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My Terrible Twee Story Like...

Rollo Kim, on location
20:12 / 17.06.01
Well as I keep saying, 'I done this story like' and I'm concerned that maybe it's too personal and more than a little bit twee.

If anybody has the time to have a wee browse at some snippets I'd really appreciate some feedback - and be honest, I can take it...

you can read a bit of it here

I warn you though, it's a bit odd!
09:06 / 18.06.01
rollo, had a quick flick through the snippets (well it is late and I should get off here) and I like it.

Interesting images form in my mind as I read it.

The top lot of snippets didn't strike me as twee but maybe there's more later one.

As for it being too personal only those who know you and you circumstances will know it's based on personal stuff. If you hadn't of mentioned it I wouldn't of thought it personal.

Still that's my thoughts, hope the help you (well until someone else comes along...
Rollo Kim, on location
09:10 / 18.06.01
Oh nice one Mr Wish! The personal thing - I think I'm worried that it means a lot to me but anyone else might find it just meaningless crap!

I haven't let any mates read it yet so I don't know. To be honest I think I'd be bothered if they didn't get it because it's basically just ME and what my life's been like for the last God Knows how many years.

I actually think I won't get a reaction at all from them though! 'Oh he's talking crap again'...
09:10 / 18.06.01
Has it's ups, has it's downs. Planning to submit anything about?
Rollo Kim, on location
09:10 / 18.06.01
I want to, I really do but I don't want to kid myself?!
13:04 / 18.06.01
quote:Originally posted by Rollo Kim:
...I actually think I won't get a reaction at all from them though! 'Oh he's talking crap again'...

yeah I guess it is a problem showing people you know. Trying to get them to look at it objectively, or suspending their knowledge to take in the story.

oh and by the way that's Mr Swish, but you can call me adam...
Rollo Kim, on location
13:13 / 18.06.01
'Swish by name, swish by nature?'
Blank Faced Avatar
08:27 / 30.06.01
Why nurse, I never noticed it before but ... You're beautiful.
Rollo Kim, on location
08:27 / 30.06.01
Now now Mr Alpha, back to your bed-pan please!
13:56 / 18.07.01
Read it.

Liked it.

Stories of Parents masturbating is never twee.

This message has a useful-feedback rating of:0
Rollo Kim, on location
18:19 / 19.07.01
Had an email from someone to say it had them teary eyed. I guess wanking Dads is maybe a safe bet for getting out of the 'sixth form poetry' domain. Dunno... is it?


The fine line between emotional content and being twisted...
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