quote:byJohnny HaikuOh, and Laila: The educate-yourself link doesn't work (for me, at least). You probably shouldn't trust anybody who claims to represent a higher, infinitely advanced civilisation if they can't run a website properly...
I don’t trust people according the way society is telling me, who I should trust and who I better not trust.
I trust my screening skills, that is one reason why I am still on brab, you guys don’t realize it yet (= strange) that in the near future Barb will be very important to lots of people around the world. Without you knowing it you have become part of the ‘Last Revolution’ on earth.
http://educate-yourself.org http://educate-yourself.org/catindex.
They don’t claim, they are. This website is very active and exists of the highest scholars, psychics, ex-insiders from the governments and journalists. Hardly a kinder-garden. If you can not access them ( which is strange) then a}you either type it in wrong, b}it has been impossible for you at Barb to enter their site ( barb is based in the UK) or you live in a country and in a area were your computer is linked to 'safety roads' meaning that you can not access websites that tell you what your government is all about. educate yourself is active and open. Try to go trough http://zetatalk.com
if that road is closed then go trough http://www.wovoca.com./then get into zetatalk/then into educate-yourself.There are many roads that lead to one country all you have to do is find that safe road.
As said I find it amazing that ,eyes have not been opened completely on barb, yet!
Don’t be so stubborn, and ridicule that what so many predictions have for-told, that what so many psychics have been seeing over the last years especially since 1999.
The US government ( amongst others) has received many warnings over the last years, people who did so have been scorned, laughed at or chased away by the US government and some even hunted down. Now if this would be a surprise attack, without them having anything to do with all this, they would have reacted and taken safety measures, but they did not.
On the 7 of September, the US government send a warning to Japan and South-Korea stating that US buildings would be attacked by terrorists, this message was in A Dutch news paper called “De Telegraaf” on the 8 of September.
quote:“Terror Alarm. The US government has warned its civilians in Japan of a threatening terror-attack. The embassy of the US in Tokyo elucidated the 7-9-2001 to have information that possibly an a attack was being prepared on American targets in Japan. The same warnings were uttered in South Korea”.
Why only in these countries and why did they take no measurements, if they knew these things already since 1999 and publicly said since more than 8 months? Why did they at least not make sure that on the date of the 11-9-2001, the WTC building and all those symbolic, for what the US stands for, buildings were empty? THEY COULD HAVE USED MANY EXCUSES THAT THE PEOPLE WOULD SWALLOW.
No matter how much you hate me for saying this and no matter how much you are going to attack ( hacking does not work any more with us, if any of you at barb think to hack us ( we have been hacked a few times) we will be able to find the source this time, so don’t) SOMETHING is DEADLY wrong about all the news that comes from their own stable. THEY KNEW AND YET THEY LET IT HAPPEN> WHY?
Think about it. Total control can only come when absolute chaos has been established and the people scream for RETALIATION! And if they the government than say we must be reasonable the people will start demanding Retaliation.
Why do you think they started immediately with accusing the ARABS? Why do you think Masud has been killed by suicide bombers? The plans of the US government was to use Masud against Osamin. There have many been predictions ( which can be find in the bible codes as well) about the Anti Christ, numbers leading to many names but in the end only 2 fit the descriptions for real. Masud or Osamin ( who predicted more than a year ago that the US would be bombed all over the place, this was seen in a documentary that aired on the Belgium TV 2 days ago, he said that US government owned it to its population, to warn them) Masud is dead.
So what does this Anti-Christ stand for? The opposite of Christian religion, meaning of course another religion. When the Anti-Christ comes the world will end to exists the way we now it. Nothing more but surely nothing less. Its not the Anti-Christ people should fear ( I don’t like this word so I give it no meaning) its what happens as of the moment ‘ ‘the event’ occurs.
If Americans want to scream and demand retaliation they should aim this anger at their government. But no what do these programmed puppets do? They react to the pictures they are shown on TV by their own government. They react by the words they hear uttered by their ( weird to say the least) president. What strikes me as odd, is that nobody seems to have noticed Bush his face in his first aired interview after the crashes. His eyes twinkled with joy, he had a smirk on his face, and he started to act and has been acting better and better ever since that first interview, as if he is aiming for a Oscar.
But then again the memory of most Americans seems to be very short indeed. And these events show that clearly. You Americans are being framed by your own government once again. But this time it does not just involve the people in the US, but sadly all the people in all the countries who have showed their concern and have vowed to stand tall next to and help America. The songs that all these countries are singing should be the American anthem.
