I think I'm getting more in to the idea of Anticon then Anticon themselves. Riz's description pretty much hit the mark on what they sound like. In my head. I do think they're using hip hop (their own interpretation of hip hop as being found art, really) and doing something else with it. And I'm not trying to say that they're better or worse with it, but it's different. The first cLOUDDEAD wasn't produced to be a hip hop record, but space rock.
As a brand (and let's be honest here, they're both selling themselves really hard), I prefer Anticon, and the strand of undieground that inhabit, then Def Jux. Def Jux are very, um... manly, and aggressive I think.
Where the fuck did the "hip hop has a really small frame of reference" line come from, anyway? The hip hop editor from Jockey Slut was on C4 news trying to tell me The Grey Album would broaden the horizens of the rap community. This is just getting stupid now. Who started this shit?
And Seth, any names on people who do the same sort of thing, but better? |