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to patriot metalhead


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autopilot disengaged
22:04 / 29.10.01
patriot: you're wrong.

this isn't about hawks v doves. it's about international politics. it's about the real world. and if yr posts show the level of yr analysis - you're the one living in a fantasy.

quoteriginally posted by patriot metalhead:
Their are no diplomatic solutions to this problem. You can't sit down and talk it out.

how do you know this? explain.

...and if you're so behind the military campaign as it stands, care to talk us through how it's been such a great success so far? care to explain how it's done anything except breed further resentment in countries in the Middle East and elsewhere - killed a bunch of innocents as 'collateral damage' and, come winter - risks starving many, many more - potentially into the millions? (and before you riff on that tired propaganda schtick, the worst case scenario of 7.5 million Afghans at risk comes from the UN, and is supported by the various non-governmental aid agencies). care to explain how killing bin Laden (assuming he's guilty, assuming you can find him - since your own defence chief has admitted he may never be captured) will affect the running of a decentralized terrorist organization? care to explain how you're going to stop terrorism, when at the same time, through violent means abroad you swell the numbers of embittered people willing to become terrorists? claim to repect the men and women of the military. you've got so much 'respect' that you'd send them into a war with no clearly identified targets, into treacherous conditions which already saw one superpower flounder and lose thousands of its soldiers - killed for no reason other than their Govt told them to go... you'd send them into the firing line to make some kind of token gesture - perhaps pay for it with their lives - so that you can feel satisfied that 'justice' has been done. this isn't the logic of a commander who cares about his or her men. it's the heartless war logic of an infant lashing out for someone - anyone to act as your scapegoat.

this campaign is illegitimate, it is immoral and it is aimless.

pacifism does not mean passivity, you ignorant prick. Martin Luther King (a brave American if there was ever one) or Gandhi have shown that non-violence can bring about great social change. given the support of the international community, the UN can and will generate peace and justice for all - in a way no single nation-state ever could.

911 was a crime against humanity. it was also a wake-up call. the US foreign policy in the Middle East has supported dictatorships, quashed democracy - driven people from their homeland, and, wouldn't you know it, along the way - made some enemies.

911 shows that being the only global superpower is as much of a curse as a blessing - if anyone with enough ingenuity, cold-blooded hate and willingness to sacrifice their own life can take some kind of sick revenge on the innocent civilian population of America.

the American Govt knows its policies are causing massive pain to poor people in poor countries. since 911, it also knows its own civilians are at risk.

the only way to protect them is to fight the roots of terrorism. to stop a whole new generation growing up hating yr country because it supports their oppressors and profits from their exploiters - until US foreign policy changes, increasing numbers of fanatics, dispossessed in their own countries - having seen their friends and family starved by sanctions, tortured by western puppets, killed by the 'brave' attacks of remote control cruise missiles - will seek ways of striking back with the mindless rage you're so familiar with.

you're wrong, metalhead. but if things keep on this way, we're all going to pay for yr mistake.
Patriot Metalhead
22:32 / 29.10.01
Hello dipshit. I would really like to take you on and pick a part your Dirty Hippy views but I am not gonna waste my time.

Me and you, my greasy little monkey, could post back and forth for hours about this but what is the point? It's all gonna get deleted.

So why should I waste all that time? I am not gonna change your mind and you definately aren't gonna change my mind.

You are a Dirty Hippy, but that's not your fault, your parents didn't believe in condomns and you are the result. I have talked to enough Dirty Hippies in the last two days and am not gonna keep type, type, typing away so that some dumbass moderator who doesn't like the tone of the posts can delete them all. Sounds pretty Liberalhippytreehuggy to me especially in a political forum.

You sound hostile. Do yourself a favor Hippy, take a bath that should calm your dirty nerves.

P.S use soap.
The Damned Yankee
22:49 / 29.10.01
Don't flatter yourself, shitbird. The board's been acting up (links going to different threads than labelled, other threads winking out of existence) and your thread got swallowed up somehow. Paint yourself as the victim all you like, the fact is that nobody is intimidated, or even impressed, by your whiny cry-baby self.

