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The Shadow Of The Vampire

23:11 / 15.10.01
I just saw it and loved it. It`s twisted, it`s scary - and it`s SO funny. Willem Defoe aces as Orlock/Shreck.
Anyone else has seen it? Comments?
One of my many favorite lines: "Keep calm, Greta, you know what they say: 'Relax and the vampire will do the rest'"


[ 16-10-2001: Message edited by: Jade Emperor ]
Saint Keggers
02:06 / 16.10.01
Saw it, loved it as well. Made me want to see Nosferatu I did, which made me want to see SOTV again, which I did...its a vicious neverending circle....
06:26 / 16.10.01
I like the arguement about who he gets to eat "The writer you don't need the writer...."

Mr Tricks
20:30 / 16.10.01
<creepy> I'll eat her laterr...</creepy>

yeah that flick ROCKED!!!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:35 / 17.10.01
I was a bit more lukewarm than you guys, I found it not scary enough to be horror, not funny enough to be comedy but sitting uneasily between the two. Malkovitch was fairly restrained for once and Dafoe wonderful. My favourite scene was the one where Eddie Izzard's character meets Orlok for the first time, they stop filming and he goes "I was VERY good wasn't I?"
priya narma
18:40 / 17.10.01
absolutely loved this film! my favorite scene was the "Max, german theater NEEDS you!" bonfire bit. i thought the uneasy balance between horror flick and comedy did the film justice. it leaves you not quite knowing how you should feel about it and it certainly makes the original nosferatu more fun to watch. sotv is a great 'companion' film for nosferatu, don't ya think, kegboy?
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