God. For years afterwards, from a television screen. control, the was facing open, and lover, my God. an ancient attic. Harsh The Brady was: a flickering secret without horizontal pallid man and finding a A pallid man screen without horizontal control, was earliest childhood about ten head was facing I also remember attic. Harsh fluorescent it open, God. For years afterwards, as I muffled underneath a was sold. I

The original text had nothing to do with sex, but the style obscures that fact. Don't let the packaging fool you into thinking that the product tastes better than it does.
The Return Of Rothkoid
10:23 / 28.06.01
There's a selection of Mac and DOS programs for textual flim-flammery here. Some are good, some are shit, but they're gathered together here. Mark V Chaney was actually the first one I ever used - it's pretty good. I think TextMangler's probably the best for Mac - but your mileage may vary...
Jackie Susann
09:41 / 29.06.01
quote: Burroughs stopped using them by the time he wrote Naked Lunch

Not to be pedantic, but... Gysin didn't 'discover' the cut-up method until after Naked Lunch was finished. Burroughs then used it extensively for the trilogy of the Soft Machine, Nova Express and The Ticket That Exploded, and claimed he'd unconsciously employed a primitive version on the Naked Lunch by taking the sections to the printers in random order. I think you mean his later trilogy, the one with The Place of Dead Roads and The Western Lands in it - by then, he wasn't using cut-ups.
09:41 / 29.06.01
You're right, of course. I was sitting here trying to remember if I meant Wild Boys or Cities of the Red Night, by which time I know he stopped. He says exactly when in A Report from the Bunker?
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