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the People's Democratic Republic of TV

15:17 / 01.03.02
Picked up a copy of the first season of the Awful Truth last night. I missed most of the show when it was originally on (for some reason I am incapable of watching TV shows with any kind of regularity, though it's not something I work on) but I thought what I saw was hilarious.

Is the second season as good as the first? And anyone ever hear anything about a third?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:15 / 01.03.02
that is one of the better dvd sets i have
no ideas on extra seasons
The sundance kid
22:58 / 04.03.02
ha ha ha. michael moore is great. tv nation, his old show, is actually one of the reasons i pursued film school. anyone who can piss people off that much and get it on tv deserves a medal. now i'm not saying he's great documentarian or journalist...but those people are spineless anyway, and have created the need for moore-esqe antics. anyhoo, getting back to the point of this thread, there will sadly be no season 3. the ratings just weren't high enough, i believe, or moore just pissed off the wrong people. he did just release a new book 2/19 though that was supposed to be banned after 9/11. go to for more details. so, does anyone remember the tv nation where moore asked us to take our eyes off of illegal mexican immigrants and to focus on illegal canadian immigrants instead?...i'll never get the image of frightened middle-class white folk sneaking accross the border out of my head. ha! oh, if that last comment offended any white middle-class canadians, i apologise. i'm a white middle-class american, so we're even.
The Sinister Haiku Bureau
23:46 / 04.03.02
One of my recurring televisual fantasies is of Michael Moore and Mark Thomas doing transatlantic tag-team sociopolitical comedy... If I was an exec at a morally dubious global corporation, that would probably be amongst my most terrifyingly surreal nightmares.
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