Still haven't gone to that recruiter yet, I see. I think I've found a yellow streak amidst your red, white, and blue posturing. Perhaps that's where you pissed yourself at the thought of actually taking a bullet for your supposed convictions?
23:21 / 29.10.01
can i step i here and say i hate hippies and yet the i agree w/ Autopilot more than Metalhead, and for fucks sake i hate this bull shite american pride, i love my country all year round (i do dispise the govenment tho) but some bastards need a war to feel thier pride, well fuck the lot of you... Auto, if yr ever in the midwest i'll back you on a round or too, as we wax political
Jack Fear
23:41 / 29.10.01
Perhaps you'd care to lay off the ad hominem attacks, Metalhead, and give us an argument with some substance?

Really, I think that's what's got everybody's back up, here. Nobody's going to deny that you have every right to your opinion and are free to express your disagreement with cherry Bomb, or with any one of us: but resorting to name-calling and macho chest-beating weakens your position, rather than strengthens it--because it gives the impression that your argument isn't strong enough to stand on its own. But telling a lie very loudly does not make it a truth.

You've been given many well-reasoned, well-researched arguments (and several that have been just as rude and pointless as your own--hey, we're not perfect), and have responded only with invective and dogma.

Yes, we're dirty stinking hippies: if you say so.
But why are we wrong?

Yes, we're liberal lefty peaceniks, if you say so. Why not?
But the question remains: Why are we wrong?

Yes, we're Green Eurotrash feminazi socialist treehuggers, if you insist. Megadittos, Rush.
But why are we wrong?

Can you answer that? Can you refute the ideas and opinions in and of themselves, without attacking the source? Can you present your opinions on their own merit, without simply dismissing ours by virtue of your moral superiority?

If you can't, or won't, then you cannot hope to be taken seriously. Conduct the debate properly, or don't do it at all: it's your call.
Patriot Metalhead
23:53 / 29.10.01
I've thought about this for a few minutes and you are right Jack Fear.

And anyway me telling Damned Yankee how much of a moron he is is redundant to say the least. He makes a fair case of it all on his own.

[ 30-10-2001: Message edited by: Patriot Metalhead ]
Patriot Metalhead
00:14 / 30.10.01

[ 30-10-2001: Message edited by: Patriot Metalhead ]
Jack Fear
00:36 / 30.10.01

and the "To Cherry Bomb" thread that started it all appears to have been deleted as well...

[ 30-10-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
Patriot Metalhead
00:43 / 30.10.01
I deleted my own posts. As far as the Cherry Bomb thread goes. I haven't a clue what happened to it.
Jack Fear
00:53 / 30.10.01
Yeah, that was a board glitch--we get those a lot, lately, because the servers have been so hard-hit with new members and increased traffic. Somebody mentioned it in another thread, but it took me a minute to put it in context.

In light of that, I am sorry for implying that you were trying to cover your tracks.

I am happy, however, that you've decided to argue the facts rather than simply lash out. I'm signing off in a few minutes, so I won't be able to respond immediately to anything you post, but I look forward to reading it in the morning.

Talk to you then. Be well.
01:19 / 30.10.01
Looks like I'll never know just what Metalhead said in reply to my comments, then. Ah, humbug.
The Damned Yankee
02:26 / 30.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Patriot Metalhead:

And anyway me telling Damned Yankee how much of a moron he is is redundant to say the least. He makes a fair case of it all on his own.

I've served my country in wartime, Meathead. I didn't posture, I didn't pick fights, and I didn't attack people who disagreed with me.

All I'm saying is that you're lacking the conviction to do the same. Sure, you talk a good fight, but unless you're actually willing to sign up, put on the uniform, and grab yourself an M16A3, all the flag waving on the sidelines you do is pointless. Actions, chump. As in "louder than words".

