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How do you feel? (a venting thread)


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Goodness Gracious Meme
10:11 / 12.09.01
Simple as that really, figured everyone could do with a space to react, yell, shout, cry, talk to other people about how they feel...

The community feeling around this place is amazing so make use of it... and respect other people's reactions, even if they are ones that upset you... eg some people will feel like lashing out, someone probably will at me for doing this, but please try to just let it ride and remember that there are alot of emotions and stresses going around... and spiel/vent if you want to... let stuff out if it'll help...

oh and love/wishes/thoughts to the NYC people and anyone who's waiting on news...
10:19 / 12.09.01
[From the other coping thread]

I don't know how to cope with something like this, its so random and big. Nothing in life prepares you for something like this.

There's that saying about the death of one being a tragedy and the death of millions being a statistic. Once you start thinking about how many people were killed and then about their friends, their families, their lives, their pets it just all becomes to big for my mind to fathom.

Seeing a photograph of two people holding hands as they jumped out of the building just kicked me in the stomach.

I stopped watching the news earlier, I just got too eeked out by watching the plane smash into the building over and over again.

And now, its just waiting. Like time hasn't really moved on from yesterday, we're all waiting for something to happen but not sure what, I feel somewhat like a character in The Reprieve by Sartre who knows that war is coming but having to wait, helpless but still unable to accept a fate beyond your control.

Sorry if that sounded too farty
Goodness Gracious Meme
10:20 / 12.09.01
(already worried i'm going to piss people off, massive apologies in advance but i could really do with 'talking' to you guys and thought other people might want to as well...)

feel like i'm in a state of shock, i guess, wandering around wondering why people in the street don't seem too bothered, spent most of yesterday watching the news, checking up on relations in NY and worrying about the barb. newyorkers... surprises me how much you guys are in my thoughts... surprises me how much of an impact this has had, having lived through bombscares and blasts here... can't seem to sit still, spending a fortune on net access to check in ... got lots of mundane day-to-day stuff to do and am counting myself lucky that this is all i've got to worry about right now... feel sick, sad, angry and bloody scared, been talking to friends about what's going to happen next... worried about people in NY and washington as well as UK friends who have people over there, and how they're bearing up.. want to gather everyone and hold them...
Perfect Tommy
10:21 / 12.09.01
I have no room for anger... maybe later. There is one clip I desperately want to unsee that has been replaying in my head for about 15 hours, and tends to start very brief crying jags. I don't think 40 hours awake is enough for me to fall asleep, but I wish it were. I keep worrying about everyone I know who is of Middle Eastern background, or could be mistaken for having Middle Eastern background, and I keep having an impulse to visit the local grocer and make sure he's okay and not being hassled. I am desperately glad I got to see my girlfriend and a friend and said friend's dog and just sit on the couch with them and not speak, and just breathe.

[ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: doubting thomas ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:34 / 12.09.01
Dismissed from work early yesterday and went straight to the pub. Proceeded to drink (with Tyrone and Haus for some of the time) until it didn't feel real anymore. Woke up early this morning, and it did again. Yuk.

I know what you mean about being surprised how much it's affected you, plums. I'm surprised as well. Can't seem to process anything right now, least of all my own feelings... or as I said in my blog:

Trying to make sense of the events of the last 24 hours is, to say the least, confusing. Trying to make sense of your own feelings: for example, which is worse? The strange excitement and visceral thrill of seeing the footage of the second plane hit, or that vague quasi-patriotic twinge, that moment of solidarity with 'Western democracy' or the 'free world' that you felt when Bush came on TV and started talking about "hunting down" the "folks" responsible? The fact that seeing New Yorkers run in terror affects you more than seeing people in cities you've never fantasised about going to, or the sneaky feeling of admiration for whoever hit America so hard?

And by 'you' of course, I mean 'me'.

I can't condemn anyone's immediate reaction to this. I'm not sure I can even condemn the people baying for blood. Because I don't even understand my reaction one bit.
10:49 / 12.09.01

All I feel right now is unease that the conservatives in out government (including our Idiot King) are going to use this as an excuse to fuck up our liberties even more.

