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16:23 / 16.09.01
I don't know if anyone has discussed this, but on the CNN website there's a poll asking if the U.S. should change the law, allowing us to assassinate world leaders. Out of nearly 219,000 votes, 70% said yes.

Now that's a scary thought. Can you guys imagine the havok that would wrecked on this world if every country started taking potshots at enemy presidents? I know there are a lot of stupid people in this world, but c'mon. That poll is ridiculous.
16:34 / 16.09.01
Don't trust these polls as they are not accurate. Well that's not entirely true. This tragedy is still very fresh, and we're all still caught up in the emotional maelstrom. These polls represent primal, emotive resonses ( which is totally understandable), not rational analysis. We've all been hit and when asked will respond like any other organism. The collective moodof people (generally, I contend) has changed from one of utter disbelief, horror and awe to one of mourning, to right now I believe one of aggression. Throughout the week, we've all been put through the emotional and psychological wringer and now we're all pissed and are out for blood. I am.

[ 16-09-2001: Message edited by: zerone ]
Margin Walker
16:46 / 16.09.01
Out of nearly 219,000 votes, 70% said yes.

Now that's a scary thought. Can you guys imagine the havok that would wrecked on this world if every country started taking potshots at enemy presidents?

Damn straight. After all, The Great War as it was called (a.k.a. WWI) was started because one guy got capped. Not 100,000, not 1,000,000: [one.

George Washington was right. Do away with affiliations & alliegences to other countries. Of course, the US didn't listen & now Dubya is trying to drag the NATO countries into the fray. Prognosis: fucked.

Besides, when has the US government ever been concerned about such matters. I mean, how many times & for how many years have they tried to ice Castro? Y'know what I mean?

[ 16-09-2001: Message edited by: Margin Walker ]
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:20 / 16.09.01
Well, as Americans regularly take pot-shots at their own leaders I suppose it's only fair to open the field a bit. But how could they change the law? Openly shoot Putin and then when Russia is about to retalliate say "but it's legal in America!"? Pointless poll.
rizla mission
19:29 / 16.09.01
They'd have to coax him over to America with free food and then shoot him!
Magic Mutley
20:15 / 16.09.01
70% say we can shoot you - that's democracy isn't it?
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