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06:31 / 26.11.01
Went to see this film because

a) I'm having a personal 'Best of Bollywood' film year.

b) It really annoyed the people at the lovely Sunday Telegraph

c) It's up for an Oscar for best non USA film.

And enjoyed it thoroughly.

It's not nearly as political as I expected from the Telegraph, indeed I found it ambivalent on the days of Raj; reflecting both the indiscriminate violent bullying side, and the nuturing nature. What it contained from an Indian political perspective was a wonderful reiteration of Gandhi's demand that India was one family, with no religious or caste divide.

There are three things to consider before seeing this, and none of them are about subtitling which is not a problem for those who can read.

a) It is a Cricket Film in which the game is a forum for community development and political resistance. Those who were enquiring in the Conversation recently about cricket would do well to see this, as would anyone who enjoys cricket. Those who
actively dislike sport may wish to avoid it.

b) It is [/B]a musical [/B], with music of unfashionable ethnicity. Much of the Music is however good, sounding a lot like African village music rather than the usual indian urban playback style.

c) It is well over [/B] three hours [/B]. Not suitable for those with short attention spans.

In terms of character development and visualization it is excellent. Anyone else seen it yet?
mondo a-go-go
08:49 / 26.11.01
the fact that it's about cricket has put me off, but i will probably go and see it anyway. maybe it'll even make cricket interesting to me, which will make it an exceptionally good film...
15:50 / 26.11.01
The indian women sitting next to me were very clued up about the cricket, explained the odd bit to me. And sang along. It was really worth going alone, ity developed a communal dimension I've not seen in a cinema since the riot at the showing of 'Rude Boy' here a long time ago. And a lot nicer.
14:32 / 13.05.02
This is just getting released here in the states, and I'm quite looking forward to it.

Necessary to brush up on cricket rules before viewing?
Jack Fear
22:06 / 13.05.02
Nah. I know nothing about the glorious game going in, but that's part of the plot—the ragtag band of misfit villagers know nothing about it either, going in. You'll learn as they do.

Caught this on video some months ago and found it hugely entertaining: in many ways it's an old-fashioned Hollywood movie, refracted through an Indian sensibility. The aforementioned "ragtag band of misfits" (each representing a different, well-defined ethnic, religious, or social "type," of course) is an old Hollywood standby, and the way they Learn To Put Aside Their Differences For The Common Good, the way they Realize We're All In This Together, is straight out of the playbook for any 1940s war movie. The fact that it is a musical, like so many of the films of Hollywood's "golden era," reinforces the fact.

The villain is a fifth-rate Billy Zane simulacrum, in full-on Titanic moustache-twirling mode: the golden-hearted Englishwoman is a fifth-rate Minnie Driver impersonator. It's cute.

It's relentlessly good-natured and fun, very much a rip-roaring, essentially apolitical populist entertainment, and without a mean bone in its body. Even the English—well, some of them, anyway—came off as honorable at heart, if misguided.

I watched it with a huge grin on my face throughout, and indeed laughed out loud at the naive sweetness of it.

The music is indeed very good.

One odd cognitive-dissonance moment for me, though, was when one of the Anglo actors joined in a song, singing in English (the film is multi-lingual, switching from Hindi to English sometimes in the space of a single sentence). It seemed normal and natural for Indian actors in a Bollywood film to burst into Hindi songs, but for an Anglo character to do so was jolting to me.

That probably says more about me than about the movie itself.
mondo a-go-go
13:10 / 20.05.02
old bollywood thread here.

still haven't seen lagaan. but i have the asoka dvd. it rocks.
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