the big names have agents usually to dea l with OTHER media, cuz they're such hotshit comic writers that now they get movie tv and videogame offers. there's no such thing as an agent who only does comic writers, that'd be a fucking bankrupt agency, and you're not going to find a lit agent who will waste too much time fucking around trying to get you a comics deal when yr supposed to be writing another Malcom spec. not to mention how little a comic editor is going to care when an agent calls them up.
that said, there are kinds of agents who interface with comic companies -- usually handling artists though -- animation agents in particular. but yr best bet if yr starting from scratch is not to waste a lot of time finding an agent who knows comics (good luck) but finding an editor will read yr work. and that "agent," my friend, is known as "let me buy you a drink."[/LIST] |