I'm sure there was an old thread about this, but I can't find it... Anyway, last night I saw this for the second time, and I have to say, it's fast becoming one of my favourite movies ever... I know it's the biggest cliche to say that a film makes you laugh and makes you cry, but I honestly cannot think of another film in recent memory that has both made me laugh out loud and come close to crying (I don't cry in films, ever, but the bit where Royal tells Richie he wishes he could have been a better father, and the bit where Chas says "I've had a rough year, dad" - both of these bring me as close as I get, on the verge of tears).
What else? Well, obviously, it's visually stunning. There's something new to notice each time you watch it. It's full of subtle little touches, like the way that Eli Cash's transformation from shy bookworm to swaggering, drug-addled cowboy wannabe is hinted to be a result of his affair with Margot - which in turn is only a result of his (commercial) literary success.
The use of music throughout is exemplary: from the moment when young Richie shouts "go, Mordecai!", releases the hawk, and the thus-far instrumental cover of 'Hey Jude' launches into the "na, na na, na na na na" bit as the bird circles the rooftops; the hilarious and drop-dead-cool Ramones/Margot's casefile sequence; the traumatic use of Elliot Smith's 'Needle In The Hay' for the wrist-slashing scene; the way that when Margot puts a Rolling Stones song on the record player when she's in the tent with Richie, it carries on to the start of the next song after one ends (and in the process almost makes me like 'Ruby Tuesday'); the Nico/Van Morrison double whammy for the funeral at the film's end. It's that rarest of things: a film that makes you want to rush out and buy the soundtrack.
And obviously I have a newfound respect for Alec Baldwin and Gwyneth Paltrow, whilst my respect my Gene Hackman has only increased...
Honestly, I could go on and on about this film, but I'll let someone else have a go...
"Wildcat. W-i--i-i-i-ldcat..." |