And if you "wait 'til they need you", as I believe you put it in the erased thread, well hey, if you gotta wait to be drafted to defend those ideals you profess to love, then I guess you don't love them as much as you think.
autopilot disengaged
04:29 / 30.10.01
uh: just to clarify - the 'to cherry bomb' thread imploded on me when i tried to respond to patriot in it. so i started a new thread. this one.
06:24 / 30.10.01
What I keep coming back to is the statement that Cherry bomb is "a moron in every sense of the word".

There are only two senses of the word "moron", one medical and one pejorative. And the medical one is pretty much out of use, as far as I know. So, really, there's only one sense of the word "moron".

Weesa peepo gonna die?

Anyway, Metalhead, let's assume that at this point peace is not an option worth considering - and I think there is a case to be made for that argument - how does one win the war? What are your suggestions on dealing with the Pashtun unrest along the Durand Line? How can Musharraf's government be maintained in stability without accusations of being an American puppet? Would the risks of establishing a forward position within Afghanistan be justified by the operational advantages?

Should the conflict be extended to Iraq, and if so how? How much power are you prepared to give Iran (which, as you know, is a major supporter of and influence on thew Northern Alliance) in a post-Crisis Middle East? And how much of a free hand should the international community give to Russia in Chechnya?

Oh yes, and what's your strategy for Israel? Hands-on or hands-off? And if the latter, how would you keep the Arab states in the alliance?

Any other tactical or strategic considerations which you feel I have missed, please throw them in. I think we could do with a good, strong, well-reasoned hawkish argument to shake up the hippies a bit.

[ 30-10-2001: Message edited by: The Lower Haus ]
07:19 / 30.10.01

if the first poster of a thread deletes their posts then the whole thread will go - thus meatalhead deleted the to cherrybomb thread...
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:54 / 30.10.01
I don't think he did, though, else he wouldn't have complained that a moderator deleted it. I assume it must be another board glitch...
07:58 / 30.10.01
Ok this sucks. Sooner or later I knew someone,real or contrived would make his way on to the board and start shooting his mouth off NRA style, making me cringe for supporting millitary action in Afgahnistan. And to make matters worse he likes metal. War is hell.

But whatever, down to business.
Patriot. You are an ass. I managed to read some of the "...To Cherry Bomb" thread this morning before I went to work and to be honest I wanted to fucking puke. I agree with you on the basis of your arguement only. Military action is needed. The Taliban should be overthrown. Diplomatic, non-violent soloutions aren't going to cut it in this situation.

However. The way you present your arguement is another story. It leaves me to ponder this burning question:
Did you graduate high school? No, really? Like Fear already put it, can you tell everyone why they're wrong? Without sounding like some third rate Rush Limbaugh knock off?
And gems like "Liberal, hippy tree hugger?"
Are you for real? Who says this shit? You're forgetting classic cold war quips such as "commie" and "pinko" and the highly revered "better dead then red." Or is it "better dead than read?"
You're killing me.
Also. Cherry, along with most everyone else on this board seem pretty decent. If you too can't muster up anything better than tired, tired, tired, worn out Archie Bunkerisms than go back to,, or wherever the fuck Heston hell hole you came from. Later.
mondo a-go-go
10:57 / 30.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Patriot Metalhead:
Me and you, my greasy little monkey, could post back and forth for hours about this but what is the point? It's all gonna get deleted.

i didn't delete the thread. i only noticed it at 5:30pm last night when i was about to leave the office. the board collapsed under its own weight, again.

quote:You are a Dirty Hippy, but that's not your fault, your parents didn't believe in condomns and you are the result. I have talked to enough Dirty Hippies in the last two days and am not gonna keep type, type, typing away so that some dumbass moderator who doesn't like the tone of the posts can delete them all. Sounds pretty Liberalhippytreehuggy to me especially in a political forum.

You sound hostile. Do yourself a favor Hippy, take a bath that should calm your dirty nerves.