Retaliation trough War is the most stupidest thing yet to happen in our history. Nothing that has happened so far in our history can measure up to what is about to happen, if the people don’t wake up and keep believing their governments. Anger does not know reason,. Anger only evokes fear and hate. Anger does not see, but is blinded by fear and hate. Fear, Anger, Hate, Retaliation. In this case this means, WAR ! Which can only be stopped or ended trough ABSOLUTE CONTROL!
Now if the people ask for war and other people say no , the next step will be more attacks by so called ‘terrorists’, in many different countries they will do this until all the people in these different worlds believe that the only way to stop these attacks is if we go to war.
What has been predicted by so many different people in so many different ages, is that the end will come trough war.
But think which end do they mean? Its not the end of humanity, its not the end of our planet. So what will be ended ?
Go trough some bibles, don’t read the new bibles that explain every thing to the understanding of things according to the truths we have become accustomed to. Take the older ones ( 1611 Authorized Version of King James) Trough the coming of the Anti-Christ the reign by the Wrong messiah will start. People will be devastated by what has happened and they will turn to the wrong ones for their salvation. Then they will wake up slowly and realize what has happened and they will turn on the wrong ones, with anger and feelings of retaliation. And this will be the end of the reign by the wrong ones. The people will take back their rightful place on our planet, the pyramid law will sees to exists.
Now how bad this all will be, depends on how many people will scream now, war. The governments around the world have been preparing the people for this a long time ago, and in the last decay they have been stripping the people of hope and safety, they have created an environment of despair for many, thus creating fear for their future and anger because of the feelings of injustice. Take away the hope for a good future, especially from the youngsters, combined together with showing so much violence in movies, music, video games combined with news reports of riots, wars ( in other countries) mass lay offs, no money for education, social securities, news about parents killing their children etc you have a pretty good breading ground for youngsters to immediately sign up to be a good patriot and defend their country, even that its this same country that has taken away their future.
So they were sure of this reaction from the people, they knew this would happen. After all they have done their best to prepare the people for this , they have done their best to program the people in the United States to behave like this. It has taken them more than 40 years and incredible amounts of money, to say the least about their efforts.
War will happen we can not stop this, but WE CAN CHANGE the severity of the outcome.
Why do you think the internet became their worst nightmare? It’s the only media that covers the world by the voice of the people. Its ( still) the only thing that they haven’t managed to control. We will have a mass black out next year as of then the internet will not be accessible to all people around the world anymore. Florida is your first example and their first try out. Figures as Walt Disney owns most of the media outlets you Americans know ( it was bought by a Jewish corporate in 1984)
So think again, don’t waste you energy by attacking me, use this energy to make some sense of what all these people who talk about conspiracy and aliens for the longest, are trying to tell you. It would be the most arrogant and foolish behaviour to dismiss what so many have tried to tell the people for so many years. These are warnings to prepare you for what is coming.
Holy-wood has been used to mock you people for more than 50 years, propaganda has been used by your governments for centuries, lies have been taught to most of us. What has been made impossible for you to be able to believe is actually what you should believe, for most of these fantastic movies you have seen have been absolute truths. Now that they have started with the first plan of absolute chaos, they have started with there plan of absolute control. Only order guarantees justice. Justice is what the people are screaming. And only by control can they guarantee justice.
The planet has become that what we have made of it, and we have been behaving according to what we have learned ( even that most of us knew better). We perceive the truth to be that what we are told and have been taught to be the truth. We have been moulded to little puppets who react accordingly to the inputs we receive daily, and the best example is seen right now in the USA. But rest assure, this fight does not just include the American people but all the people who live in the country of their allies. All the people who live in these countries have been brought up according to the “Great American Way”
Again I am not attacking , words are perceived trough the meaning you give to it, according to the teachings of your society. The words are here, whether you read them or not. And nothing can change that.
“The Rise of the Angry Generation”
The great eagle lifts its wings from the dream
And the shells of childhood are scattered.
Letting fierce eyes focus on the mourning
As thought to cover the earth with darkness.
The beautiful bird builds its nest with old leaves
Preparing the branches of the birth planet
Covering them with red feathers
As though to warn the earth against its anger.
The once proud planet shrieks in terror
Opening a vast space for the mysterious young bird
For the merciless talons of the new generation
They who are not deterred by false tears
Who do not turn away from the fire
They are the children of iron
They are the fearless bees of the night
They are the wrath of the volcanic mountains
By Mazisi Kunene ( born in Durban 1930, living in exile since 1959)
[ 15-09-2001: Message edited by: Laila ] |