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Collaborative music project

11:09 / 18.06.01
This here thread is for anything relating to the electronic/postal collaboration started back in mid-May.

For those of you new to this, the plan is that people send each other musical snippets of their own creation (or make them available on the web) to be added to, mangled, remixed etc, and then sent on for further manglefication by others until something resembling a completed track is achieved. Well, lots of completed tracks, hopefully.

If you'd like to be involved, just reply with an email address and a brief description of what sort of stuff you can work with (see list below).

Here is the contact list so far:

Can produce: audio CDs, audio tapes (ordinary 2 track or 4 track) and CDs with PC sound files (.wavs, Acid files, Drum Station)
Can work with: all of the above

Rollo Kim:
I can burn and get them on the web
I can work with .Wav and .AIFF files CD / TAPE etc

I've got a four track, a regular cassette deck, and I can rip CDs but not burn them.


Richard Dreyfuss dressed as a clown:
Can mess around with pretty much any digital format. Can't burn CDs at the moment, but will have limited access later in the summer. I can put together some rhythm tracks and odd / stupid noises for others to mess around with. I only have access to a PC at the moment, but I'm hopefully going to be re-united with my beloved TR-909 before the end of the year.

can recive/produce: wav/aiff/mp3, fruityloops/acid/vegas files, 4track/regular tapes, minidisc, audio cds

I can provide acoustic guitar parts, but would need a way to get them to computer. Other then that, I'm just willing. Anyone else who can help with anything like making electronic music or recording guitar, email me. All help gratefully recived...

I can only contribute drum sounds and breaks to the mix - maybe some field recording, too.

[ 18-06-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]

[ 19-06-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
11:16 / 18.06.01
Can those of you put stuff on the web for download re-post the links please? Ta.

Apologies for taking so long to get stuff out btw, shit keeps happening!
15:58 / 18.06.01
Yeah, I was wondering why no CD... but my addy's changed to instead, cos Disinfo takes so fucking long to load...
16:27 / 18.06.01
my loops thus far:

i'm still beggin all ya'll to do the hotline thing, it would be so rad as i've said again and again. i wish i was on a line so i could host it myself but ~alas~
21:26 / 18.06.01
Some cracking sounds there, Tag, I'm looking forward to mucking about with them - once I've made good on my promises, of course...
11:47 / 22.06.01
well for some time i won't be able to upload music, but i can try to write lyrics - if this would be the case (or is it an instrumental project?)
11:58 / 22.06.01
Nope, I think we're all up for anything. Can you sing the lyrics, or get someone else to? That would be great if you could.
21:11 / 08.07.01
Rollo, I have discs all packed up and ready to go, 3 of the buggers. Because it's been a while, can you tell me if you've changed your address since the last time I asked (mid May!)? I'll sort out everyone on the list in due course, I'll only have time to do one set a night probably. Actually, while I'm here, if anyone has decided they're no longer interested, lemme know!
23:14 / 29.07.01
Any of these been sent out yet? Anything made with them? Is mine on it's way or still waiting for software? Am I tempting fate with this?
08:49 / 01.08.01
I sent Rollo's a while back (he was talking about bolting some of the loops together and adding his own noises), and I am, this very lunchtime, going to send Grant his. I'm working on the *cough cough ahem etc* you asked about. As regards noises, I could send you an audio CD right now if you want, but I dunno how useful it would be to you without the *cough cough ahem etc*...
13:53 / 01.08.01
OooooOOOoooo! A chance to rebuild after me recent hard drive troubles!
Rollo Kim, on location
18:12 / 01.08.01
Hello. I've been ill.

I've run out of web-space. Bugger. But I have done three tunes using some of Sav's loverlee loops. I've added bass and some other stuff. Going to spoil them all by singing all over them at the weekend. A CD to you as soon as I done that too. Blarp. Sav's sounds are groovy!
19:12 / 01.08.01
Rollo, could you sort me out with some software, or do you have none either? The links you gave me are fuckity and the downloads don't work...

No fear if you don't, I'll just stick my tounge out at the computer screen every time I see your name. Yeah, that's you warned...
Rollo Kim, on location
20:39 / 01.08.01
Pin - I've retrieved a rather fun-packed PC music software at last. It's got a bit of everything. Vegas for multi-track mixing of waves, loads of plug-ins, acid etc... send me your current location again and me do you copy. I lost Outlook recently so I don't have your details no more.

The only decent downloadable stuff I know of at the moment is Mac based. This CD is the kanine's testicles though I promise yee.

[ 01-08-2001: Message edited by: Rollo ]
13:10 / 20.08.01
I've got the three CDs and have made one song already using a bunch of rhythm/synth tracks from you guys (or was it just Saveloy?). i also incorporated a couple samples from a Bigfoot hunting cassette, some cartoon "science" effects and and two loops pulled off a Ventures album. Viva surf.

I wonder what I should do with it now....

- g
21:17 / 21.08.01
grant, I'm gagging to hear that (it was just my stuff, btw, sorry I didn't send much of a note with it, in a rush etc). I've been doing stuff with that tape you sent me, as soon as I have anything worthy I'll bung it on a CD and send to you. What to do with finished tracks, eh? I understand you can't burn CDs at the mo', would putting it onto tape affect the sound quality too badly?