P.S use soap

i don't like the tone of your posts. they are rude and obnoxious. it matters not whether i agree or disagree with the crux of your argument, i'm just not going to take you seriously if you resort to namecalling in an attempt to get your point across.

however, this doesn't mean i'm going to delete or edit your posts, even if i want to. i believe in your right to free speech on here.

now show some respect for others' rights to the same thing.
Sandy Haired Bruce Wayne
11:29 / 30.10.01
quote:if the first poster of a thread deletes their posts then the whole thread will go - thus meatalhead deleted the to cherrybomb thread...

quote:I don't think he did, though, else he wouldn't have complained that a moderator deleted it. I assume it must be another board glitch...

But Patriot Falsemetalhead said.
quote:I deleted my own posts. As far as the Cherry Bomb thread goes. I haven't a clue what happened to it.

I think he erased the whole thread by mistake. Easy come, easy go.

Cherry Bomb
12:52 / 30.10.01
Patriot Metalhead:

You are entitled to your opinion that I'm a "hippy moron" whatever. If you care to disagree with me, I don't see why you need to flame me. You would make your case far more effective if you chose to back it up it with facts rather than flaming.

That said, I don't think it's fair for people to be flaming you, either. Again, you're entitled to your opinion, and you're entiltled to express your views, and I think name-calling is the easy way out.

I stand by my opinion that we do not need war. I always come back to the fact that if a child gets into a fight on the schoolyard, the parents tell him that that's not the way he should solve his problem, he should talk it out because that's the more mature thing to do. Now, why is that the advice we give to children, but that doesn't work for countries?

I understand that we need to protect ourselves, but I do actually think that IF bin Laden is guilty - and truthfully you Joe Citizen have no way of knowing that he actually is - I don't see why we can't try him in an International Human Rights court. I don't know why disabling the communications of Al Quaida and arresting those individuals is less effective than bombing Afghanistan.

Speaking militarily, I think it would actually be more effective. Bombing afghanistan is like deciding to burn a room that has all ready been torched. The country is all ready completely decimated by two decades of war. How much could there possibly be left to destroy?

Not to mention the fact that the U.S. is, with this military action, builiding up scores of ill will and resentment from muslim countries that surround that area. You may recall that Al Quaeda grew in part out of U.S. funding of troops fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, followed by U.S. abandonment of those troops once the Soviets retreated. The continued embargos in Iraq, and continued occupation of Saudi Arabia also play a role. I really think we're going to end up shooting ourselves in a similar way with the current military action.

I think this will be a costly and ultimately futile war. We're making mistakes every day, and we don't even know if bin Laden (again, if he's actually the culprit we need to catch) is even in Afghanistan. We lost one of our major connections when that general got caught, strung up by the Taliban and had his corpse shot with bullets as well last week (He called for help, but the U.S. fucked it up - again!). If things continue the way they're going now, I really think this is going to be another Vietnam.
So on a military level I think this is a ridiculous war.

I wouldn't call myself a pacifist but I would definitely call myself a strong advocate of non-violence. I understand that the trick with non-violence is convincing those who would choose to use violent means not to do so. But look at India. Look at the abolition of slavery. Look at the Civil Rights movement. Look at the Women's movement. You don't have to use guns and bombs to get your way.

A violent home begets violent children, who become violent in relationships with others. On a personal level, we call that a tragedy. Why is it different on the world stage? I sincerely encourage you to explain to me why - I'd love to hear an intelligient reason behind using violence to solve problems.
gentleman loser
14:25 / 30.10.01
Repeat after me.

Don't feed the trolls.

Don't feed the trolls.

Don't feed the trolls.

Patriot Metalhead is entitled to his opinion, but his obvious, tired and above all, boring ad hominem attacks have convinced me to no longer pay any attention to him.

Instead of arguing with this troll, why not just ignore him? There's lots of other threads out there that could use some thoughtful input. I'm getting annoyed that so many posters are wasting their time on this nonsense.
06:31 / 31.10.01
quote:I stand by my opinion that we do not need war. I always come back to the fact that if a child gets into a fight on the schoolyard, the parents tell him that that's not the way he should solve his problem, he should talk it out because that's the more mature thing to do. Now, why is that the advice we give to children, but that doesn't work for countries?

