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Smallville - North America (Spoliers)

13:48 / 13.03.02

I'm not sure how many people on this side of the ocean are watching, and this thread might die quickly, but I have no idea where the UK folk are at this moment, so here we go.


Last night, yet another kick ass episode with no hint of supernatural doings. There were more than a few ridiculous coincidences and improbabilities, but it was worth it to see the suspense get kicked up a notch. Obviously the producers are coming to the conclusion that not only is Lex the best part of the show, but also the most interesting thread running through it is the examination of Lex's transformation from Shady Guy to Outright Villain.

All that, and my favourite Lex/Clark moment yet. Clark calling Lex's office, using a whiny, pleading voice. "What do you mean he's not there? Do you know where he is? He'd tell me if he was going somewhere. I really have to talk to him..."

And the geek in me is enjoying all the references to the rest of the DCU. First Green Arrow, now they mention Central City and Bludhaven.
13:54 / 13.03.02
I like what I've seen of this show. It kind of reminds me of the early episodes of Lois and Clark. I just hope Clark doesn't hook up with anybody. Its got that whole jealousy thing going on. The thing that ruined Lois and Clark was the whole marriage thing, and I hope this show doesn't make a mistake like that.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:40 / 13.03.02
[threadrot] Are you saying gay marriage is a bad thing? <runs away giggling>
22:03 / 13.03.02
From Rolling Stone.

quote:Naturally, Welling and Company don't spend a lot of time pondering this stuff. Mostly they're too exhausted. Plus they've got a show to create. At the moment, Kreuk is in the makeup chair, while Welling and Rosenbaum rehearse a scene, the two of them ambling around a battered Porsche, practicing their lines.

"Don't you remember anything about the accident?'' Rosenbaum asks Welling.

"I remember pulling you out,'' says Welling. "That's all.''

"You sure you don't remember anything?'' asks Rosenbaum. He pauses. He lifts an eyebrow. Finally, displaying his own intuitive feel for the zeitgeist, he says, "My ass was sore afterward. You sure you didn't give me a superfuck?''

The director steps forward and says, "Well, yes, that was very good, very professional.''

Rosenbaum is chuckling, and Welling is looking kind of embarrassed. As well he might. Being the new kind of hero and all.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:12 / 13.03.02
moriarty, can you confirm or deny the rumour that series 2 will see Lex performing a kareoke cover of 'Strange Powers' by the Magnetic Fields at a special birthday bash he throws for Clark?
00:51 / 14.03.02
While I can neither confirm nor deny the choice of song for the Birthday ep, I can say that Clark will be watching Lex's lips move very intently, the better to judge his mad kareoke skills. This will have serious consequences later on in the season.

And, here's a poster painted by Alex Ross for the TV Guide, as well as the comic found within. Both are pretty bad. In other news, DC has announced the creation of a regular Smallville comic, of course.
02:22 / 14.03.02
That show has so much potential. Lets just hope they stop with the cheesy kryptonite bad guys!

And I want a Legion two-part episode damnit! (no lie. That would rock!)
10:06 / 14.03.02
Cheesy kryptonite bad guys? What do you want them to do, come from space?

I can see it now

"I am not from this world, the yellow sun gives me extraordinary powers". Like thats believable
Saint Keggers
02:50 / 15.03.02
Yeah, I gotta agree with impulsivelad..the whole uber-villain of the week routine is running thin. There are other things that can happen that dont involve Kryptonite. Why cant Clark have to deal with regular biker-gangs wanting to strong arm the kents out so they can use their cornfields to grow pot? And not man..I feel like im flying...oh shiit.....
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