Rollo, can't wait to hear your stuff too, how's it going?
13:40 / 22.08.01
I am now burner equipped.
Rollo Kim, on location
12:27 / 26.08.01
Sorry for lack of update - I've been struggling with ill health and TIME. I have two or three tracks made up of stuff from Sav that I've added bass and stuff to, and I've got a big stock of home grown samples etc. I'll try and get sorted next week!
12:26 / 28.08.01

Thinking again about "what to do with it" - does it sound 'finished', or do you reckon it could stand up to further editing and mucking about with? If the latter, maybe bung it on a cd as a .wav and send it on to Rollo and/or me? Or anyone else on the original list, if they're still about (I must check that out).

Sorry to hear that, fella, hope you're feeling better. And don't worry about the time thing - it took me 2 bloody months to sort out the CDs and I'm still working on stuff that grant sent me nearly a year ago!

While I'm here:

IS ANYONE ELSE ON THE ORIGINAL LIST STILL HERE AND INTERESTED? Pin and Expressionless I know about, but what's happened to mt404, Richard Dreyfuss dressed as a clown and Tag?
Jack The Bodiless
00:54 / 30.08.01
Can sing a bit. Will hook up with expressionless...
08:32 / 30.08.01
i am probably arriving a bit late in the game here, new to this board from another one that is losing momentum, but this whole project sounds great fun. i used to do the whole sample-swapping stuff with my mates, it is a really good way to get inspired. anyway i've got loads of samples to trade, mostly fucked-up beats electro/aphex/kinda thing, some odd b-movie vocal bits as well. i will find wav files the most useful myself, but i can send stuff on wav or minidisk.

11:43 / 30.08.01
[Jack and iivix > good show! I'll email you both in a bit]

Right, I dunno how useful it will be, but I've set up a group at Yahoo called:

Chewing Gum for the Ears

The group has its own page with 20+ megs of space to upload files to. If it's possible to download those files (instead of just letting you hear them) that could be quite handy. I've sent a message to the Yahoo helpline asking if it's possible. Probably not, cos they'll have sussed that people would use it to do napstery type things. At the very least it'll be a quick way to hear what others are getting up to, and we can use the group mailing list to talk to each other without using up space here.

To join up, email as follows:



List owner:

I've put a couple of wee files there just as a TEST

[ 30-08-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
Rollo Kim, on location
12:14 / 30.08.01
Nicely done Mr Saveloy. I have joined the chewing gum gang, yay!
13:08 / 19.09.01
also, for those of you who missed my post which missed this thread: i've got a hotline server up with wads of space (send me a note for more info). good to see there's still interest in this project!

i don't know how keen people are to go with the hotline format now, but i still think it is ideal and in the new versions the news section is much improved (so maybe we wouldn't need to use a mailing list as well? tho it's certainly a viable alternative).
Rollo Kim, on location
09:57 / 25.09.01
I wanna know more about this hotline business as I keep hearing about it through the warez sites but have no idea what it actually involves?

Currently getting to grips with Logic Audio on the Mac and my fucking N key keeps jamming the bastard.
09:57 / 25.09.01
Oi, PIN - did you get the disks? I'd email you but it's knackered.
12:23 / 25.09.01
If this is still happening, I'd love to be in on it, I generally play bass, but have been known to do some synth stuff, and guitar, and I play around with the various loop software out there (I play with Acid and Fruityloops when I'm bored)

I don't have any samples of my bass work right now (other than a shitty mix of a cover of Duran Duran's Ordinary World my brother and I did about 2 years ago) but I can arrange for some

13:05 / 25.09.01
Go for it! I put a piece up at the chewing gum site that needs a bottom end.
Bass it up. Mix away. Cut it up. Whatever!

[ 25-09-2001: Message edited by: grantb ]
20:28 / 26.09.01
hotline is a program that is most closely related to BBSes of the old days--you sign in and there is a news section with multiple topics and there is a file section with multiple areas. there's a chat feature and you can message other users. all and all pretty cool imho, and much more fun than running an ftp server (useful only for transfering files). a lot of warez places make you go through a shitload of banners to get a login for their hotline sites which are primarily files-only, i don't see a lot of community in that area. if you wanna read more or download it check out if you want on my site send over a login/password and i'll give you the IP to connect to.
22:15 / 29.09.01
OK, a bit late... Yes, I did get them thanks. I think I may have mailed you to say, but I'm not sure...
12:15 / 01.10.01
Also learning Logic Audio on PC. Will somebody please tell me how to make nice noises come out of it?

I'd recommend CoolEdit (shareware is available) for sampling/funkifying stuff (loops) and maybe Acid - bit limited, though.

Have a spiffing library of home-baked loops but as yet nothin' to do with them.

'I would go out tonight... but I haven't got a stitch of software'...
21:51 / 01.10.01
i've got a little tutorial in pdf format on setting up the logic audio enviornement. may be of use. i've also got pdf manuals from version 4.2 sitting around some where, and for ver 4.6 an even more distant (archived on cd perhaps?) somewhere. if either of those sound good just let me know how to get them to you.
12:34 / 02.10.01
Thanks, tag, you can e-mail PDFs to me at Much appreciated.
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