In Short:
Is an internal martial arts that uses the I-ching as a model... The Yin-Yang surrounded by the 8 main tri-grams of the I-ching is called a Baugua. You see it used in many Feng-Shui mirrors. The Good Jet practices it & used it in the scene where he was walking a circle in his private room. Imagine all the uses of mirrors in the movie & think of the feng-shui mirror. It's movement are based on 12 animal meditations & is typified by circular movements in the arms, legs, etc.
XinYi: Is a martial art typified by "short power" and movements along a straight line. "the shorts path between 2 points is a straight line." The origin myth of XingYi places it's founder in prision & in manicles... he invented XingYi by practicing his Kungfu in the confined space of his cell while waring such chains... This sceen was totally replayed by the evil jet in the movie. The use of the "phoenix Eye" is very popular... (a fist with the index finger extended & folded so it's second knuckle protrudes... imagine holding a gun but still curling your fingers so your thumb rests on the second knuckle of your middle finger & your index finger is folded along side the thumb. This concentraits all the force of a punch into that one knuckle & allows for very precisie pressure point attacks.
The final fight scene was all about the advantages each art has... on the cat walk the XingYi dominated, with it's tight movements, short power & straight lines. On the floor Bagua dominated with it's circular movements & redirection of force & energy...
Did you also notice the uses of elements... Fire, Water, Steam, Metal??? |