Art isn’t sacrosant. And I’m not saying art isn’t good, I’m not the cretinous. It’s just not that good. Frankly, I doubt much is, but art deffinatly isn’t one of them.
Maybe I should explain a few things:
Art, as I’m talking about itis a lot of things: I’m talking Renaisance architecture, Britart sculptures, the works of Mozart, old Gothic cathedrals, Warhol originals and the Roman Catholic Chruch’s tradtitions here. I’m not saying protcting them is a bad thing: I can see why people aren’t aloud to fondle the Mona Lisa- just because I don’t think it’s a great historical nodal point doesn’t mean I want to see it crumble to bits. Our history should be kept intact, yes, but it shouldn’t be elevated to a point of importance far beyound our own lives.
I am not propsing razing the past. No cultural Kristallnacht with our own Wink Media-designed SA in nice stark lines and minimalist brown shirts. But nor am I condoning hiding behind it. Sure, preserve the originals, but realise that they’re not the only sort of art you can make. They’re just one kind. And they’re not special, too. OK, so maybe Michalangelo was a better painter then you. He still wasn’t blessed and his work still wasn’t mesianic. He didn’t even do it from some great drive, some burning, tortured need to make religious art. It just paid well. Hardly of nobel intentions now, is it?
Art isn’t supposed to make you fel like you wish you could do that. It’s supposed to shout “You can do this too!”. It’s just a self-perpetuating circle- EVENT inspires PEOPLE, PEOPLE make ART, ART inspies PEOPLE, PEOPLE make EVENT, EVENT inspires PEOPLE, PEOPLE PEOPLE ART ART EVENT EVENT ARTPEOPLEARTEVENTARTPEOPLEART. And why even have three distinct catagories? They’re not nessessary. EVENTs and ART can easily be considered as the same thing as soon as people stop thinking of “art event” as “bad art student performance art mastorbatory shit”. Reclaim The Streets’ temporary autonomous zone’s= ART. The start of spring= ART. And why stop there? Art (we’re back on the deffinition at the start now) is made by PEOPLE, and PEOPLE are just a string of EVENTS: a perpeutal cacophany of walking, talking, shitting, fucking, filling, crying, shouting, jumping, sitting, lying, hoping, failing, winning, loosing, dying. And we all know what EVENTS are now, don’t we...
But I’m not proposing a lack of excelence. This isn’t some “I [heart] lo-fi amateurism” polemic (though it must be said that I do) People should hone their talents to a level people who don’t have those talents can’t reach. Then we can all go “Ooh, pretty” at it. The point is, it’s ordinary people perfect that which they are good at. They’re not special and they don’t need preserving in favour of “modern” art, and that doesn’t need preserving in favour modern “trash”.
OK, so the above is a piece for my English coursework, also posted in the Art foum, with aims to being a NT should I get round to it, simply to get some sort of response, but here... please instruct me on how I may make it better, or atleast give me a better name for "event".
Thank you |