quote:Originally posted by Tyrone Bongolaces:
Thank you cherry.
Pleasure. ![](/art/smile.gif)
..and while we're on the subject of gay rappers, I was thinking about this whilst riding the bike last night. It's rather true that gays and lesbians are excluded from MOST forms of rock n' roll. And if they DO come out, they're canonized or ridicule.
Let's take Melissa Etheridge. PLEASE (nyuk nyuk). I mean, I CANNOT BLOODY STAND HER ANNOYING SONGS but everyone loves her b/c she's out about being a dyke. Here's what I say: Yeah yeah yeah, you're a lesbian, now how 'bout writing a good song!
And then there's K.D. Laing who's another canon saint of gay rock - at least she actually shows some talent.
But thinking about it, I can think of more gay girls who rock than gay boys. Other than queercore and more pop dance things like Wham! (My boss when I worked at my favorite cafe ever used to reminisce "Oh remember Wham!? It was just so cute. When they broke up you knew George and Andrew'd been fighting, and when they got back together you knew they'd made up..").
But let's take more hard-rock stuff. I can only think of the guy from Faith No More, my man Bob Mould and the queercore movement when it comes to gay guys who rock hard. Am I missing something here?
I think it just comes down to that machsissmo so prevalent in hard rock and rap.
And let's not forget how misogynist rap is. Bitch bitch bitch, ho ho ho, fuckin bitches as opposed to loving them (and being proud of that), etc.
Right there that's something that I believe prevents males who don't fit the macho breeder stereotype (gay men) from joining in. Gay men love dick, and bitches love dick, and we know how well they're treated in hip-hop.
I'm not sure if I'm even on to anything, just thinking about it.
Thoughts? |