Oh my god you can't be serious. I'm sorry to sound like a jerk, but this sounds just as naive as the weeping, hysterical middle age mothers on Oprah crying frantically "Why do they hate us?"
Yes it would be nice if everyone in the world could be diplomatic and talk out their problems. But why isn't it like this?
I agree with you on the point that we don't need war. Nobody needs war. However, can we let the Taliban be allowed to exist?
How do we get them to change their ways? Ask them nicely? Maybe we should give them a "Time Out." I support millitay action because I believe that Bin Laden's guilt or innocence is beside the point. The Taliban needs to be ousted immediately. If the US was bombing a more moderate democratic regime because they suspected Bin Laden was hiding out there, I would be the first in line at the peace marches. However, he's suspected of hiding in a country whose government puts any dystopic sci-fi novel to shame.

quote: - I don't see why we can't try him in an International Human Rights court. I don't know why disabling the communications of Al Quaida and arresting those individuals is less effective than bombing Afghanistan.

Sounds great. But how do we implement this?
How do you physically get Bin Laden from where ever he is into a court? Also. Isn't one of the main directives of bombing to do exactly what your saying they should do? Disabling communications? And yes, I know. Civilians have been killed. It fucking sucks. And it makes me feel horrible when I see the footage of screaming, suffering children. But the question still stands. How do you effectively knock out the Taliban?
Impose sanctions? Will starving children in the dead of a freezing miserable winter be preferable?
I keep hearing alot of theoretical soloutions that sound great to appease everyone's morality and conscience but what I don't hear are concrete ways to implement these ideas. The reality is that all of our options stink. Catch 22.
Now on a more positive note. I agree with Auto that the most important battle is to fight the roots of terrorism. This is something that everyone of us can do. By doing what Jello Biafra says and "Become the Media". The most imporant (and perhaps one of the most dangerous) things to do in the near future is to bring to light all of the past transgressions of the US Government. Essentially expose their own terrorism that they've been implementing for over 50 years across the globe relatively unchecked. Well until now anyways. This is going to be really tricky for us in the left now because it will demonize us and make us seem as unpatriotic turncoat terrorists. It's going to be a damn tough fight, but one where cooler, more articulate, ( and not to mention damn groovier) heads will prevail.
What I don't agree with Auto is that this is the only way to fight terrorrism. This is more of a long term soloution. But however, we still need some short term action as well. Why? Because Bin Laden and Al Quaida need to answer for Sept 11. But hold on. I'll even give you the benefit ot the doubt... say they had nothing to do with it. We still need short term action because regardless of Bin Laden's involvement, the Taliban is too brutal be allowed to exist. Hands down.
06:51 / 31.10.01
Zerone, let me see if I understand this correctly. On the one hand you're saying that the Taliban is too brutal to exist and on the other hand you're saying that America has been doing all this terrorist shit that needs exposing.

Exposing? Why not taken out like the Taliban? Or are you going to suggest that America (or we in the West in general) somehow have some higher moral ground? Based on what? You've already pointed out we're terrorists.

Patriot I can't really be bothered to enter into discussion, just thought I should point out that I'm sure bin Laden would agree with you as he seems as eager to kill Americans as you are.
07:00 / 31.10.01
I appreciate your response, and your absolute disgust at the the actions of the taliban, and probably also of the northern alliance, in general, and whether or not they were specifically implicated in the twin towers attack.

I too feel that they ought to be stopped and or punished.

But I do not see a successful outcome from bombing Afghanistan. Being bombed is a long term aspect of life in afghanistan, and the casual acceptence of violence is culturally ingrained, hence the inability to see 11/9 in human rather than political terms.

I suppose killing everyone is an ideal, but its non achievable, without going for an industrial level of population management in excess of Hitler's policies, which were intended to irradicate a people and created a terrorist state out of the victims.

So there needs to be a point at which bombing stops and cultural interaction and development starts, and this is likely to be a very difficult point to judge indeed.