At least now they're taking most of the dough from that ridiculous missile defense program and rerouting it to anti-terrorism. Of course, the morons should have known from the start that terrorism is about 10,000% more of a threat to us than missiles.
mondo a-go-go
10:49 / 12.09.01
mostly numb, until i catch a glimpse of news footage ( i haven't seen that much because i wanted to be with people online where i could get more news as it happened). what tends to bring it home is reading personal reports.

i'm not too surprised by the sense of community we have here, though. i remember when the paddington train crash happened a coupla years ago, and i was off work for those two days. because i wasn't posting, as i usually did every day at work, to the invisibles mailing list, everyone on it panicked and thought i was on the train. i was overwhelmed and moved to tears by the response -- those people expressed more concern than my own family, and it astounded me. that was actually one of the catalysts that made me decide for sure to go and stay with these people in america.

my point of this rambling nostalgia is that events like this are proof that the internet is not (just) full of weirdo paedophiles and rapists waiting to attack you. it's full of human beings who have compassion and empathy and, sometimes, a stronger sense of community than you come across in "real life". in the midst of the tragedy, we have hope and support.
Perfect Tommy
11:12 / 12.09.01
I think I've been operating on the "A watched pot never boils" principle. I'm going to really try to sleep now and trust y'all to stare hard enough that nothing boils over before I wake.
11:52 / 12.09.01
I feel dazed, afraid and I'm having to work to combat the 'homing instict' that I get every time I hear about a major incident like this (somehow, the term 'major incident' seems insultingly inadequate). I can't seem to think or talk about anything else.

The footage is heartbreaking, as is attempting to engage with and reassure work colleagues who haven't yet heard from holidaying parents, friends.

There's an edge of adrenalin, sure, but the drama seems secondary to the sick, queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, when I sit down and really think about the possible consequences. What if we're drawn into a war? Fuck fuck fuck.

Barbelith's been useful. The information here's been more up-to-date and better quality than anything anywhere else. I hope the NY Barbelithers and their families get out of this unscathed.
12:15 / 12.09.01
It's 10:16am EST, and the TV hasn't been off for long. Boyfriend stayed over with me last night, as I didn't want to sleep alone, and was shaking so much I couldn't sleep.

Right now I'm at a loss. Mostly I'm just angry that we couldn't figure out how to stop 4+ planes from being hijacked. Moreso, I'm worried for anyone of Arab descent, or anyone that even LOOKS Arab, because they are going to have to deal with all this shit for years to come.

Finally, (and I know I'm going to piss off someone with this comment) I'm pissed by the "America had it coming, what with their highbrow attitude" sentiment. This is a great tragedy for my country. Yes, the US has done stupid things in the past. Yes, the US is woefully unprepared when it comes to terrorist attacks. I make no apologies for that. However, we have been attacked, and when attacked, the first instinct is to react forcefully.

Say what you will, but I believe the majority of people would do the same thing in our situation. They just don't want to admit it.

I'm disgusted. I'm angry. And I wish this had never happened.

12:22 / 12.09.01
This thing is too fucking big to digest in only 24 hours. Makes it hard to concentrate on my schoolwork, that's for sure. I've gone through a lot of emotions. Surprise and astonishment to anger to sadness to depression. What I'm most ashamed of is the part of me that treated it like a movie. I've been trained to see what's on television as unreality. It's hard to believe that watching the towers collaspe was the real deal. Part of me was like "Whoah, cool look at that thing collagpse" and I'm sure part of me was ready for the high death toll because it added to the spectacle. Of course, immediately after thinking this I felt a deep, deep shame and finally sadness for the dead and an overwhelming helplessness b/c there's not a damn thing I can do to help anyone.
mondo a-go-go
12:42 / 12.09.01
the thing that got me was when i saw the footage of the second plane crashing into the WTC, it looked like really cheap special effects. hollywood blockbusters led me to expect something...more dramatic? it just made the whole thing seem more unreal somehow.

i haven't actually seen any footage of people jumping out of windows or anything yet. i imagine i don't want to, too, but i'm sure that'll bring home the enormity and reality of what happened...
Anaconda Jones
12:46 / 12.09.01
Nauseous. Pure and simple. I don't give a damn about the politics involved, this was just mass murder.
Cherry Bomb
12:49 / 12.09.01
We've got a friend who's on a business trip in London this week. She's supposed to be home tomorrow afternoon. Yesterday she called us and was practically in tears because she felt that in light of the days events, she should BE here. We told her to call as often as you like: "You're our contact in the U.K.!"

As are of course, all you 'lithers.

I was exhausted yesterday but I could not tear myself away from the TV. It felt like we were watching as long as Peter Jennings was on the air reporting it. By one in the morning he was getting a five o'clock shadow, his hair was mussed and he looked visibly tired, and we were like "Pete! Go home and get some rest!"

