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Aaargh It's The Mr Hell Show!


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Rollo Kim, on location
18:02 / 29.10.01
Anyone see it? Any thoughts? A Euro Ren and Stimpy anyone? Or not?

Golden.... Baby....
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:51 / 29.10.01
I liked the Golden Baby. And Wino World. But where was Serge?
Rollo Kim, on location
20:46 / 29.10.01
Wino World was ace. Just like home...
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:59 / 29.10.01
Serge probably in episode 2. Episode order all mucked up.
BBC decided not to advertise show because they said it would 'confuse' the British public, seeing as they've been touting Monday night as comedy night. I can't call them any names because then they might not option my sitcom...
All UK barbelites please watch. The careers of myself and my friends and the future of quality TV may depend on it.
Plus there's a sketch coming up in which a man cuts his eyelids off with a pair of pinking shears for the first time ever in British comedy (apart from that unmade Goon Show...)
22:24 / 29.10.01
Like we were all saying today.. Golden Baby is the best bit..but the rest I dunno but at least another week.. too stoned to make any judgement...but it wasnt like Jesus i'm not watching that was pretty much like the cartoon network though...
Rollo Kim, on location
08:42 / 30.10.01
Like the site - and Sunday does seem like a strange place to put the series.
Fra Dolcino
10:55 / 30.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Rollo:
Like the site - and Sunday does seem like a strange place to put the series.

I think its to compete with 2DTV. I haven't seen Mr Hell Show yet, but it can't fail to be better than that 'satire'.
21:14 / 30.10.01
Missed it. But it is a stupid day for it. Same goes for the lack-lustre and nowhere-near-as-good-as-the-firs-one second series of Rex The Runt. It was shit, but Sunday's still dumb.
rizla mission
12:37 / 31.10.01
my brother forgor to record it. oh well.
16:19 / 31.10.01
Loved it. very, very funny.
And the Golden Baby is just so damn funny.
10:23 / 01.11.01
It really *was* Bob Monkhouse, wasn't it? I was gobsmacked.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:18 / 03.11.01
Episode 2 on 11pm, Sunday, BBC 2.
Yes, it's Bob Monkhouse. We needed someone insincere and evil.
I encourage everyone to watch it, with or without the benefits of Class B (or is it C) drugs.
Rizla, please watch it. this is what your brain needs...
And yes, the new series of Rex the Runt is total flub.
Eloi Tsabaoth
16:38 / 05.11.01

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Bizunth II ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:46 / 05.11.01
I was at the movies. Sorry. I did pick up the tv paper today and think "drat, missed 'Mr Hell' last night", in my defence.

"Please don't go. Don't goooo. Don't. Go. Away."
07:47 / 06.11.01
Hell-o (that's a pun!) Bizunth II! I watched it! I like the Giant Squid. And the books in the Victorian shop. "Men Are From Mars, Women Knit".
07:50 / 06.11.01
I also watched it..
07:52 / 06.11.01
Yeah I watched it again, also liked the squid - think the short sketches are the best and like the cross over of the characters, but you know what Mr Hell himself isn't that funny in my opinion.....
08:06 / 06.11.01
"Are you sure you're my son?"

So is it a sketch show? I can't work it out... Nice squid and nice books.
08:49 / 06.11.01
i also watched it.

its actually quite fun trying to guess which bits biz is responsible for.

kooky guessed it was the talk of being thrown out of alternate realities i figured it was the hero of the beach thing...

we are probably bothwrong though...
10:10 / 06.11.01
Oh yes! "Congratulations, dad, you just got us thrown out of a fictional reality". I was trying to work out where I'd heard that term before. Must've been here
betty woo
10:38 / 06.11.01
On the Web site it says that Mr. Hell will be showing on the Comedy Network in Canada - any idea when that might be happening?
rizla mission
13:09 / 06.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Space,Love:
I like the Giant Squid. And the books in the Victorian shop. "Men Are From Mars, Women Knit".

hehe. That's made me laugh just reading it, so I guess it must be quite funny.
11:29 / 08.11.01
Everyone I have lamely tried to reenact the show at have found that book to be the funniest part. Very closely followed by by the eating of the book club.

Biz worked on this? People on this site work? HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Guess I should stop judging you by my standards now...

So is it a sketch show, or what? Is it later all pulled together to reveal a complete and over-arching conspiracy theory? Does it stay better then Rex The Runt, the eopisode with the army of which was actually quite funny...
mondo a-go-go
12:40 / 08.11.01
yesterday, sleazenation and i utterly bemused chiron and denimaree by quoting extensively from the last episode.

"alas, but it is 1888, and i am. but. a woman"

i saw it having just come back from a jack the ripper walk, so i thought the butcher's shop was a neat touch.
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:21 / 08.11.01
It not only stays better than Rex the Runt, it actually improves.
In that episode I only wrote the Crazy Bob sketch. My contribution to the show is in the 'Serge the Seal of Death' episodes (hopefully coming soon) and loads of sketches.
There is a Jack the Ripper episode of Victorian Woman Detective, although I don't remember which ending they chose...
Please keep watching.
Oh, and it's already been on in Canada.
Eloi Tsabaoth
07:06 / 11.11.01
Well, it's on again tonight.
All the cool kids are watching it... why aren't you?


[ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Undergoing Virtual Therapy ]
rizla mission
13:51 / 11.11.01
Viewing last week's episode changed my brother's opinion from 'don't care' to 'that was really funny- I 'll have to mail you the tape!', so the show must bew doing something right..
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:38 / 12.11.01
So, episode 3, anyone see it?
One of the more hit-or miss episodes. Like The Worm. What the hell was that about? Or Ice T-Rex, not quite right. Even my Booster Boy sketch was a bit 'why did I write that'?
On the plus side, an animated version of Dave and Alan (series creators)turned up. cool.
Oh, and Serge is definitely in Episode 4. Rassum frassum pothead schedulers...
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:46 / 12.11.01
Aaargh! I managed to realise this was on at precisely 11.35pm. This was largely due to having fallen asleep in the middle of the afternoon. Still, at least I didn't miss Serge. I will see Episode 4, if I have to get a tattoo/branding to remember.
13:00 / 12.11.01
Yeah I watched it again, pretty good but probably the weeker of the 3 so far.. didn't like the T-rex but the worm was great "I'm facing the other way"
06:53 / 14.11.01
The. Worm. Rulled.

And, um... Booster Boy sketch? Which one?

And when's Victorian Woman Detective back?!
Eloi Tsabaoth
07:13 / 14.11.01
The black and white one about the small boy with crappily realistic rocket powers.
07:31 / 14.11.01
The show is being featured in the Bradford Animation Festival this week, with some of the creative team attending - are you?
No star here laces
08:22 / 14.11.01
Well I haven't been following this thread and turned on the telly on sunday night while a bunch of friends were round and the first thing we saw was that bit where the couple undress and all their clothes start humping. We all wet ourselves.

Kinda downhill from there, though I liked the booster boy and the worm.
Eloi Tsabaoth
08:22 / 14.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Sax on a Stick:
The show is being featured in the Bradford Animation Festival this week, with some of the creative team attending - are you?

Sadly not. I'm going to be in Iceland for the next few weeks. I imagine Mr F and Mr G will be there though...

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