As a life long hater of globalization, (or CocaColonization as it was known in the sixties) I am reluctantly coming round to the opinion that bringing a poor people forward by raising aspirations by media manipulation and industrialization is preferable to the richest people in the world killing the poorest.
07:05 / 31.10.01
...and then giving all of these poor people money and jobs in a completely rebuilt industrial base, so they can afford to fulfil their aspirations? With respect, that hasn't been managed in *America* yet...
Frances Farmer
07:29 / 31.10.01
"Oh my god you can't be serious. I'm sorry to sound like a jerk, but this sounds just as naive as the weeping, hysterical middle age mothers on Oprah crying frantically 'Why do they hate us?'"

I suppose I can see where you get that, but I think that was an ad hominem approach -- less pushy, but ultimately similar to PM's approach.

And while I can see where you might get that, I don't think it adequately applies to Cherry if you pay reasonable attention to her argument.

"Yes it would be nice if everyone in the world could be diplomatic and talk out their problems. But why isn't it like this?
I agree with you on the point that we don't need war. Nobody needs war. However, can we let the Taliban be allowed to exist?"

That's a tricky question. But, perhaps, this is just as tricky: How is it "we've" been allowing the Taliban to exist for years now?

The real question is, who has the right to make the decision that a particular group of peoples cannot be permitted to exist?

Yes, I understand that the Taliban are radical militants. Yes, I understand that they came to control Afghanistan via violence. Nonetheless, to a greater or lesser extent, this can be pointed out from the roots of any nation with a little bit of history.

Yes, I understand that they're horribly oppressive towards women, and I understand that they use sports stadiums for public executions.

The question I'm asking is, how does the U.S. find itself in the role to be making these calls? And, supposing we trust a nation with this sort of immense responsibility -- the responsibility of choosing who will and will not be allowed to exist -- what happens when this nation fucks up?

Where are the checks and balances in this system?

And if this nation has a history of fucking up -- perhaps philanthropy too, but healthy doses of fucking up -- which the U.S. clearly has, how can we blindly trust such an authority with the right to choose who can and cannot exist?

Do we agree with this because of the sentiment? Because nobody likes what was happening in Afghanistan prior to 9/11? Where is the line drawn?

And without answering these sorts of questions and receiving answers, how can you simply condone violent action that could result in the death of thousands of innocent people?

As I've said before -- none of this is to say the military action in Afghanistan can't be appropriate.

But, I haven't spoken with one person who can tell me, in absolutely concrete terms, why it is.

"How do we get them to change their ways? Ask them nicely? Maybe we should give them a "Time Out." I support millitay action because I believe that Bin Laden's guilt or innocence is beside the point. The Taliban needs to be ousted immediately. If the US was bombing a more moderate democratic regime because they suspected Bin Laden was hiding out there, I would be the first in line at the peace marches. However, he's suspected of hiding in a country whose government puts any dystopic sci-fi novel to shame."

You make it sound as if the living conditions there haven't somehow been causally related to prior military actions.

I'm not saying the fundementalist Islamic regime there doesn't do some simply wretched things -- but I am asking the question: If this is to be our justification, than how can we honestly give the U.S. carte blanche to unseat these people without first demanding the approval of a world court?

"Sounds great. But how do we implement this? How do you physically get Bin Laden from where ever he is into a court? Also. Isn't one of the main directives of bombing to do exactly what your saying they should do? Disabling communications? And yes, I know. Civilians have been killed. It fucking sucks. And it makes me feel horrible when I see the footage of screaming, suffering children. But the question still stands. How do you effectively knock out the Taliban?
Impose sanctions? Will starving children in the dead of a freezing miserable winter be preferable?"

Perhaps you didn't realize that the U.S. has managed sanctions in Afghanistan -- via Pakistan, who received enormous amounts of diplomatic pressure from the U.S. Children will starve more because of this military action.

"I keep hearing alot of theoretical soloutions that sound great to appease everyone's morality and conscience but what I don't hear are concrete ways to implement these ideas. The reality is that all of our options stink. Catch 22."

I don't think any of us can really say what the reality is. I think there are plenty of perfectly available options. Some might be more difficult than others, but there are others in reach. Or, perhaps, were.

