Morris has an incredible way of presenting information, juxtaposing seemingly unrelated images, music and voiceovers to create a complex viewpoint.
Yeah, I was watching "Fast, Cheap & Out of Control" and a friend just happened to walk by the TV & said "No shit!! 'Go-Bots'!!" The thing was, the images were coming through so fast & disparate that I didn't even notice.
Yo, Chuck Duck, you forgot about "Vernon, Florida". The reason Morris went down there (the 'there' in question being Vernon, FLA, USA) is because it was called "Stumpsvillle", due to the fact that it had the highest percent in the nation of people shooting themselves in the foot &/or leg. Nobody in the town would agree to talk about that, but anything else was OK. Just ask Grant & Kali, the South can be a bizarre & fucked-up place. And now you can view it from the safety of your own home in....."Vernon, Florida"
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