Tom and everyone else,
For several years now, Tom Coates has made available a very cool open forum community of stealth, magick, uber-technology, and many other tre's cool things.
Now, Barbelith is bigger. It could, in effect, collapse under its own weight. Tom has spent alot of money.
I think the following could be a viable solution to the issues of:
1) 'uncontrollable' growth
2) enough bandwidth
3) 'trollers'
4) And lastly but not leastly, it would make the posts and thusly the discussions more valuable to those that make them and read them.
You should charge a nominal fee of $3.00 US to $5.00 US per month for each member. The payment should be done by automatic funds transfer out of the member's checking account (which is easier to get than a credit card). Or it could be done on a member's credit card with a repeating monthly charge. And with this type of automatic funds transfer is that Barbelith would get its money each month even if someone didn't have money in their checking account. The member is the only one charged an over draft fee. Minor responsiblity that we can all benefit from. So, most important, it doesn't hurt Tom or Barbelith.
To make the deal sweeter, Tom, you could give percentage discounts on 3,6,9 or 12 month advance purchases.
As well, for each new member requesting access, there should be a start up fee that would in effect be paying first and last month's access fee. This would more than likely disuade trouble makers from creating more than one 'suit'.
Again, FREE is nice. But realistically it is a NICER idea to know Barbelith is going long term and Tom is getting something for his 'troubles'. $3-$5 per month is not a big deal even if you're poor or an inconsistent poster. I show up every few months, chat a while, disappear again. I would still pay the $5.00 and I ain't rich.
All you other 'Lithers out there: How much do you really value Barbelith?
[ 15-03-2002: Message edited by: Iao Adonai ] |