The original thread, more or less:
I, Movie
[Your Name Here]: Since a couple of you nice and beautiful people found this bit from Jack Fear's "Title Bout" thread interesting, I present to all the basic plot structure of "I."
quote:Kathleen Hannah plays Kathy Acker, back from the dead, carrying a harpoon and wearing pages of Dickens, DeSade, and Artaud hunts a mysterious hooded figure. Charleton Heston plays Papa Hemmingway, also dead, who can't speak because of that terrible headwound (and hence the hood). His cold dead fingers tightly grip the shotgun. An ensemble cast plays various other literary figures: RuPaul as Lacan provides clues about Ernest's location. In a wonderful scene, Lacan emerges fully formed from Acker's cunt while she sleeps, and writes the word 'white' in blood on her newsprint clothes. Upon waking, she folds a pointy hat from her own tatooed skin and stalks Hemminway through the collective unconscious, finally catching up to him on an iceberg. The harpoon, once fired strikes her from the back, poking out her "I."
Obviously, I'm a few figures shy of an ensemble cast. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help me fill in some blanks. The only rules I'd like to keep in place are:
1) That the figures must be literary critics or authors - in both cases fairly recognizable.
2) You must place them in context, in the movie.
3) I wrote the original with some sense of why I wanted certain individuals representing Acker, Hemmingway, and Lacan. When casting, try to follow that example.
4) Actors must be living. Literary figures obviously need not be.
5) fnord
People I'd like to see, but don't understand well enough yet to cast myself: Ishmael Reid, Euridice, Ibsen. Oh, and Faulkner's mine. Go to if you like. If not, stop back for further installments.
Cranky Jackie Sour Pants : I will write a bit of this later, but right now I have to ask: Why is Lacan Ru Paul?
[Your Name Here]: Fair Enough. I'll own that this was inspiration based a little bit on testimonial. Despite Jack's hilarious "Lacan Wore Khakis" post the man was a bit eccentric. I figured Ru Paul would look good in full length fur. There's also a bit of irony inherent in a transgendered black individual playing a white post-Freudian. Rupaul in mink walking across a certain desert had some charm as well. The images of both persons were resonant for Acker's writing and life. And I was trying to come up with a figure that would be fairly threatening to both Heston and Hemmingway. Feel free to tell me I'm full of shit.
zzzzenith: I think we should have James Woods playing William Burroughs in it as the love interest. Hemmingway's love interest.
Whisky Priestess: Jeff Goldblum/Danny DeVito as Sigmund Freud?
[Your Name Here]: Play nice, now... put them in the movie.
revolution.org: Okay: I'd like kd lang playing RD Laing, who enters the frame at random moments playing with a length of rope tied up in various different knots, muttering to himself. One of Acker's dream sequences would feature Laing and Lacan in a terribly glitzy but somehow wrong advertisement for MAC, both of them wearing spectacles of course. And Foucault must make an appearance, played by Hillary Swank.
todd: Macauley Culkin plays a young James Joyce, periodically wiping his brow with a pair of Nora Barnacle's soiled panties and making his "Home Alone" face of mock surprise. Ezra Pound, played by the comedian Carrot Top, snorts dismissively from his death-cell.
Rizla B. Goode: I think the film should feature narration by Albert Camus (as played by John Lithgow) telling a longwinded anecdote in a dream of his own funeral. |