... went to see 'em last week, on the beginning of a mini world tour. Catch them if you can, they were bloody amazing, reminding me why they are absolutely my favourite band and have been for years.
same thing happens everytime a new pulp album comes out. I hear it, think it's pretty damn good, but not quite the only reason for living. Then see them live and become utterly obssessed with the music, lyrics, look, colour of Candida's cardie... the whole shebang.
helps that they absolutely kick arse live, i've converted dedicated (prog) rock snobs by dint of dragging them to a gig...great fun watching them shuffle about and grudgingly admit that 'pulp are quite good really' 
And yeah, it does help that Jarvis Cocker has bedraggled charisma in buckets, the guy is just too damn magnetic... was endearingly cute and exciteable at the first gig, and thrillingly pissed off and moody at the second one I saw (bad coke? presence of ex in the audience - pointed out to me by my even more obsessive chum!-who knows?), thus delivery a brilliant and somewhat terrifying 'This Is Hardcore' and even playing some 'intro' era stuff before totally rehashing Common people to great gloomy effect.
I lo-o-o-o-o-o-ve him... *swoon*
Ierne? Fly? Haus? anyone wanna back me up here?
or if you think they're crap, c'mon and tell me why! |