But it seemed he, like we, just couldn't stop replaying it.

Going to bed I just kept seeing the images I'd seen all day long and I kept telling myself to stop thinking about it. I was so afraid of having nightmares, and then I started to wonder how many people were having nightmares about this tonight.

I want to hop in a convoy and get to NYC so I can help pull people from the rubble and clean up the mess. If I had a car, and money I would seriously be considering leaving today. I really really want to help. Not sure what to do yet though.
13:11 / 12.09.01
Has anyone heard from deb??
03:07 / 13.09.01
One night, when I was little, I heard a report on the probablity of nuclear attack. I spent the night, despite my parents concerns, lying on the floor in terror in the living room with the radio on. I spent a great deal of my life under the shadow of imminent war. And I resented the criticism of those who said that kids had it easy because they've never known war, despite knowing that shapeless terror that never seemed to materialize.

We had grown complacent. That fear had left me. This entire continent was wrapped in a bubble that had no room for all the tragedy that was happening on the outside. Less than 48 hours ago the Third World came knocking at our door.

The fear, shock, and anger is tangible. It's everywhere I look. I want to think about anything else, but I can't turn away. As was said in many different forms by many different people, the world has changed. Or at least our part of it. And unfortunately, when North America changes, so does the world.

The thing that frightens me most is that everything is happening so fast. I've talked to friends who have said that their friends and family members, people who they know have been staunch supporters of peaceful restraint, are now advocating outright retaliation. People close to me have stated right out that they don't want to talk or think about it, that all this discussion makes some kind of sense, but it distracts their hearts from the bloodshed they feel they need to move on. Their minds realize that mindless violence will breed only more mindless violence. Their passion doesn't care.

Do I wish retribution? I'd be lying if I said no. But do I want the want the armies of the world to go off half-cocked and enraged into a battle that could destroy everything we hold dear? How much blood is going to be enough? Can anyone answer that?

The last bits of Love I have left goes out to the people who were caught in these tragic events. Especially those who have to live on without the touch of those they have lost, a pain unimaginable to me. To those who will be the targets of misguided rage and anguish, those who are asking for calm when the world wants to give them a kick in the teeth, and all those who have helped me through this day, especially you guys, my heart goes out to you and the courage you each must show in the time to come. I feel so empty.
03:17 / 13.09.01
It's funny, Moriarty, but I felt regressed too, back to the early '80s when (to my adolescent mind, anyway) the sound of a jet engine overhead might signal the start of war - and every siren could signify nuclear attack. I'd forgotten quite what that was like.
03:20 / 13.09.01
i feel sick in the stomach about the other side of this city's reaction. it brought out the best and the worst.

i feel sick whenever i see nyc'ers carrying around american flags, which makes me want to make my own with a DNA helix on it.

when seeing the word 'revenge' tagged in subway systems + strets.

i feel disappointed and sad that a car was set aflame 6 blocks from here in front of a car service that is owned by an arabic family -- an arabic man was beaten up at Coney island. --

and that i can't really trust much that is being reported.

........ sigh
03:22 / 13.09.01
I fear war... and hatred.. and the introduction of conscription...
shirtless, beepers and suntans
03:24 / 13.09.01
i just want this whole ordeal to be over. but every time i look at the television, i know that rescue workers haven't even scratched the surface yet. they pulled out about 80 bodies Wednesday. They're saying as many as 20,000 could have been in the building it was attacked.

i can't stop thinking about those poor bastards hanging out the windows, waving towels moments before the whole thing collapsed.

and i'm just fucking pissed off that these cowardly bastards actually got away with it by committing suicide. i wish i could have been aboard one of those planes; i like to think i would have stood up to those pricks long enough to force the plane to crash in the east river or something. but i know that's just pure fantasy.

i'm afraid for our freedom of movement, and for our privacy. all that's going to be seriously eroded so that the government can weed out the terrorists.

but i'm relieved that the Europeans and Russians are behind us. Even the Chinese said they'll help with the rescue. In a twisted--yet real--way, Tuesday it looked like the last chapter of The Watchmen. And we all remember what happened with Rorschach's journal, right?

more than anything, though, i want this to be over.

