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Film, check...TV, check...

13:07 / 26.01.02
& Theatre?.... suspiciously absent, do people not go or just not feel like posting about it?
Warrington Minge
16:08 / 26.01.02
I usually go to the theatre at least two or three times a year. So not much but possibly more than others. The trouble about posting anything is that while a lot of stuff is good I've not seen much that is truly outstanding. The last good thing I saw was Song of Singapore with Issy Van Randwick which was inventive and genuinely funny ( something of a rareity in the theatre I find ) but that was a few years ago. Everything I have seen since has been decidedly average.

I think this is a shame as there are many possibilities for the theatre. The sense of mood and atmosphere that can be created live on a stage cannot be sniffed at but possibly like the problem with most mainstream films you need the backing of somebody with good ideas and somebody who is prepared to take risks.

[ 26-01-2002: Message edited by: Warrington Minge ]
16:41 / 26.01.02
i've only been to the theatre maybe 4 times in my life. i cannot seem to get to grips with it, be it a local production of romeo and juliet, rupert everett in the vortex, or the sherlock holmes thingy with jeremy brett. it all seems like people clumping around a stage. i think i must be uncultured.....

but i have seen some ace performance poetry type stuff, i.e. atomic lip and joelle taylor's solo (horror-ish) stuff. next time i go see one, i will post about it.
22:29 / 26.01.02
I'm with sfd on this. So much theatre is painfully stagey and overdone (people falling to their knees and declaiming 'you've torn out my soul' and all that sort of thing) that I find most of it laughable. And musicals even more so.

23:49 / 26.01.02
Sigh, Sisyphus said.

But surely the reason that theater's not talked about so much here is that it's not mass-distributed like film or TV? Even bands, they tour. Whereas a great small show could have a six week run and be done, blink and you'll miss it; and so much of theater is the shared experience, what is there to say if you haven't seen what I've seen?
00:53 / 27.01.02
Yep. Theater is terribly regional, and in my area, expensive. However, if my compatriots and I end up doing Angels in America: Millenium Approaches, I will be begging anyone in the vicinity to come. (I'm not only a bad moderator, I'm a bad actor to boot! )
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