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Favourite Mindfuck Movies

18:23 / 21.01.02
Mindfuck stories are my favourite kind of stories, so I thought I'd start a thread about everyone's favourite mindfuck movies.

Mine are:

Fight Club
Jacob's Ladder
Vanilla Sky
Sixth Sense
The Usual Suspects

Eloi Tsabaoth
18:27 / 21.01.02
Hmm, interesting. I wonder how best to define a 'mindfuck' film. Would The Wicker Man apply?
I also liked:
The Game
Twelve Monkeys
Barton Fink
uncle retrospective
18:31 / 21.01.02
I give you...
David Lynch. Close your eyes and point at the DVD rack. Each one is really odd mind fuck (even straight story is odd.)
18:38 / 21.01.02
Forgot about The Game and Twelve Monkeys. I really enjoyed 'em. As for The Wicker Man, I haven't seen it; I'll have to get on that. And as for a definition of a mindfuck movie...well...I'm too damn lazy (and rushed) right now to cobble one together. In fact, I don't know if some of the movies I initially listed would qualify or not. There certainly is a difference between a "questioning the whole of reality" mindfuck and a "twist ending" mindfuck, but I think they both still mess with you.
18:46 / 21.01.02
Yep, David Lynch is dependably weird alright. I've seen Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, and Wild at Heart. Sometime this year I hope to check out Twin Peaks (that's right, I've never seen any of it) and Mulholland Drive. Oh, and on an unrelated (to Lynch, I mean) note, I'm gonna finally check out Barton Fink too. This is fun. More, more, more!
Rev. Wright
19:09 / 21.01.02
uncle retrospective
19:28 / 21.01.02
I forgot Gummo.
Not mind fuck in a plot twist way but you will be mind fucked.
19:43 / 21.01.02
Um -

Fear and Loathing
Lynch as stated...
Does the Matrix count, I guess it does that whole reality thing..
Thing Shining? (well at least the scence with ol Jeevsy in the washroom)

All the ones I would have said have been mentioned...

The ending of The Blair Witch kinda made you go woooah ..

Twin Peaks, I've had that on tape since it was on C5 - I'm going to watch it right now...
Brian Dennehy
19:54 / 21.01.02

Tetsuo II: Bodyhammer
The Return Of Rothkoid
20:27 / 21.01.02
Please can we direct this thread here. It's entitled "Fucked-up movies" and does the same thing as this one...
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