anyone see this?
heres a summary of the 1st episode:
Vic Macky--cop on the edge with a team of "ends justify the means" cop squad in LA
he punches crack dealers and beats child molesters with phone books to get the info he needs (like where the guy has the kidnapped 8 year old he bought).
his chief doesnt like him, wants to trash him gets "the new guy" to gather info and narc him out. New guy makes a few reports while acting as the driver in vics little squad, see's vic meet with drug dealers and such and reports it.
anyone, the episode builds up to a raid on a drug dealer (who may or may not be a rival of a dealer who macky is pally with) when he has a huge amount of cocaine in his house, they break in, the dealer shoots at them, vic and his 2nd in command shoot back and kill him.
New guy comes around the corner and Vick shoots him in the head, episode ends with a montage of scenes featuring the new guy and the chief talking about how to bust vick.
I like the show, i like the greying of lines between right and wrong, plus the other chars in the show are pretty cool to
anyone else watched it? |