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Declaration of War

We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:59 / 12.09.01
Everyone's usuing the term. What does it mean?

A lifting of limits, perhaps.

It's a claim often made by opponents of powerful groups that they are to all intents and purposes at war with them, and that this justifies an 'any means necessary' approach in the face of overwhelming odds.

What this ignores is the horrid possibility that the larger force will bring its full might to bear on the issue. Which looks likely now.

Harbouring will be equated with supporting and acting, we are told. Which means, pretty clearly, that the gloves are off. This action forces the recognition of a war-level conflict which, in the eyes of whoever did this, has been going on for some time.

I do wonder, however, whether they have acknowledged to themselves that the US has probably been, consciously or not, exercising restraint.
The Return Of Rothkoid
11:56 / 12.09.01
I heard Colin Powell quoted as saying the US was in a "state of war". I think this is perhaps being played up - I think that wartime operational procedures guaranteed to ensure continuity of government have been invoked, as have internal recovery processes, but I think (or, perhaps, blindly hope) that it doesn't refer to a retaliation/aggressive meaning of the phrase. For some reason, I trust Powell a lot more than Dubya, and have a feeling that he and Cheney probably have more of a hand in what goes on than is imagined.
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