One night, when I was little, I heard a report on the probablity of nuclear attack. I spent the night, despite my parents concerns, lying on the floor in terror in the living room with the radio on. I spent a great deal of my life under the shadow of imminent war. And I resented the criticism of those who said that kids had it easy because they've never known war, despite knowing that shapeless terror that never seemed to materialize.
We had grown complacent. That fear had left me. This entire continent was wrapped in a bubble that had no room for all the tragedy that was happening on the outside. Less than 48 hours ago the Third World came knocking at our door.
The fear, shock, and anger is tangible. It's everywhere I look. I want to think about anything else, but I can't turn away. As was said in many different forms by many different people, the world has changed. Or at least our part of it. And unfortunately, when North America changes, so does the world.
The thing that frightens me most is that everything is happening so fast. I've talked to friends who have said that their friends and family members, people who they know have been staunch supporters of peaceful restraint, are now advocating outright retaliation. People close to me have stated right out that they don't want to talk or think about it, that all this discussion makes some kind of sense, but it distracts their hearts from the bloodshed they feel they need to move on. Their minds realize that mindless violence will breed only more mindless violence. Their passion doesn't care.
Do I wish retribution? I'd be lying if I said no. But do I want the want the armies of the world to go off half-cocked and enraged into a battle that could destroy everything we hold dear? How much blood is going to be enough? Can anyone answer that?
The last bits of Love I have left goes out to the people who were caught in these tragic events. Especially those who have to live on without the touch of those they have lost, a pain unimaginable to me. To those who will be the targets of misguided rage and anguish, those who are asking for calm when the world wants to give them a kick in the teeth, and all those who have helped me through this day, especially you guys, my heart goes out to you and the courage you each must show in the time to come. I feel so empty. |