"Now on a more positive note. I agree with Auto that the most important battle is to fight the roots of terrorism. This is something that everyone of us can do. By doing what Jello Biafra says and "Become the Media". The most imporant (and perhaps one of the most dangerous) things to do in the near future is to bring to light all of the past transgressions of the US Government. Essentially expose their own terrorism that they've been implementing for over 50 years across the globe relatively unchecked. Well until now anyways. This is going to be really tricky for us in the left now because it will demonize us and make us seem as unpatriotic turncoat terrorists. It's going to be a damn tough fight, but one where cooler, more articulate, ( and not to mention damn groovier) heads will prevail."

These are sentiments I agree with. I very much appreciate your standpoint, here. I think it'll be difficult and very critical for U.S. citizens to take more responsibility for their government's behaviour. I think everyone needs to do this.

"What I don't agree with Auto is that this is the only way to fight terrorrism. This is more of a long term soloution. But however, we still need some short term action as well. Why? Because Bin Laden and Al Quaida need to answer for Sept 11. But hold on. I'll even give you the benefit ot the doubt... say they had nothing to do with it. We still need short term action because regardless of Bin Laden's involvement, the Taliban is too brutal be allowed to exist. Hands down."

I can't accept your reasoning, here. The reasons you give for "why" are more related to where -- and even as such, I don't believe they stand up to good argumentation.

When you make the claim that short-term action is necessary, you must begin by laying the foundations for the argument. It's important to establish what will happen, for instance, if short term action does not ensue, and to clearly communicate why these ends would be less preferred to the opposite standpoint.

My rebuttal would be a very simple point: Shortly after the bombing began, it was declared that we would be exposed to a 100% risk of further terrorist action.

If prior to the bombings, the probability of further terrorist attacks was 100%, then all we've shown is that, in the short-term, action and non-action are equivelent. Non-action relative to the action, I suppose.

Now, we can't really presume to know what the long-term results of either action will be -- unless you want to talk about divination.

So, at best, I think, we can show that the difference in reducing actual threat, in the short-term, is negligable.

So, while it could've increased the risk (the military action), it couldn't have reduced it. From the standpoint of risk, then, the citizens of the world have nothing to gain from military action in Afghanistan.

That's just operating on what we know. There are a plethora of possibilities that could render such understandings absolutely inconsequential -- but if we want to follow reason (which is admittedly, at times, overrated), we can say this (the military action) simply did not reduce anyone's risk-level.

[ 31-10-2001: Message edited by: Frances ]
07:37 / 31.10.01
Well, once this is all over, I'm just looking forward to the UN attack on the autocratic, misogynistic, fundamentalist government of Qatar.
07:57 / 31.10.01
quote: and then giving all of these poor people money and jobs in a completely rebuilt industrial base, so they can afford to fulfil their aspirations? With respect, that hasn't been managed in *America* yet...

I know. But the poorest in USA are better off than the a whole load of Afghanis. And no one fulfills their aspirations; aspirations are carrots tied to the stick.

It's not a good solution, just a better one, and one that might be achieved from where we are now.

In my opinion.
08:05 / 31.10.01
Hmmm...problem here, Luke, is that you seem to be falling into the fundamental error that has inspired the "they hate us because we have all this freedom and wealth" fallacy.

You're assuming that, basically, everybody wants to be American.
08:43 / 31.10.01
No I don't believe they want to be Americans. I don't think being an American is a good thing, and have strange arguments with members of my family who are Americans.

I'm suggesting that if we are going to interfere with the afghani people, its more humane and cost effective to manipulate them (into wanting to be americans if you like) than it is to wage war on them. This is actually quite a cynical argument, based on a believe that the USA has sophisticated techniques for 'manufacturing consent' but likes killing people abroad for the benefit of domestic audiences.