[ 13-09-2001: Message edited by: the shirtless moron ]
03:34 / 13.09.01
I didn't get angry until today.
I'm admittedly one of the most anti 'globalist' anti-american-war-machine, anti-capitalist people out there and have been for most of my life. But this whole thing just goes to show how fucking stupid and counter productive terrorism is to achieve your goal. I realize that the upper echelon in the American Political system has been doing the equivilant if not worse to other, weaker nations for over 50 years, and it's not surprising that someone finally got pissed off and hit back. This is the next level of Columbine. But just like Columbine, it does not,by any means excuse the means and methods. This will not draw any supporters to whoever has done this.
Fuck them. And more importantly Fuck the American agencies that have hurt so many and killed so many over the years at home and abroad to have illicited such a cold and calculated and obviously well thought out reaction.
Because of America's bullyish, and arrogant policy's over the years, so many innocent people had to die. And I'm not talking about just yesterday.
04:21 / 13.09.01
for the first few hours, the only thing that really sunk in was some weird sort of "excitement". The emotions came later, but at first it was just this weird "holy shit" feeling.
Just having something of this magnitude happening is a lot to process.
I was reasonably sure that more things were going to happen the following day. It just seemed so useless an act. All it did was kill some innocent people. I can't see how this could possibly further any cause. So I was sure that this was only the beginning, and that was exhilerating in a really fucked-up sort of way.
Now I just hope the worst is over. It's like being in the eye of the cyclone or something. Bad shit has happened, bad shit is going to happen, but at the moment, it's this eerie calm. Waiting for the other shoe to fall.
I just hope that nothing too drastic happens in the name of "revenge".
rizla mission
08:07 / 13.09.01
I s'pose it's stating the obvious to say that this stuff has put me on an IMMENSE downer..

I mean, there's no silver lining with this attack .. it's like, looking at the global situation a week ago or a month ago or whatever it at least looked like things could go either way .. like there was a vague hope that governments might act sensibly, might spend a bit more of their time being nice and doing good things.

But as far as I can see, this attack has made sure that for the forseeable future, everything is fucked and we're heading for the worst of all possible worlds..

Those in charge are going to give even less of a shit about human rights & enviroment than they did before, politics is going to be dominated by racism, seperatism, territorial pissing, arms races, fascistic internal 'security' measures and so on..

And lots more people are going to die. When America retaliates - probably against someplace that had little or nothing to do with the attacks, it's going to mark the start of a horrible game of Death Tennis - like Northern Ireland or Isreal/Palistine on a global scale. And with every play, the amount of hatred and suffering is going to double and no fucker's ever going to be able to put a stop to it.

Absolutely no one (with the poss. exception of extreme right wingers within USA) is going to benefit from this - it would only be a slight exaggeration to say that the bastards who did this have fucked things up for everyone on the planet.

I realize no one's got anything *cheerful* to say, but could you smart folk at least come up with some argument to reassure me that I'm exaggerating and that we're not heading back towards the 19th century, only with bigger guns and added McCarthyism?
08:14 / 13.09.01
We just don't know yet, Rizla. One faint hope is that the attack, rather than making Americans more isolationist, might make them look outwards towards the rest of the world and realise a) that we're here, and b) that they need to get on with us.

Sorry, that's the best I can do.
08:28 / 13.09.01
One thing's for sure, even though there have been messages of support from around the world and Arafat has been giving blood, this has NOT been the globally-unifying catastrophe that Adrian Veidt imagined.
11:03 / 13.09.01
How do I feel? I feel frustrated. I feel small and useless and unimportant. I am watching the system as it works, and it is not as sofisticated as I thought it is, it's just big bold HIPOCRISY mixed with macho rethoric, and everybody is swallowing it!

I'm seeing these polls where the majority of americans claim for vengeance, like if vengeance will change anything now...

And this moment - this moment, had the potential to actually change stuff, to bring to light all the cruelty that is being inflicted upon poor countries that can't defend themselves for fifty years, this moment in fact DID made amerikkka forget about Survivor and the Superbowl and look at how the Big Guns work in the international scenario, but only to be fed with propaganda and simplistic "democracy vs. evil madmen" rethoric. All those lives lost in vain...

Sorry if I didn't expressed myself clear, but it's just too much to watch...

How gullible is the american people?
11:11 / 13.09.01
Mmmm. <nods and backs away>
Knodge (WHA-HEY!!!)
11:30 / 13.09.01
If this is the thread for talking about how you feel then I'm in the right place...

My parents are on holiday in the States, visiting my brother and his wife. They are in Georgia, far away from NY and DC. But I am terrified they won't get home before a response is made, before a war starts.

