That would be the Evil Midnight Bomber Wot Bombs at Midnight. "So he sez to me, he sez, I don't like the cut of your jib! and I sez to him, I sez It's the only jib I've got, baybeee!!"
Pure genius, that line.
Saw the show last week. It was pretty good--captured the feel of the cartoon surprisingly well, unfolding in its own gently absurd way. And by the way, Opalfruit, there was no laugh-track, which helped matters immensely: often on sitcoms with a laughtrack, you can feel the writers tailoring everything to that rhythm of the laughs. That didn't happen here, so the translation was pretty succesful.
And I liked BatManuel, dammit: the cvharacter plays on the Latin-lover stereotype, yes, but it works, conveying the character's essential nature as a self-important cad in an easily-recognizable way. I always gathered that Die Fledermaus was meant to be some sort of Euro-trash, but they never played up that aspect in the cartoon: BatManuel is a logical extension and amplification of the idea.
One thing that slew me about Warburton's performance as the Tick: instead of the constant bluster of the cartoon voice, he would occasionally drop to a hushed tones that were pure Adam West. Very, very funny man.
I doi miss the cartoon's swingin' big-band-cum-scat theme song, though.
[ 13-11-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ] |