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Cat Chant
21:59 / 23.03.02
Children's BBC, 3:00-4:00pm, Sunday 24 March.

For them as don't know, this is early 90s kids' sci-fi written by Russel T Davis of Queer as Folk fame and starring Jacqueline Pearce of Blake's 7 fame, involving Nazi archaeologists from the future, or something.

Off to buy videotapes.
10:04 / 24.03.02
Also featuring a young Kate Winslet - oh how i lusted after her in my youth...
Rev. Wright
10:59 / 24.03.02
My cousin plays one of the villianous henchmen, in this show.
rizla mission
12:39 / 24.03.02
FUCK! I've just missed the first three quarters buggering around here...
13:36 / 24.03.02
Arse! Missed it.
Is this a regular thing or were they showing it in one lump?

Hang on, that's the CBBC digital channel, ah well couldn't have seen it anyway, ain't got digital. But if someone videos all of them.... :-)

[ 24-03-2002: Message edited by: invisible_al ]
14:53 / 24.03.02
Oh bollocks
The Strobe
17:28 / 24.03.02
Oh holy shite, I missed it.

Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
18:03 / 24.03.02
And I second that "FUCK!" Why was the press not alerted.


Anyone tape it?
Cat Chant
06:57 / 25.03.02
Life is very cruel. Turned out they started the repeats on Saturday so yesterday was episodes 3-4. Which I taped. 5-6 are on Saturday at 3-4pm.

Once I've taped those & got onto campus to see if my VCR is talking to the campus editing suites (sometimes it doesn't) I shall see whether Arrangements Can Be Made.
07:19 / 25.03.02
well i finally have access to tv for a couple of weeks but packed away my computer for moving so had no access to barbelith and so missed this anyway.

may i say fuck fuck fuck at this point for a while. am too tired to go smash things. may be able to see the show on saturday.
07:46 / 25.03.02
Can I please just add my voice to the chorus of expletives? Fuuuuuck! Sigh.
Cat Chant
08:26 / 31.03.02


I forgot to tape it!

I was out for a healthful walk on the Gauda Prime moors and forgot to watch TV!

This kind of behaviour must cease, I know. I'm very sorry. Now I must email the BBC repeatedly until they agree to show it again at a time of my own choosing.
Tryphena Absent
21:46 / 07.08.06
Amazon have dispatched Dark Season and Century Falls to me today. Will the Royal Mail send my packages as if they had wings?
22:08 / 07.08.06
[Claps in hands in glee]
You'll finally get to see what we mean about how much of an RTD tribute Reunion is. The second arc is better, though.
07:12 / 08.08.06
Oh, I see... blonde hair, blue eyes...


The Master Race.

Russell T Davies - putting Nazis in childrens programming since 1991.

Also, W00T!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:40 / 08.08.06
Damn you for revitalising this thread and raising my hopes up...
Tryphena Absent
11:57 / 08.08.06

I should add I have seen Dark Season about three times and Century Falls the one time it was screened on TV.

Obviously once I've watched my new DVDs (have they arrived today? I'll let you know) I will happily lend them to the London folk. However you will not be holding on to them for two years, oh no, no two year time frame on these wondrousnesses.
15:26 / 08.08.06
I only need one night.

Sleep is for sheeple.

18:51 / 08.08.06
Ok I'm obviously suffering from some karmic pay back form Amazon but when I search the US site for Dark Season I find a lot of crap and nothing by Russell T Davies, oh wait a paperback they don't have showed up.

It's the Amazon UK one or nuthin'.
Gr..I shall have to consult the family media slayer.
Tryphena Absent
16:22 / 09.08.06
Dark Season has been WATCHED and it was as good as I remembered. Century Falls still to go...

(I'm a little more reluctant to watch CF alone as I remember it being very, very frightening. It was a long time ago but I bet it still scares me)
17:32 / 09.08.06
I'm a mite confused as to the plots of Dark Season vs Century Falls, are they both part of the same sci-fi series? Dark Season is the one with the yogurt pot/spoon conundrum and Kate Winslet but Century Falls is what exactly? I also tend to mistakenly lump in stuff like Archer's Moon with all this which frankly muddles me further.
Tryphena Absent
22:11 / 09.08.06
Archer's Goon dude. Archer's Goon. That's not Russell T, that's Diana W.

Let me put this simply:
Dark Season= girl in brown cardigan, sunglasses
Century Falls= psychics, gold mask, temple
Archer's Goon= typewriter, roadworks, bomber jacket

I can do Moondial and Tom's Midnight Cardigan in key points too.
Tryphena Absent
22:16 / 09.08.06
Oh dear. I really didn't do that on purpose. Marcie's cardigan just does something to my brain.
23:35 / 09.08.06
Ah, very good, Tryphena, helpful in fact. I don't think I've seen Century Falls in that case. Moondial I remember well, though, so no need.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
18:48 / 12.08.06
Y'know it's odd. I still tend to think that despite the Doctor not appearing, Dark Season is still the best Doctor Who RTD has yet made. I mean I like the new series - it's just Dark Season is RTD making old school Doctor Who, and as such has a special place in my heart.
Tryphena Absent
21:24 / 13.08.06
RTD on Century Falls, Looking back I must admit that maybe I went too adult. It could have done with a bit more clarity and exposition. I think every problem that Doctor Who has revolves around this statement.
21:28 / 13.08.06
That the new who is 'too adult' or that it could do with more clarity and exposition?
Tryphena Absent
21:39 / 13.08.06
That the new Who is too childish, that it could do with less exposition.

I think he's treating it as a children's show but Century Falls wasn't treated like it was aimed at children but thinking people and I think that it's his best work to date.
21:50 / 14.08.06
Ker squeek! I finally got a copy of Century Falls I downloaded six months ago to play... Expect it to feature in this weekend's mini-festivities.
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