There is always Chandler-meets-Lovecraft Cast A Deadly Spell (or Lovecraft as it was also titled) with Fred Ward as private eye H Philip Lovecraft, the only man who does not use magic in a world where everyone else does. He's hired to locate the Necronomicon for the guy who played the doctor in the shit middle story in the film Necronomicon. That's quite good as far as it goes, it's got all the usual film noir staples such as dodgy night club owner but the loony jittery sidekick uses magic to whack people (You know what happens to nosy people? They get their noses teleported away...hehehe or something like that). There was also a poor version of that made by Dennis "sellout" Hopper called Witch Hunt in which the McCarthy witch hunts are re-envisiaged as, well, witch hunts. Almost no connection to Lovecraft except I think (think) the Hopper lead is called Lovecraft again. This particular film is notable for half-inching the marvellous moment from The Coversation in which Hackman reveals why he is a dark brooding loner after tapeing the conversation on the boat which led to the death of the woman, only doing it with magic trick - recording conversation in bottle and then pouring it out. Other than that you can always check out classic schlock-fest Cthulhu Mansion in which a bunch of charisma bypassed teen hoods get caught up in a coke deal gone bad and have to take refuge in the titular mansion with the owning magician who happens to have an interdimensional portal to (gasp) "Eldritch Nether Regions Wherein Dwell Horrors Man Was Not Meant To Know" (TM). Wouldn't you know it the beasties wake up and the house eats all the teens, some random drug dealers who turn up, and I think some bent cop, turns some of them into zombies and leaves the (80's style) beautiful daughter to escape with someone. Take this film at all seriously and you'll wish they'd never even discovered the magic lantern; watch it as a pisstake warning about the problems of withdrawing from cocaine and you're part way to enjoying it. There must be more but I can't remember them at present. |