I feel sick the whole time and if I spend too long thinking about it, I feel like I'll go mad. Then I feel like I'm being stupid - hysterical even.

And then I think of how the citizens of the States are feeling.

How will this all end?
11:51 / 13.09.01
How do I feel...hmm...

I still haven't gotten any sleep. I close my eyes and see blood, dust, bits and pieces of human body. Then I throw up and wonder what the next target is.

I take the train back into Manhattan an hour and a half early, hoping to avoid a rush hour MTA bomb.

The only sustenance I can keep down is water, and a bit of Jack Daniels with lemon ginger echinacea juice.

The dust is everywhere and it's beginning to affect everyon'e breathing. I've been coughing and sniffling, and the phlegm exacerbates the nausea.

I haven't cried yet, just slight tearing as I look at the thick plumes of smoke where the Twin Towers used to be.

My friend wil be back at Bellevue tonight and tomorrow night working as a grief counselor, dealing with next of kin and relatives/friends of missing people.

How do I feel? Sick. Sick at heart, mind and body.
Knodge (WHA-HEY!!!)
12:04 / 13.09.01
I cannot begin to comprehend what you are feeling, what you are remembering and what you are seeing.

It is too unbelievable, too unreal.

My thoughts are with you.
wembley can change in 28 days
12:28 / 13.09.01
How do I feel?

I feel very confused and anxious for the near future. I am impatient for the retaliatory events to unfold within the time space of a blockbuster movie, because that's what it feels like. It's weird going to the computer and thinking "it's been two hours and there's no news?!"

I think most of Canada feels out of harm's way for the time being, but we are nervous about the implications of NATO, and we don't really know what kind of a part we could be asked to play in this whole thing. Canada doesn't have much of a military force (unless you count hand-launched bottles of Molson Ex), but we have a lot of beautiful land that could conceivably be used by the US.

I think revenge is in order but I don't want to see any more death. I do believe that the United States had something like this coming, and I want the US to pay for destroying the lives of people in many areas of the world over the last 50 years, but the wrong people are paying. I've never seen a war. I think all kinds of stupid thoughts. I imagine myself in a trench, loading a machine gun. I picture my life in 20 years right out of Blade Runner and William Gibson. Part of me finds these images thrilling. Part of me just clings tighter to the covers on my soft, comfy, safe bed.

My brain has even been shaken enough to ponder the outcome on western art. How putting security and the dangers of living into context could change the focus of film, literature. Wondering what the heck we've been doing all my life, happy and safe and pretending to complain.

And of course. All the little fights I've had with people I love have disappeared. All the faults of my friends have been diminished. Rambling. Saving it for the blog. Ta.
Cherry Bomb
13:51 / 13.09.01
I'm not really scared. I mean I was, and maybe I should be, but a friend of mine scared the living crap out of me a long time ago when she was going on about all of these prophecies of armegeddon and how they were coming true. I was much younger, but at the time I decided that if a horrible disaster on a global scale happened, there was probably nothing I can do to prevent it. The one thing I COULD do, however, was be the best me I can be, and to me that meant being a "warrior for good." Helping people, cheering them up, staying positive for them. On Tuesday when we were being evacuated, I thought to myself, "this could be it! Don't panic! Be positive! Think quickly and clearly!"

And THAT is what I want to do now. I would LOVE to be a certified counsellor or a paramedic or a nurse right now so I could really help on a one-to-one level. I'd like to be in Brooklyn right now so I could give some comfort to my cousin. It really makes me want to go to New York.

The one thing I do NOT want to happen is a war. I feel sick about it. I so strongly believe that the answer to violence is not more violence. I am so scared that we WILL go to war and we will kill still more innocents. And that to me is horrifying.
14:06 / 13.09.01
I was just telling my girlfriend about the end of the Watchmen. And when I described Rorschach, she said "I bet he was your favorite." I said, "Why?" And she replied "Because of the line he said "black and white, no shades of gray."

14:38 / 13.09.01
walked into the coverage just after the second plane, just before the pentagon. Other than the unbelievable nature of what was on my screen I felt sorrow. I thought about relatives in NYC, about the various barbelith lot from there. I had thoughts about bush's reaction to this event.

But the biggest sorrow was for the building it self. Sounds wierd but as i watched it burn then tumble I realised that this time last year I was there, and one of the places I visited was the twin towers. I knew that place and that's what got me the most.
16:37 / 13.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Kirsty:
My thoughts are with you.

And mine with you, sweetie...


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