Thanks for the dialogue.
08:46 / 31.10.01
Actually, that's along the lines of something I've been considering for a little while. I'm against cutural colonisation but at the moment it seems like quite a rosey option compared to what appears to be going on at the moment, which will probably be followed by a more violent cultaural integration.
autopilot disengaged
15:58 / 31.10.01
quoteriginally posted by zerone:
How do you physically get Bin Laden from where ever he is into a court?

well, it could take time. but we have time. we also have a massive coalition of the most powerful nations on earth willing and able to pursue him for as long as it takes. now, even so - it's possible he would never be cought - but he would spend from now until whenever, on the run, always looking over his shoulder, never knowing who to trust (and with the bounty on his head, he'd be right to be wary).

sooner or later, he'd probably be captured. then we could have a trial. then we find out if he's actually guilty.

Afghanistan is not a threat. the Taleban are not an immediate threat (though, yes, their people would disagree - but present tactics aren't necessarily helping them either). there is NO NEED for a short-term solution to the 'what to do about 911?' dilemma. such a thing may be impossible.

what is possible - in the short-term - is to continue to work hard to make sure the civilians of western countries are as safe as is possible from further attack - and to head off a humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan. which brings me to yr next point:

quoteriginally posted by zerone:
How do you effectively knock out the Taliban? Impose sanctions? Will starving children in the dead of a freezing miserable winter be preferable?

how about - we feed the people of Afghanistan - support them - and then see what they want to do, with their country? the Taleban will almost certainly fall - but at the hands of those Afghans who have suffered under them.

the west already did the equivelant of imposing sabnctions - by freezing aid for a week or two to a starving people, immediately after 911. and now, with the place a combat zone, aid supplies are getting in in such derisory numbers that it's likely mass starvation has begun and - to a certain degree - widespread death is already an inevitability.

listen to the NGOs who work there - aside from any political agenda. the fact is, once winter hits, it will be virtually impossible to get any meaningful amount of food in there. this is what happens.

the military campaign, with little or nothing to show for it, has taken the place of any constructive aid we may have been able to give. those who survive the present bombing may well die this winter because of its repercussions.

[ 31-10-2001: Message edited by: autopilot disengaged ]
autopilot disengaged
16:10 / 31.10.01
oh yeah - and luke, reid - though i question cultural colonisation being anything other than hell on earth for those at ground zero - it did surprise me when the US bombed Afghanistan.

partially because i thought they'd recognise the rules of the game had changed, and their own people might pay for their policies - partly because, even if the US lost its complete military superiority, its economic might would do more than enough to keep its place at the top of the food chain secure.

unfortunately, it looks like they've decided to play it like a poker game - the other guy just raised the stakes, and they're not about to sit on their winnings...
07:02 / 01.11.01
Originally posted by autopilot disengaged
"sooner or later, he'd probably be captured. then we could have a trial. then we find out if he's actually guilty."

I'm afraid that the time for that is well over. Bin Laden has to be found guilty, there is no way people could ever "allow" him to be innocent, there's far too much at stake. Regardless of his guilt, innocent, complicity, whatever he has to be sacrificed.

After all this is more about seeming to be in the right and doing something, than actually being in the right and doing something. It's a rather sick PR excercise.

Originally posted by autopilot disengaged
"oh yeah - and luke, reid - though i question cultural colonisation being anything other than hell on earth for those at ground zero"

Now there's a good chance I've completely misunderstood the concept but I would have thought the problem would be that it is not hell on earth and in many ways quite a pleasant alternative to war. The question being do we in the West have the right to attempt to guide/influence someone elses culture, Hollywoodise Islam, put McDonalds in Mosques.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:55 / 01.11.01
quote:Originally posted by reidcourchie:
Now there's a good chance I've completely misunderstood the concept but I would have thought the problem would be that it is not hell on earth and in many ways quite a pleasant alternative to war. The question being do we in the West have the right to attempt to guide/influence someone elses culture, Hollywoodise Islam, put McDonalds in Mosques.

I think you need to stretch your imagination a bit, and try seeing what you've just described from a non-Western, non-secular perspective - for a devout Muslim, Hollywoodising Islam and putting McDonalds in Mosques pretty much would be one version of hell on earth. It doesn't even sound "quite pleasant" to me...

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