i knew that sega had stopped making consoles .. i even knew that they were making a game for Nintendo..
but for some reason my brain didnt quite compute this and it wasnt until i played Sonic Adventure on the Game Boy Advance and Sega symbol came up with the Nintendo logo a few millimetres above the screen that it hit home.
one of the greatest conflicts of my childhood, the sega vs nintendo war, was over.
a divide so massive for my generation (or at least for my part of the world) that it was on the same scale as communism vs capitalism.
back in the day nintendo only magazines spent half of there content insulting Sega, the same was true of the Sega magazines..
children would come to blows over it.. although the nintendo crowd were always younger than the sega crowd so the fights were somewhat onesided..
now the conflict is over.. nintendo has won out..
its a different world.. |